
The little phlegm after the flu can be removed by a Chinese patent medicine

author:Dapan Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about a particularly useful Chinese medicine prescription - Xuanmai Ganquin Soup. This herbal remedy can help treat phlegm in the throat after the flu. We know that after the flu, sometimes there is some phlegm left in the throat, and that is because the evil qi in the lungs has not been completely cleared. And Xuanmai Ganju Tang is a good Chinese patent medicine to treat this condition.

It is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription included in Gu Shicheng's "Complete Ulcer Medicine" in the Qing Dynasty, and was developed on the basis of Zhang Zhongjing's bellflower soup. The ingredients of this soup are: 9 grams of Radix Radix, 9 grams of Ophiopogon vulgaris, 6 grams of bellflower, and 3 grams of licorice. After these herbs have been decocted, one dose a day can have a good effect.

The little phlegm after the flu can be removed by a Chinese patent medicine

Let's talk about the effects of each of these herbs first. Radix Radix has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, Mai Dong can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, Platycodon can promote the lungs and clear phlegm, and licorice has the effect of regulating the stomach and intestines. Together, these herbs work well to help clear phlegm from the lungs and clear the throat.

If you want to use a metaphor, it's like cleaning in our house. Scrophularia and Platycodon are like cleaning the lungs, removing dust and debris that accumulate there, while Ophiopogon and Licorice are lubricating and comfortable for the lungs, like a clean space after wiping.

For example, if someone has a cough with phlegm or an uncomfortable throat after the flu, or if they have a cough and itchy throat after a cold, they can consider using this prescription to regulate.

The little phlegm after the flu can be removed by a Chinese patent medicine

I once had a patient who was a typical case of this. The patient always had some phlegm in his throat and coughed incessantly after the flu. I prescribed him a soup of sweet oranges and advised him to take it on time every day. After some time, his symptoms were significantly reduced, there was no longer phlegm in his throat, and his cough was significantly reduced.

So, for this kind of situation where there is phlegm in the throat after the flu, Xuanmai sweet orange soup is really a good choice. Moreover, in order to facilitate the taking, there is now a Chinese patent medicine version of "Xuanmai Ganquine Granules", which is more convenient for patients to take.

The little phlegm after the flu can be removed by a Chinese patent medicine

Finally, as the saying goes, "give someone a rose, and your hand will have a lingering fragrance". If we can understand and share such beneficial knowledge of TCM, it will be helpful to those around us. Therefore, I hope that everyone can forward this article to let more people know about this traditional Chinese medicine prescription for treating phlegm in the throat after the flu, so that more people in need can benefit.