
The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

author:Yun Lei Entertainment

The entertainment industry is like a colorful feast, and child star Shen Jianhong is a once brilliant star in this feast. However, now he is setting up a stall in the vegetable market to sell chicken, which is really incredible. So, how did the former child star get to the point of selling chicken, and is his life really as stressful as rumored to be? Let's find out.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

The feast ends: the years of child stars are like dreams

Looking back on those nostalgic years, how did Shen Jianhong win the hearts of thousands of viewers with the role of Shiro in "The Little Master of China"? At that time, he was innocent and full of infinite longing for the future. The glory of child stars seems to be doomed, but time flies, and Shen Jianhong has quietly become an out-of-fashion artist. This process does not happen overnight, but gradually declines with age. used to be the protagonist, but now he can only be a supporting role in the entertainment industry. His name, once a dazzling thing in the spotlight, is now more like a shadow of the past.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

Entertainment Dream Crushed: A New Stage for the Chicken Market

Under the lens of the media, the picture of Shen Jianhong selling chicken in the vegetable market instantly aroused social attention. What kind of bumpy journey has this unique transformation created the new life of this out-of-fashion child star?

Shen Jianhong revealed that the work in the entertainment industry is becoming more and more unstable, and there is almost no stable source of income. So, he followed his friend's advice and embarked on a part-time job selling chicken. The income of 8 to 120,000 Taiwan dollars a month is undoubtedly an economic relief in his opinion. You only need to work 4 to 6 days a month, and you can easily earn 20,000 yuan (Taiwan dollars), which is equivalent to about 4,600 yuan. However, this seemingly easy part-time job did not make his career life easier. In order to cope with the pressure of making a living, he and his girlfriend not only sell chicken in the vegetable market, but also work part-time in a medical beauty clinic. This hard work has made the monthly income of the two less than 5,000 yuan, and it seems that they are struggling to form a small family.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

Mortgage pressure: 23 years of repayment and marriage proposal

The source of livelihood pressure is not only the fact that Shen Jianhong is angry, but also two heavy economic burdens. The first is his own mortgage, which is as high as NT$70,000 per month, and this repayment burden needs to be responsible for 23 years. The mortgage was like a bottomless abyss, which put him under heavy pressure to repay.

What's even more poignant is that he not only has to bear a huge mortgage, but also needs to prepare a fund to enter the marriage hall with his girlfriend. This made his life seem to be shackled by the economic shackles, and the pressure doubled. Although the part-time job of selling chicken brought him some real income, it was far from enough to cope with his huge financial pressure.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

Marriage Proposal Dream: The Sweetness and Stress of Love

Faced with the heavy pressure of the economy, Shen Jianhong and his girlfriend did not choose to escape, but chose to live harder. Three jobs, selling chicken, part-time jobs at a medical beauty clinic, made them pay more hard work. However, this sweet dedication is also accompanied by more pressure. The 23-year mortgage term makes Shen Jianhong's life like an inescapable race. He worked hard in pursuit of a happy future and in order to enter the marriage hall with his beloved girlfriend. Perhaps, this sincere dedication is his persistence in love.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

Netizen comments: Sympathy and support are intertwined

Shen Jianhong's change has attracted a lot of attention from the outside world. However, it is gratifying that netizens did not ridicule him, but expressed their respect for his perseverance. Some people say that he can live a down-to-earth life and deserves recognition. This may be because Shen Jianhong did not choose to escape, but chose to face the difficulties of life in a real way.

Perhaps, this kind of support and understanding is because everyone has experienced the ups and downs of life to a greater or lesser extent. seems to be a glamorous entertainment industry, but there are many unimaginable pressures and troubles hidden behind it. Shen Jianhong's experience allows people to see a real and resilient side, which can't help but resonate.

The out-of-fashion child star sells chicken for money, revealing that his livelihood is difficult, and he wants to propose to his girlfriend with a 23-year mortgage

Conclusion: Facing with tenacity and chasing the steps of happiness

The road of life may not always be smooth, and Shen Jianhong's story is this tortuous but true journey. was once a child star, and now he is setting up a stall in the chicken market, but he has not given up chasing happiness because of this. Together with his girlfriend, he worked together to fight for the dream of a small family. Perhaps, everyone has moments of anger, but what really touches people is the courage to remain resilient in the face of adversity. Shen Jianhong may not have the original halo, but he has gained a more sincere life. His story tells us that even if life is stressful, we must persevere in facing it and pursue happiness in our hearts. Perhaps, in this sincere perseverance, it is the final victory.

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