
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

author:Beacon front station

In February 2023, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken publicly declared that Taiwan is not China's internal affair. Prior to Blinken's blatant provocation, the United States, Japan, and South Korea held a meeting at the level of deputy foreign ministers, and drew a red line for China through a "joint statement", declaring that it would not allow unilateral use of force to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, which in fact meant that the PLA would not be allowed to unify Taiwan by force. While the United States is constantly hollowing out the "one-China policy," it is also actively enlisting other countries to play the "Taiwan card." In fact, it is not only Japan and South Korea that have taken an aggressive stance, but also the Philippines, which President Ferdinand Marcos Marcos, before his visit to Japan in 2023, openly declared that he could not imagine the Philippines not intervening in a conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the United States did not gradually reduce arms sales to Taiwan in accordance with the spirit of the "August 17 Communique," but on the contrary, there was a trend of intensification. The United States has previously exported 150 F-16A/B Fighting Falcon fighters to Taiwan, and in recent years has approved the export of 66 cutting-edge F-16V Brock 70/72 fighters, in an attempt to enhance Taiwan's ability to "resist reunification by force." The United States is arming Taiwan under the pretext of providing so-called "defense forces," but in fact, many of the weapons and equipment provided by the United States are offensive weapons, including Harpoon air-launched missiles.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

The United States does not allow the People's Liberation Army to unify Taiwan by force, openly arming Taiwan, and when Taiwan is sprinting for the 2024 "general election", the United States is also exporting weapons and equipment to Taiwan, thus giving the "Taiwan independence" forces on Taiwan more illusions, and the United States continues to play a very disgraceful role in the Taiwan Strait issue. The purpose of the United States is very clear, that is, to use the cross-strait issue to prevent China's rise and thus maintain its own hegemonic status. The United States has seen China as the greatest challenge and threat, so it has encircled and contained China in many areas, including putting pressure on China through military deployments, and launching provocations in the Taiwan Strait.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

A few days ago, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued an announcement announcing sanctions against five US military enterprises involved in arming Taiwan Island, including freezing the assets of relevant companies in China and prohibiting business with related companies. China's announcement of countermeasures has directly hit the United States in the sore spot, not only the issue of the freezing of the assets of US military enterprises, but also China's ban on doing business with related companies, the key point is that US military enterprises cannot do without China in many businesses, especially in the important field of materials.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

In 2023, China has imposed export controls on strategic materials, and in addition to restricting rare earth materials, it has also controlled the export of germanium and gallium materials, so that it can counteract the U.S. military industry. High-precision weapons and equipment need to use rare earth materials, and at the same time, a large amount of germanium and gallium materials are needed in electronic equipment, so China's control of the export of related materials is tantamount to stucking the neck of the US military industrial enterprises. When the United States adopted an aggressive posture, China did not sit idly by, but adopted the tactic of "striking a snake and hitting seven inches," which directly hit the United States in the sore spot. When the United States abused sanctions to deal with China, the United States shot itself in the foot, which can be described as "seeking a hammer to get a hammer".

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) was not allowed to be reunified by force, the United States openly armed Taiwan Island, and China announced countermeasures, hitting the United States in the sore spot

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