
The professor suggested giving birth to a child for a one-bedroom apartment

author:Mizuki Kosu

In the 2023 episode of "China is Talking", Professor Zhai Dongsheng, a well-known scholar, made a compelling point. He believes that the state should provide housing subsidies for women, so that they can better encourage them to have children. More remarkably, Professor Zhai proposed that giving birth to a child should be subsidized by a one-bedroom house. This point of view instantly aroused widespread discussion and attention in society. What do you think, friends?

The professor suggested giving birth to a child for a one-bedroom apartment

Based on the current situation of the aging population in the mainland, the government is actively seeking solutions to encourage childbearing. However, due to the cost of childcare and the stress of life, many young couples choose not to have children or delay having children. In this context, experts and academics have put forward a number of policy recommendations, including the provision of housing subsidies to encourage childbearing. This policy recommendation aims to encourage younger couples to be more willing to have children by reducing the cost of childcare and the stress of living. Although the implementation of this policy requires further research and discussion, it has great potential and is expected to become one of the important measures to solve the problem of population aging in the mainland.

The professor suggested giving birth to a child for a one-bedroom apartment

Professor Zhai Dongsheng emphasized that housing subsidies are of significant significance as an effective strategy to stimulate fertility. He elaborated that providing a one-bedroom subsidy for the birth of a child can help reduce the housing pressure on young couples, reduce the cost of childcare, and thus increase fertility. This view is based on an in-depth analysis of the current socio-economic situation and the prediction of future population development trends.

The professor suggested giving birth to a child for a one-bedroom apartment

However, this claim has also been controversial and questionable. Some are concerned that the provision of housing subsidies could induce moral hazard, in which people may blindly give birth in order to obtain subsidies. In addition, it is a matter of concern whether the Government has sufficient financial resources and resources to implement the scheme.

Yuan Fang, what do you think~