
Can diabetics eat oranges?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Coming from: Urologist Wang Medical Student

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Uncle Li is 55 years old and has been suffering from diabetes for almost a year. Even when the medical examiner told him that his blood sugar was high and he was at risk of diabetes, Uncle Li didn't care about it, and he didn't have the idea of changing his bad lifestyle Xi habits and Xi diet habits.

It didn't take long for Uncle Li to have some uncomfortable symptoms, he often felt thirsty, he always had to go to the toilet, his diet increased but his weight was inexplicably reduced, and he went to the hospital for a check-up, only to know that he had diabetes, and the condition was already relatively serious, his eyesight declined, and it also caused complications of fungal infection, and his fasting blood sugar was 9.2mmol/L in the hospital, and his blood sugar was 16.8mmol/L two hours after meals.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

Uncle Li was treated in the hospital for a period of time, and under the influence of his ears and eyes, Uncle Li gradually realized the harm of diabetes and increased his attention to this disease. Uncle Li slowly changed his unhealthy lifestyle, such as a high-sugar diet, too little physical activity, smoking and drinking, etc., which are actually the causes of Uncle Li's diabetes.

After being discharged from the hospital and going home, Uncle Li also actively fought diabetes, and the results of each blood sugar measurement were approaching the normal value, but with the gradual stabilization of blood sugar values, Uncle Li's mentality also changed. At first, there will be some "fear", but later I heard others say that oranges are blood sugar lowering fruits, and they are even more unscrupulous, and there are dozens of them when they eat them.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

It wasn't until Uncle Li found that he had uncomfortable symptoms again, and then he realized that he had done something wrong, and at this time the fasting blood sugar had reached 9.0mmol/L, and Uncle Li was afraid that his condition would worsen, so he immediately went to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor carefully inquired about the condition, and at first Uncle Li didn't want to tell the truth, "Doctor, help me take a look, I don't know what's going on, my blood sugar suddenly rises, it won't have a big impact." "Doctors have seen this happen many times, and most patients don't blame themselves.

When the doctor again stated that he should not hide the facts, Uncle Li said hesitantly: "I may have eaten too many oranges, and I heard others say that oranges lower blood sugar, so I ate a little more." ”

Can diabetics eat oranges?

The doctor said: "The sugar content of oranges is relatively high, and it is not suitable for diabetics to eat too much. In addition to oranges, the doctor also told Uncle Li a lot of foods that diabetics need to pay attention to when eating, and Uncle Li nodded again and again, realizing that he had really done something wrong. After systematic treatment, Uncle Li's discomfort disappeared and his blood sugar dropped.

Can diabetics eat oranges? Is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Presumably, sugar friends don't know much, today with Uncle Li's example, we might as well understand as soon as possible, don't eat wrong and cause blood sugar to rise, which is not conducive to the control of diabetes.

1. When diabetics eat oranges, does it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar?

Tangerines are a very common fruit, many rural families will plant orange trees, which begin to ripen every autumn, and the trees are full of golden oranges, so people can't help but pick them and taste them. In winter, oranges are a fruit that many people love to eat, and during the Chinese New Year, everyone will buy boxes of sugar oranges, a small one, and you can't help but eat several of them.

There are many varieties of oranges, such as ugly oranges, sugar oranges, tribute oranges, honey oranges, etc., no matter what kind of orange, it is full of treasures and is conducive to good health.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

For example, orange peel, after the orange peel is dried, it is what we often say, tangerine peel as a medicinal material, has the effect of treating phlegm dampness, cough and asthma and phlegm; tangerine peel can also be used as an ingredient, one is used to season, increase the taste of food, and the other is that it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing.

Tangerine, is the white mesh silk that we tear off after peeling off the orange peel, because it tastes bitter, many people deliberately pick out these oranges when eating oranges and throw them away, in fact, it is beneficial to physical health. Tangerine contains a substance called "rutin", which can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the permeability of blood vessel walls.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

The orange core is the part that we often discard when we eat oranges, and the orange core is generally recommended to be used to make tea and drink, which can be combined with tea and can also play a role in seasoning.

Orange flesh is rich in nutritional value, and orange flesh contains vitamin C, carotene, folic acid and other nutrients. For example, early orange is the orange fruit with the highest carotene content, 100g of early orange contains 5140mg of carotene, carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body, and proper consumption has eye protection, antioxidant and other effects.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

Putting oranges at the head of the bed when you sleep also has the effect of helping you sleep. This is because orange peel emits a fragrance called "ramie", which is transmitted to the brain through olfactory receptors, and the brain is stimulated to produce a series of chemical reactions, so as to achieve the effect of sleep aid.

Tangerines are not just fruits to be tasted, they are useful "all over the body", and human consumption can promote good health. However, diabetics should note that the sugar content of oranges is about 10%, and 100g of oranges can provide 50-90 kcal energy.

However, the varieties of oranges are different, and the sugar content is different, such as the sugar orange eaten by Uncle Li, don't look at its small one, compared with ordinary citrus, its glycemic index is higher, and oranges are easy to peel, and it is easy to eat too much if you are not careful, resulting in a spike in blood sugar, especially for diabetics with unstable blood sugar, so no matter what kind of orange it is, it is not recommended to eat too much like Uncle Li, so how should oranges be eaten to be healthy, and then look down.

2. How should you eat oranges if you want to be healthy?

When eating oranges, you must control the amount, otherwise it is easy to become a "Minion". Many people eat too many oranges in winter, which causes the skin to turn yellow, which is also related to the fact that oranges are rich in carotene, too much carotene in the body, which cannot be completely metabolized in a short period of time, will be stored in subcutaneous fat, and the skin surface color begins to turn yellow, which is clinically called "hypercarotenemia". "Don't worry too much about this, just stop eating citrus fruits and slowly your skin will return to its normal color.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

Eating oranges is advisable to control at 3 a day, because oranges have high sugar content, and it is easy to "get angry" when you eat more, causing symptoms such as gum inflammation and stomach discomfort, so after eating, you should clean up the food residues left on the mouth and teeth in time, and rinse your mouth with water. Diabetic patients should reduce their intake, pay attention to the time of intake, it is recommended to consume 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals, and reduce the intake of other high-sugar foods in time when the intake is too much.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

It is also said that oranges and orange cores are good for the body, and it is recommended to eat oranges with oranges when eating them, and orange cores can also be stored to make tea. Fresh oranges can be eaten, it is not recommended to eat canned oranges and other storage materials, this product has too much added sugar, and may contain other harmful substances, which is not conducive to health, so it is not recommended to eat.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

In addition to controlling the intake of oranges, diabetic people also need to manage other aspects of their diet. If you don't change your unhealthy diet, even taking hypoglycemic drugs won't have much effect.

3. What else should diabetic people pay attention to in their diet?

First of all, three meals a day should try to avoid the intake of high-fat, high-calorie and high-sugar foods, too much intake of high-sugar foods can directly lead to an increase in blood sugar, which is not conducive to the control of the disease, too much intake of high-fat and high-calorie foods will affect the increase in blood pressure, cholesterol content, blood viscosity, etc., which indirectly affects the change of blood sugar.

The three meals should be low-salt, low-fat and light, you can eat some foods with a strong sense of satiety, low glycemic index and rich protein, such as multigrain rice, dairy products, lean meat, etc., and eat some fresh vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber in moderation.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

The order of meals can also control the rise in blood sugar, diabetic people can eat vegetables first to increase satiety, and then eat staple foods will relatively reduce the intake, which is also to avoid blood sugar spikes, control the speed of blood sugar rise, in the weight loss people can also adjust the order of eating in this way, effectively reduce intake.

Diabetic people should avoid gobbling up and eating too fast during the eating process, and eat less and more meals without changing the total intake of the day, so as to control the discomfort caused by the rise in blood sugar after meals, shorten the time to eat at the next meal, and avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

In addition to the need for more restraint in diet, diabetic people need to insist on exercising in order to lower blood sugar, which can consume energy during exercise, reduce the level of glucose in the blood, effectively control blood sugar, and enhance physical fitness and improve immunity. However, sugar friends should pay attention to the fact that it is not advisable to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, which can easily cause hypoglycemia.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, which requires long-term use of hypoglycemic drugs, or even lifelong medication, so it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice when taking medicine, and do not increase or decrease the dosage of the drug by yourself, change the drug and stop the drug.

Can diabetics eat oranges?

Diabetes is not only necessary to pay attention when eating oranges, but also to carefully manage and change the overall diet, medication, blood sugar monitoring, exercise, etc., so as to correctly understand the disease and improve the awareness of diabetes control.

Summary: Through the example of Uncle Li, we triggered diabetics to eat oranges is to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar thinking, after the Xi of this article, it is concluded that although oranges are rich in nutritional value, it is relatively high in sugar, whether it is a healthy person Diabetic people can not eat too much at one time, otherwise it is easy to lead to an increase in blood sugar, so sugar friends should control their intake when eating oranges in the future, and they should not be greedy.


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[2] Li Jian.It's true: eating too many oranges will become "Minions"[N].China Consumer Daily,2021-01-01(003).