
Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

author:I like sweet and sour Dr. Lee

Recently, a patient named Xiaoli woke up in the morning to find that her skin was red, swollen and itchy. She quickly went to a nearby medical facility for help. Doctors routinely asked her about her eating Xi, sleep patterns, and allergy history. Xiaoli said that her diet Xi habits have not changed recently, and she has no history of allergies in the past. Based on this information, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis of atopic dermatitis and prescribes the corresponding medications and topical ointments.

However, Xiaoli's condition did not improve, and her symptoms became more severe. This prompted her to seek help from a specialist dermatologist, and further examination revealed that she was actually suffering from hives, a common allergic reaction.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

Urticaria is characterized by symptoms that are very similar to those of general allergies, which leads many people to misdiagnose it as a common allergy at an early stage, missing out on the best time for treatment. The result of untreated treatment is often an exacerbation of the condition and even the development of chronic urticaria that is difficult to cure. The challenge of chronic urticaria is the frequent recurrence of its symptoms and the complexity of its treatment.

For the general population, it is essential to recognize and distinguish the symptoms of urticaria. Only with correct identification can timely and effective treatment be carried out to prevent the deterioration of the condition. This case highlights the importance of medical professionals being nuanced in the diagnostic process and the increased public awareness of common skin diseases.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

If you want hives not to recur, you have to follow these five words, which is really not easy for ordinary people to do

Mental balance: Maintaining peace of mind is essential for managing hives. Long-term anxiety and depression may interfere with the endocrine system, which in turn affects the normal metabolism of lipids, which can exacerbate the frequency of urticaria attacks. Therefore, maintaining a stable state of mind can effectively reduce the recurrence of the disease.

Avoid allergens: Food allergies are a common cause of triggering hives. Identifying and avoiding foods that trigger allergies is key to managing your condition. For example, seafood, nuts, and certain dairy products may be common allergens.

Moderate exercise: Hives are more likely to appear in immunocompromised individuals than in people with stronger immunity. Regular moderate physical activity not only helps to strengthen immunity, but also prevents the occurrence of skin diseases, thereby aiding in the treatment of urticaria.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

Skin care: It is very important to keep your skin clean and dry. The use of harsh skin care products should be avoided, and excessive bathing and hot water exposure should be limited. It is advisable to use gentle bath products and make sure to cleanse thoroughly after bathing to maintain the skin's water and oil balance.

Healthy Diet: A light diet is recommended to reduce spicy, fried foods and allergies-prone foods such as seafood. Drinking plenty of water to keep your body hydrated can help maintain your overall health.

How does Chinese medicine look at hives?

Urticaria, or "rubella" or "addiction rash" in Chinese medicine, is a common skin reaction. The perspective of Chinese medicine is very different from that of Western medicine, emphasizing the influence of an individual's constitution and attributing it to "endowment intolerance". From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the appearance of urticaria is mainly related to the disorder of wind, dampness, heat and other factors in the body. Typical symptoms of these disorders include rashes that appear and disappear quickly, redness and swelling of the skin, weakness of the spleen and stomach, and poor water metabolism.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

In TCM treatment, the treatment of urticaria is not only limited to relieving symptoms, but also focuses on adjusting the balance of the whole body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the external cause of hives is due to the invasion of "wind evil", which here does not refer to the actual wind, but a kind of evil qi that can invade the body. This evil energy is extremely flexible and can cause rashes on various parts of the body. Internal factors are closely related to an individual's physical and emotional state. When treating urticaria, TCM specialists usually use herbs that have the effects of dispelling wind and heat, cooling the blood and detoxifying to reduce itching. More importantly, the treatment plan will be personalized according to the patient's constitution and symptoms, and the internal organs, qi and blood will be reconciled through methods such as dispelling wind, clearing heat, and dissipating dampness, so as to achieve the purpose of fundamentally solving the problem.

This holistic approach to treatment emphasizes holistic harmony and reflects TCM's deep understanding of human health. In this way, hives are not only treated, but also prevent future attacks by adjusting the overall balance of the body.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

How to prevent hives on a daily basis

Diet: Be moderate and balanced

Diet plays a vital role in managing itchy skin and allergy symptoms. Especially for people with allergies, it is recommended to adopt a light diet, avoid drinking alcohol, and limit seafood, red meat (such as beef, lamb) and some foods that can cause allergies. The intake of spicy, greasy, and fried foods should also be controlled in moderation. In addition, drinking plenty of water and increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits can contribute to your body's overall health. At the same time, quitting smoking and alcohol is also necessary to reduce the exacerbation of symptoms.

Bathing Xi: Mild and moderate

When it comes to bathing, frequent bathing or using a more irritating body wash may exacerbate skin discomfort. Especially in winter, excessive bathing should be avoided, as well as washing the skin with excessively hot water, especially diseased areas.

Hiveting, the disease is in the skin, the pathogenesis is in the viscera? TCM shares 5 tricks to prevent recurrence!

Mindset and Routine: Maintain peace and order

Maintaining a healthy and happy mindset is just as important for reducing itchy skin and allergy symptoms. Stress and anxiety tend to worsen these symptoms. At the same time, maintaining a regular routine and adequate sleep and avoiding staying up late are essential for maintaining healthy skin and reducing itching

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