
Jiangbei Street, Hanbin District: Strictly control open-air fire heating and jointly protect the beautiful blue sky

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Reporter Xiang Bo Correspondent Feng Cheng Text/Photo) Recently, the environmental protection office of Jiangbei Street, Hanbin District, Ankang City, found that there were citizens burning wood to warm the fire along the embankment along the north of the Han River, and the staff immediately stepped forward to stop it, extinguished the open flame, and informed the party concerned of the potential safety hazards and environmental pollution caused by this kind of open-air heating behavior, and after the staff's patient persuasion and education, the party said that he had realized the serious consequences of this behavior and would consciously resist bad Xi in the future.

Jiangbei Street, Hanbin District: Strictly control open-air fire heating and jointly protect the beautiful blue sky

In the middle of winter, as the weather continues to cool down, the phenomenon of open-air fire heating in the jurisdiction has increased sharply, in order to effectively deal with this air pollution behavior and eliminate potential safety hazards, in the past few days, led by the main leaders of the party and government of Jiangbei Street, the environmental protection office, the safety office, the two violation offices, and the staff of each village (community) to carry out special management actions for open-air fire, through oral publicity, persuasion and education to the merchants along the street and the public in the jurisdiction, guide the citizens to consciously resist the open-air fire; The burning behavior is stopped in a timely manner, and the parties concerned are criticized and educated to ensure that there is no smoke or fire in the jurisdiction.

Jiangbei Street, Hanbin District: Strictly control open-air fire heating and jointly protect the beautiful blue sky

Up to now, a total of more than 20 times have been preached to merchants and the masses in the jurisdiction, 4 special actions have been carried out for open-air barbecue, and more than 10 times have been persuaded and stopped for open-air barbecue.

Jiangbei Street, Hanbin District: Strictly control open-air fire heating and jointly protect the beautiful blue sky

In the next step, Jiangbei Street will continue to make efforts, combined with the requirements of air pollution prevention and control, guided by key areas and key problems in the jurisdiction, and make every effort to promote the prevention and control of air pollution in winter. At the same time, we call on the general public to take care of the public environment, consciously resist the behavior of open-air fire, and jointly create a civilized, safe and clean living environment.

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