
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

author:Yichun City Fire and Rescue Detachment

Yichun fire

We will move forward vigorously to promote development and uphold the people's health and security

In 2023, the news and publicity work will reach a new level

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

In 2023, the Yichun Fire and Rescue Detachment will set sail again, adhere to the work deployment route of the corps, accurately benchmark the actual situation of fire safety in the city and the actual needs of the people, deeply excavate various characteristic publicity activities, promote fire safety education, and spread the concept of fire safety on a large scale, so as to comprehensively improve the quality of fire safety of the people, create a strong atmosphere of propaganda and education, and promote the publicity work to a new level.

01Dynamically update media reports, and show the fire protection work.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

The detachment has reached cooperation with media platforms such as China News Network, Aurora News, News Night Flight, Xinhuanet, Yichun Daily, etc., and dynamically updated columns such as "Fire Safety Inspection", "Winter and Spring Fire Prevention and Control", "119 Emergency Rescue", "Hidden Danger Exposure", "Party Members Do Practical Things" and other columns and special publicity activities at each time node, directly hitting the front line of fire protection work, so that the public can get close to the Comprehensively experience the daily life of fire fighting, enhance the self-confidence of the fire brigade and the understanding of fire protection work, enhance the city's people's attention to fire safety, and play a good role in warning education. The detachment organically combines media power with propaganda work to comprehensively improve the "exposure" of fire safety knowledge, and broadcasts a total of 275 articles throughout 2023, including 13 central-level media, 216 provincial-level media, and 31 municipal-level media, exposing 46 hidden danger units.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

02Diversified special activities will be held, and the publicity momentum will be expanded.

Relying on the background of the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's flag precept and the year of fire science popularization, the detachment took the opportunity of "Spring Festival", "5.12 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day", "Safety Production Month", "Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Double Festival" and "119 Publicity Month" to accumulate "online + offline" strength to promote fire safety publicity. Set up fire consultation desks in shopping malls, night markets, markets and other densely populated areas, set up fire knowledge publicity display boards, hang gas use safety reminder boards, and distribute publicity materials such as "fire safety precautions" and "home fire prevention guides" to the masses, and conduct interactive Q&A, knowledge explanation and equipment operation demonstrations with the masses at "zero distance", so as to effectively do fire protection practical things for the masses"; Carry out the 119 hiking activity "walking the streets and alleys" to talk about fire fighting, and send exquisite fire souvenirs to the masses to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses to learn Xi; combined with the summer tourism season of Yichun City, call for "double cards and double tickets" to enter the park, and drive the whole people to participate in the fire fighting atmosphere; use various activities to actively promote the registration and use of the fire science Xi cloud platform in the whole country, call on the masses to answer questions on the fire knowledge network, and help the masses improve their fire safety knowledge and skills. At the same time, the detachment increased the frequency of opening of the team station, added a popular science education base, invited school teachers and students, social units and other groups to visit the team, and improved the participation of the masses in fire fighting through real seeing and feeling. Interactive live broadcast activities such as "I am on duty on National Day", "Little Firefighters, Safety Accompanies Me", "Fire Knowledge Cloud Learning Xi Improving Safety Awareness Rate" were carried out online on Weibo, Douyin, WeChat and other platforms, so as to achieve full coverage of publicity work. During the period, more than 500 activities were held, and 433 team stations were opened, and the publicity momentum continued to expand.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

03Comprehensively convene grassroots forces to fully cover fire safety.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

In accordance with the "Implementation Plan for the Publicity Work of Building a "Fire Safety Community" issued by the Municipal Safety Committee Office, the detachment comprehensively and deeply excavates the grassroots strength, continuously expands the team of fire volunteers, and forms a fire department as the lead, and the grid members, police, school teachers and students, and fire volunteers of the community and public security police station are the radiation points, and the fire safety common sense education is promoted and popularized for the whole society. Organized grassroots forces to carry out more than 3,000 "knocks on doors" publicity, face-to-face explanations of common fire hazards in daily homes and evacuation precautions in the event of a fire, and distributed 130,000 copies of fire protection brochures, and posted 80,000 copies of fire protection public welfare ambassador Nigmat Rahman safety tips posters to promote the comprehensive promotion of fire protection knowledge. And by sending fire safety reminder text messages, WeChat group fire safety reminders, and "Yi Nettong" APP to release warning education information and other forms, extend the publicity tentacles, and do a good job of all-round fire safety reminders. The detachment called on all grassroots forces to carry out propaganda and at the same time bring more people to join the propaganda contingent, so as to achieve the effect of social propaganda with "points" and "areas", and constantly arouse the enthusiasm of the masses for propaganda and Xi.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

04 Innovative operation of all-media development, the public widely concerned.

Since the operation of the all-media center, the detachment has coordinated the planning, shooting, and release of original works on various new media platforms, and adjusted and updated the content of news and publicity reports in line with social hotspots. In the work of the whole year, the all-media center recorded and completed 20 issues of the popular science column of "Weihua Fire Protection"; designed and produced 16 types of cultural and creative products such as pillows, car garbage bags, keychains, enamel jars, and dishcloths printed with fire safety tips with the 24 solar terms and holidays; produced 68 series of publicity posters with the theme of "Spring Festival, National Day, Father's Day" and other festivals; cooperated with the campus to shoot and produce the micro-film of public service advertisement "Turn Around", and 225 original works such as Douyin and Kuaishou short videos, including "Turn Around" Won the Outstanding Works Award at the 10th Asian Micro Film Art Festival, creating a unique cultural business card of the detachment. At the same time, using Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou and other media platforms, through the form of "slow live broadcast" to interact with the masses, carried out 6 live broadcast activities such as "staying in B&B inns and popularizing the knowledge of hotel places" and "enjoying health and fire protection safety on foot", with a total of more than 210,000 views, which effectively improved the attention and participation of the public in fire protection and further improved the awareness rate of fire safety.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

05 Accurate benchmarking of the "five in" work, and the quality of publicity has been steadily improved.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

The detachment closely combines the actual situation of each region, in accordance with the requirements of the "Heilongjiang Provincial Fire and Rescue Corps" Fire Science Popularization Year" Special Action Plan" and "the City's Fire and Rescue Team Safety Education Special Action Plan" and other documents, and improves the "five in" work, helps key enterprises to check and rectify hidden dangers, and carries out 320 fire safety knowledge lectures and evacuation and escape drills to cultivate fire safety "understanding people"; Home fire prevention guide, gas use safety, electric vehicle storage precautions" and other fire safety knowledge, to help vulnerable groups find and clear fire hazards at home, control all problems at the source; take the beginning of the school season, college entrance examination, and summer vacation nodes as an opportunity to go deep into the campus to carry out special actions such as "fire protection accompanied by the beginning of the school season, to meet the first lesson of safety" and "escort the college entrance examination", to distribute campus fire knowledge materials, to achieve the propaganda trend of "individuals to drive families, families to drive society, and find out the "hidden accounts" of shops around the campus We will go deep into the enterprise departments to organize and carry out knowledge lectures on "fire safety laws and regulations" and "how to use fire-fighting equipment", remind personnel of precautions according to the characteristics of fire hazards in different industries, and build a solid safety barrier with knowledge power. At the same time, the detachment took advantage of the time node of the shopping festival to carry out the "safe delivery" activity with the Municipal Postal Administration, and sent fire safety reminders to residents' homes; joined hands with various teams and community volunteers to set up fixed propaganda columns in campuses, communities, and rural areas, and posted fire safety tips and "fire escape and self-rescue formulas" in their conspicuous positions; Knowledge and other fire safety knowledge, the use of WeChat groups, mobile phone text messages to actively push the latest fire science and fire tips to the residents' WeChat group new media links, consolidate the residents' fire safety knowledge, promote a strong publicity atmosphere, and provide a strong guarantee for the safety of the people.

Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023
Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

Looking back on the fire news and publicity work throughout the year, the Yichun detachment has always worked hard, interpreted its mission with practical actions, and promoted the high-quality and efficient development of the work. In the new year, all the personnel of the news and propaganda section of the detachment will once again gather strength, focus on innovation and development, take the protection of the people as their own responsibility, create all kinds of propaganda activities that are more in line with the trend of the times, and draw a more beautiful blueprint for propaganda work.


Vigorously move forward to promote development and adhere to the people's health and safety -- the news and publicity work will reach a new level in 2023

▌Source: News and Publicity Section

▌Production: News and Publicity Section

▌Review: Ma Jingwei

▌Editor: Zhang Zhaoyin

▌Submission email: [email protected]

▌Statement: Non-authorized reproduction is prohibited!