
The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

author:MayHo wonderful

The Chinese army has a unique tradition of folding quilts into a square "tofu block" every day. This quilt folding method not only makes the dormitory look neat and orderly, but also fosters discipline and patience among soldiers.

The U.S. military once emulated this quilt folding method, but instead of sticking to it, it gave up after half a year. Why did the U.S. military do this? And what conclusions did they draw?

The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

The reasons and process by which the US military emulated the Chinese army

The U.S. military's emulation of the Chinese military's "tofu block" quilt can be traced back to the 70s of the last century, when relations between China and the United States gradually eased, and U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China and visited the barracks of the Chinese army. There, he saw the neat "tofu block" quilts of the Chinese soldiers and was deeply shocked. He believes that this quilt folding method can not only reflect the strict discipline of the Chinese army, but also exercise the will and endurance of soldiers. After he returned to the United States, he ordered the US military to also learn Xi quilt folding method of the Chinese army, so as to improve the quality and combat effectiveness of the US army.

Thus, the American army began an unprecedented "quilt folding campaign". The U.S. military has developed a detailed set of rules and standards for this, requiring each soldier to fold the quilt into a large square equal in length, width and height, without any wrinkles or looseness. Every morning, someone must check and score, and if the quilt is not up to standard, it will be overlapped or punished. The U.S. military also organizes a number of competitions and displays to motivate the soldiers to be motivated and competitive.

The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

Reasons and consequences of the abandonment of the American military to follow suit

However, the "quilt folding campaign" of the American army did not last long, and after about half a year, it was quietly canceled. This is because the US military encountered many difficulties and problems in the process of emulating the Chinese army, and finally came to a conclusion: folding "tofu block" quilts has no practical benefit to the US army, but is a useless effort to waste time and energy.

The main reasons why the U.S. military has abandoned following the Chinese military:

The soldiers of the U.S. military are mostly volunteers, and they join the military for different motives and purposes, some for money, some for adventure, and some for escapism. They do not attach much importance to the discipline and rules of the army, and pay more attention to individual freedoms and rights. They believe that folding quilts is a boring and meaningless thing that not only does not improve their combat effectiveness, but also affects their rest and entertainment. They are tired and disgusted by this quilt stacking method, and often resist and complain.

The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

The leadership of the U.S. military also did not have the determination and strength to uphold and enforce this quilt folding method. Although they accepted Nixon's orders, they did not really understand and agree with the meaning and value of this quilt folding method. They feel that this quilt folding method is a formalistic and false performance, and cannot truly reflect the strength and level of the US military. They believe that the advantage of the American army lies in advanced weapons and equipment, flexible tactics and tactics, brave morale and spirit, and not in some trivial housekeeping. Their management and supervision of this quilt folding method are also very lax and perfunctory, and there is no strict system of rewards and punishments and assessments.

The culture and traditions of the U.S. military are also not suitable for this quilt stacking method. The culture and traditions of the U.S. military are based on Western values and ways of thinking, emphasizing individual innovation and breakthroughs, rather than collective obedience and unity. The tradition of the US military is based on historical experience and lessons, emphasizing the effectiveness and results of actual combat rather than the form and process of training. The soldiers and leaders of the US military are not Xi to this quilt folding method, and feel that this is an imitation and worship of the Chinese army, rather than an improvement and promotion of the US army.

The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

The different concepts and styles of the US military and the Chinese army

The different attitudes and practices of the US armed forces and the Chinese armed forces on the issue of folding "tofu blocks" quilts reflect the different concepts and work styles of the two armed forces.

The concept and style of the US military have been influenced by Western civilization, emphasizing individualism and liberalism. From the War of Independence to World War, from the Korean War to the Vietnam War, from the Gulf War to the Iraq War, the US military has always tried to safeguard and expand the interests and influence of the United States, and even did not hesitate to intervene and subvert other countries and regions by force.

The United States followed the example of the Chinese army and folded the "tofu block" military quilt, and half a year later, it came to a conclusion

The concept and style of the Chinese armed forces have been influenced by the Chinese civilization, and the emphasis is on collectivism and harmony. From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, from the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea to self-defense and counterattack, the Chinese armed forces have always struggled to defend and develop China's sovereignty and interests and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It can be seen from this that there are fundamental differences and antagonisms between the concepts and work styles of the US armed forces and the Chinese armed forces. These differences and antagonisms are not only reflected in the problem of folding "tofu block" quilts, but also in other aspects.

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