
Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

author:Art Scene

One day, my colleague Xiao Song finally finished a project, sat down slowly, and sighed.

He muttered silently: "Originally, work was to live a better life, but now life is for work." ”

In a word, everyone was silent.

When I was young, it felt like the days were long and there was a lot of time.

When people reach middle age, they find that time is so scarce.

The philosopher Seneca said, "Life is not short, but we waste too much." ”

Nowadays, people work overtime every day, and most of them have lost the freedom of life.

But in fact, the lack of time is caused by ourselves.

"Purify Your Time" believes that we should get the maximum value and harvest in a limited time.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

Japanese writer Shion Kazakawa was a neurologist.

Receiving consultations during the day and experimenting at night, working until 11 o'clock at night every day.

He said it was the norm for him to work 14 hours a day.

In Japan, in fact, the vast majority of people are like him, and overtime is commonplace.

Even after work, I will participate in work-related parties, entertains, and other events.

There is very little time to truly belong to yourself.

And the situation of the Chinese is not the same.

In the CCTV financial survey, the average daily leisure time of Chinese is 2.82 hours.

And nearly 17% said they couldn't be idle at all. In modern society, there are a large number of busy people who are busy for work.

As the saying goes: if the heart dies, it is busy.

If you can't stop, but your heart has no direction, you become more and more anxious.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

Colleague Xiao Liu is a well-known "old scalper" in the company.

The first to arrive at work every morning is also the last to leave work.

has been in the workplace for 10 years, from a young handsome guy to a greasy uncle.

Although he also had a certain promotion, he himself said:

The health is poor, the wife is annoyed, the child doesn't recognize his father, I don't know what 10 years of busyness is for?

Reality didn't get him the life he wanted, but it made him lose himself.

Alec Mackenzer said:

"There's nothing easier than being busy, and there's nothing more difficult than doing more with less. ”

Many people prefer to cut their downtime to make up for inefficient mistakes.

As everyone knows, shortening the time in this way is tantamount to shortening the lifespan.

I forced myself to focus, I couldn't do my job well, and I was tired of myself.

This state of "busyness and blindness" has robbed the wisdom of the vast majority of people.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

The term "Time Purify Your Time" mentions "time toxin".

Toxins consume, steal, and even hijack your time.

It's like working overtime and staying up late that doesn't bring you pleasure at work.

And then there are all kinds of things that make you feel frustrated, angry, ashamed, degraded, and that conflict with your values.

We constantly give our time to work, in fact, in order to live better.

But because he was busy with work, he neglected his life.

We didn't cherish the time given to us by God, and finally found that we lost ourselves and our time.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

I saw such a joke on the Internet, called "After a Year of Work".

The newly recruited migrant workers saw that everyone didn't leave after work, so they worked overtime for themselves.

Over time, he Xi used to being busy every day, working overtime until late at night.

A year later, as he sat wearily in his chair, a colleague across from him asked, "Why are you losing your eyes?"

At this moment, he was silent.

A netizen's highly praised comment is surprisingly similar: "If you want to say a lot, forget it." ”

Whether it is the migrant workers in the joke or netizens, there is only speechlessness and helplessness for this kind of busy confusion.

It's just that they haven't managed their time and have been pretending to try.

It seems that every day is very fulfilling, but in fact, there is no goal and no growth.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

Shakespeare said, "Pretending to be hard work is like a body without a soul, which seems complete but is in fact empty." ”

"Purify Your Time" argues that we should invest our time in places where we can maximize our happiness.

When you manage your time and reclaim it, you can reinvest it.

Such as making yourself better, spending time with your family, networking, exercising, creating side hustles, and more.

You can also use your abilities to give back to the community.

It's all about making your life more exciting and rewarding.

Yoo Han-bin, the author of "Start a New Day After Work", used to be active on YouTube with a slash life and time management.

She is a veterinarian, a course instructor, a drama actress, and a schedule management product designer.

Prior to that, she had studied Xi and tried no less than 10 types of courses and side hustles.

Her philosophy in life is not to be a "working machine" and a "lying corpse".

In the process of continuous experimentation, she gave up some unnecessary work and activities.

At the same time, I gradually found something to make my life better, which is acting in dramas and being a lecturer.

Because of the right allocation of time, she has not only been able to improve her knowledge as a veterinarian, but also to develop the second curve of her career.

Liu Hanbin believes that now she is living the life she wants, and time management makes life more meaningful.

She does things with a sense of enjoyment, so whether it is the main business or the side business, it is more and more convenient.

In fact, we don't need to overdraft our time to cater to the vision of contemporary society.

We just need to manage our lives and use our time to invest in ourselves and achieve ourselves.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

Schopenhauer said, "The common man only thinks about how to pass the time, and the talented man tries to use it." ”

"Purify Your Time" teaches us how to manage and use time effectively.

The author gives three ways to get 2 extra hours a day.

The first is to make a list of purification times and identify the time.

If we want to get rid of time toxins, we must first know how to recognize them.

Every day we record the time we spend on technology, socializing, shopping, working, thinking, etc.

Compare your own values and decide whether you choose to accept, reject, or remove the matter.

You'll be surprised to find that you're spending a lot of unnecessary time on things that aren't worth it.

For unnecessary things, we choose to remove, and for necessary but negative things, we can control and change.

In this way, our lives will become more positive and meaningful.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

The second is to master your own state and control time.

According to the book, there are two kinds of people, one is an early bird, who goes to bed early and gets up early, and the other is a night owl, who goes to bed late and gets up late.

Everyone has their own Xi routines, which leads to a very different state of peak, calm, and recovery for everyone.

And we should understand and master our own state and do the right thing at the right time.

For example, do work that requires concentration during peak times, routine work during quiet times, and creative work during recovery periods.

As a result, a virtuous circle is formed, which can both complete the work on time and improve the quality of the work.

The third is to use money to buy services and recycle time.

It has been said that the fairest thing in the world is time.

God is 24 hours for everyone.

But if we want to increase our own time, we can buy other people's time to serve us.

For example, online shopping, food delivery, taxi-hailing, and so on.

We can measure the value of the service and make the most cost-effective purchase decision.

When we spend our time wisely, you will find that the growth brought about by time management will make your money more and more abundant.

Three rules of time, for you who are very tired

Life is not only about work, but also about life, and the meaning of life.

Instead of wasting time living a blind and empty life, it is better to make good use of time and make your life more exciting.

"We should try to do what is most beneficial to all our time," Spencer said. ”

The most rewarding thing is not to make money, not to succeed in the world, not to be looked up to.

It's about being able to grow, to be happy, to be at ease.

To cherish time is to cherish life and yourself!