
Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

author:MayHo wonderful

Tang Xiaolin is a talented girl born in Shandong, who has been the pride of her parents and teachers since she was a child, with excellent grades, noble character and sweet appearance, and is the object of envy and worship of countless people. She was once admitted to the Department of Physics of Peking University, majoring in space physics, and is a girl with a dream of the sky. She once went to the United States to study, entered the University of Utah, and continued to pursue her doctorate, and is a woman with a scientific heart. But then he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and ended his life.

Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

1. The glorious years of talented women of Peking University

Tang Xiaolin was born in 1986, her parents are ordinary teachers in Shandong Province, and her family is not wealthy, but they gave her a warm and happy childhood. Tang Xiaolin has shown extraordinary learning ability since she was a Xi child, she likes to read, think, explore, and she is full of curiosity and enthusiasm for the world. Her grades have always been at the top of her class, whether it is elementary, middle, or high school, she is the first in her class and grade, her teachers and classmates are full of praise for her, and her parents and relatives are proud and proud of her.

Tang Xiaolin's dream is to become a scientist, she has a strong interest in physics, she wants to explore the mysteries of the universe, understand the movement of celestial bodies, and study the environment of space, which she finds very interesting and meaningful. In order to realize her dream, she Xi studied hard and kept improving, and finally in 2004, she was admitted to the Department of Physics of Peking University, which is one of the top universities in China and her ideal place in 2004. She chose to major in space physics, which is a very difficult and competitive major, but she is not afraid, but full of confidence and fighting spirit.

Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

In the four years of Peking University, Tang Xiaolin has maintained an excellent academic Xi status, she not only actively speaks in class, but also participates in various scientific research projects outside of class, she has published a number of high-level papers, won a number of scholarships and honors, she also actively participates in social practice and volunteer service, she shows the demeanor and responsibility of a Peking University student. Her mentors and classmates have praised her, her future is bright, and her dream is getting closer and closer.

2. The difficult years of studying in the United States

In 2008, Tang Xiaolin graduated from the Department of Physics of Peking University, she decided to continue her studies and study in the United States, she applied for a doctoral program at the University of Utah, she hopes to learn Xi space physics more deeply on a higher platform, and lay a solid foundation for her scientific dream. She thought that in the United States, she would encounter more opportunities and challenges, she would meet more mentors and peers, she would learn more knowledge and skills, she would achieve her PhD faster, and she would be closer to her path as a scientist. Full of anticipation and longing, she stepped on the plane to the United States.

Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

However, what Tang Xiaolin didn't expect was that her study abroad life in the United States was not as beautiful and smooth as she imagined, but full of hardships and setbacks, and even despair and sorrow. In her first year in the United States, she encountered a big obstacle, and that was her mentor. Her supervisor is the chair of the Department of Space Physics at the University of Utah and Xiaolin Tang's doctoral supervisor. He has a high reputation in the academic community, he has a lot of resources, and the research team he leads has many projects and collaborations, and he seems to be a very capable and charismatic person.

Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

However, Tang Xiaolin soon found out that the tutor was very harsh and irresponsible for her guidance, he often asked her to do some irrelevant things, such as sorting out data, writing reports, making slides, etc., he never gave her valuable suggestions and feedback, he never let her participate in meaningful discussions and exchanges, and just treated her as a cheap laborer, a slave who could be driven at will.

3. The desperate leap of the Golden Gate Bridge

Tang Xiaolin began to feel confused and frustrated, she didn't understand why she met such a mentor, she didn't know how long she would have to survive in such an environment, she felt that her dreams and ideals had been ruthlessly destroyed, and she began to lose interest and enthusiasm in life.

On October 1, 2017, Tang Xiaolin lost contact. Her friends and classmates could not find any trace of her, as if she had evaporated from the world, leaving no trace. Her friends and classmates were very anxious and panicked, they suspected that she might have committed suicide, and they rushed to the police to find out her whereabouts.

Tang Xiaolin, a talented woman from Peking University: After studying in the United States for 7 years, she did not get a doctorate, and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge

However, their hopes were soon dashed. During the investigation, the police found that Tang Xiaolin had taken a plane to San Francisco before going missing, and then stayed in a hotel near the Golden Gate Bridge, and there was no movement after that. Based on surveillance footage and eyewitness testimony, the police deduced that Tang Xiaolin probably jumped into the water on the Golden Gate Bridge and ended her life. The police searched the sea under the Golden Gate Bridge, but did not find her body, but found some of her belongings on the sea, such as her wallet, mobile phone, keys, etc. Based on the evidence, the police determined that Tang Xiaolin was dead, but did not disclose the cause and motive for her death.

Tang Xiaolin's friends and classmates could not accept this fact, they all felt that it was a huge blow and loss, and felt sad and sorry for her death.