
What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

author:Smart wine brews Xiao Yuanzi

Recently, the earthquake in Japan has attracted global attention. In the face of disputes on the Internet, netizens even put forward the view that "'retribution' is coming", which has attracted widespread attention. The purpose of this article is to remind all sectors to maintain a rational and objective attitude towards this matter and to protect China-Japan relations, which is an important bridge for international cooperation.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology, social media has gradually become one of the main ways for people to obtain information and exchange opinions. At the same time, however, due to the lack of strict regulation, online speech has become increasingly irresponsible, and some people have even maliciously smeared others in the name of "freedom of speech". This includes fabricating lies about individual real events, or using descriptive details to cover up the truth.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

It is worth noting that in the online remarks made after the earthquake in Japan, some people unscrupulously criticized and even slandered the other country on the pretext of disaster; some deliberately instigated national contradictions and stirred up the feelings of the people of the two countries in order to attract attention; and some self-righteous "hot-blooded youths" showed their "patriotic feelings" with false remarks. Such a situation is comparable to Lu Xun's "Theory of Surprise of Friendly States" - even if there is no external pressure, it can be self-driven and create contradictions.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

In fact, both the international community and the people at home should respect the political systems and cultural traditions of other countries, abide by international law and ethical norms, actively promote international communication and cooperation in the right way, and jointly address various challenges. As for specific incidents, we should always adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts and strive to find solutions that serve the interests of all parties.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

Against the backdrop of today's era of globalization, China-Japan relations are not only related to the well-being of the two peoples, but also to peace and stability in Asia and the world at large. Therefore, each of us should remain calm and rational, unite and help each other, and jointly safeguard China-Japan relations, which is an important platform for cooperation.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!

Freedom of expression online needs to be not only safeguarded, but also used appropriately. There should be a balance between individual rights and social responsibilities, and freedom of expression should not be used to ignore the feelings of others, as speaking ill of oneself would only damage one's own reputation and image. We call on netizens to abide by laws and regulations, face up to the facts, speak rationally, and not be slaves to emotions, so as to jointly create a clear and harmonious online environment.

What a "New Friendly Surprise Theory"!