
Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

author:Daqi said history

The tragedy of Chinese New Year's Eve

The last day of 2018 should have been warm and beautiful for Tan Yun. This kind and reserved girl prepared the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner early, carefully decorated the home, and waited for her mother's return.

Her heart is full of anticipation and joy for the night of the New Year's Eve reunion.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

However, the good times did not last long, and this phone call broke Tan Songyun's beautiful vision. The cold voice on the other end of the phone informed her of the sad news that her mother had died in a car accident.

Tan Songyun only felt that the world was spinning, and her mind was blank. I was just imagining the picture of a warm embrace with my mother, but it came to naught in a blink of an eye.

Although Tan Songyun tried her best to calm herself, she still couldn't stop crying. She staggered to the scene of the incident, only to see that her mother had died in a pool of blood.

The mother who used to love her warmly and lovingly, at this time, her cold and stiff body could no longer feel her embrace. At this moment, Tan Songyun's heart completely collapsed.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

After the doctor pronounced her mother dead, Tan Songyun could only watch them in despair and close her mother's eyes. She didn't have time to say goodbye, she didn't have time to hear her mother say a word of love for her.

At this moment, how she wished it was just a terrible dream, that her mother could appear in the dream, and then stroke her hair and tell her that everything would pass.

However, the reality is so cruel that her mother has left her forever. The originally lively and joyful Chinese New Year's Eve has become the most painful memory of Tan Songyun's life. Every time she thought about it, her heart was torn apart again.

In the days that followed, she began to fear the arrival of every Chinese New Year's Eve, which was the endless longing and heart-wrenching pain of the lost mother's love.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

Ma's evasion and indifference

The perpetrator of this tragedy is Ma, who was driving drunk. After the incident, he chose to escape from reality, drove away from the scene, and walked away. It wasn't until 3 days later, under the condemnation in his heart, that Ma went to surrender.

But it was too late, and he had no alcohol reaction. Ma knew that his actions would not escape legal sanctions, but he didn't want to take responsibility, he just wanted to be lenient.

On the day of the court session, Ma still showed arrogance and indifference. He justifiably demanded to go to the toilet and deliberately ignored the grief-stricken faces of the victims' families present.

Under the condemning eyes of the judge and the onlookers, Ma still went his own way and did not feel guilty at all.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

It is also chilling that Ma's father also showed the same attitude as his son. Instead of educating his son to confess and repent, the father complained and attacked the victim for being "unkind", causing his son to spend the New Year in prison.

The father and son did not take the victim's feelings to heart at all, only thinking that their family could not be reunited, and resented the victim for coming to the door.

In fact, their apathetic attitude of escapism and indifference to the suffering of others stems from a distorted concept of family ethics. They think that as long as they are family members, they can do whatever they want without being responsible.

This kind of ethical anomie led to Ma ignoring the law and driving a hit-and-run after drinking. And Ma's father only regarded the interests of his family above the fair law, so he excused his son's wrongdoing.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

This seriously distorted concept of ethics, coupled with the evasion of legal sanctions, is bound to be condemned by the progressive morality of society. We hope that Ma and his son can recognize their mistakes and accept legal trial and public scrutiny, which is the only way for them to atone for their sins.

Public opinion attention and court trial

This case of drunk driving causing death quickly attracted widespread public attention. The court's trial of Ma attracted tens of millions of netizens to watch online.

The focus has been on Ma's criminal responsibility and how he and his family behaved in court.

During the trial, the court found that Ma had drunk driving and hit-and-run, which was the crime of negligence causing death. According to statistics, the number of traffic accidents and fatalities caused by drunk driving in mainland China has shown an upward trend in recent years.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

Last year alone, there were 1.04 million drunk driving accidents of all kinds, resulting in 1. 20,000 people died. Ma's conduct has seriously violated the law, and his criminal responsibility must be investigated in accordance with the law.

Therefore, the court followed the principle of legality and fairness in sentencing, and sentenced Ma to 6 years in prison in accordance with the law. This fully reflects the strict stance of the judiciary and gives Ma the sanction he deserves, so as to demonstrate the authority of the law.

At the same time, the court also ruled that Ma must compensate the victim's family for their losses.

However, in full view of everyone, Ma and his father did not show a repentant attitude, but complained about the court decision. This aroused strong indignation among netizens.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

They denounced the shameful behavior of Ma's father and son in the comment area for their disregard for life and the law, calling on them to face up to their crimes, accept the punishment they deserve, and apologize to the victims' families to comfort their pain.

It can be said that this case further demonstrates the fairness and integrity of the law. It also warns us that we should not ignore the law and morality like Ma's father and son, and should strengthen the responsibility of driving, abide by the law, and jointly maintain morality and order.

This is not only a basic respect for the victims, but also a social responsibility that we must fulfill.

Tan Songyun's pain and kindness

This sudden change made Tan Songyun fall into deep grief. This cruel joke played by fate on her made her, who should have spent a warm night, become a helpless orphan overnight.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

Tan Songyun began to endure days and nights without her mother again, and her heart was torn apart.

Tan Songyun was originally a child who was particularly close to his mother. The grief of losing her loved ones made it difficult for her to sleep all day and night, and even when she closed her eyes, she would see her mother's blood in her dreams.

She was afraid of the coming of night, and even more afraid of being alone in the dead room. The warm companionship of her mother has become the most precious and irreplaceable memory of her life.

In the public activities she participated in later, Tan Songyun couldn't help but cry when she mentioned her mother. The tears overflowed with longing, but I knew that everything was gone.

She began to dare not get too close to anyone, because she was afraid that the pain of her only loved one's departure would come again. These days and nights of mourning have become the burden of her life.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

However, Tan Songyun's heart still contains kindness and tolerance. Although Ma took away her most beloved mother, she still did not choose hatred, but dealt with the matter in a low-key and peaceful manner.

She did not use her public influence to increase Ma's pressure, but was bent on giving her mother justice through legal proceedings.

When the court sentenced Ma to compensation, Tan Songyun did not hesitate to say that he would donate all the money for public welfare. Because for her, the amount of money cannot make up for the grief of her mother's death.

She forgives Ma's behavior, but will repay his malice with kindness, this kind of generosity is really rare. It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of kind people like Tan Songyun that this society will not completely lose its warmth and benevolence.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

Reflection and appeal

The occurrence of this incident not only brought great pain to Tan Songyun alone, but also made us collectively reflect on the reasons for similar tragedies in daily life. As the parents of a young man, Ma, he should have given him love and correct cognition, so that he understood the importance of respecting life and abiding by the law.

However, what Ma's father did reflected that they were seriously lacking in family education and did not cultivate Ma's concept of correctly understanding law and morality.

At this point, we call on Ma to let go of evasion and denial, and accept legal sanctions and moral condemnation. He should face up to his wrong behavior, confess his sins and repent, re-establish respect for life and rules, and rebuild correct life values.

At the same time, Ma should also apologize to Tan Songyun and do his best to make up for the harm caused to her.

Tan Songyun completely collapsed! You just don't have a mother, but my son is in prison for the Spring Festival!

We also hope that Ma's parents will recognize the seriousness of the problem. As elders, they have the responsibility to teach Ma to abide by the law, and they can't cover up mistakes just because they are their own children.

The mistakes of family education cannot be sustained and must be reversed before they lead to even greater tragedy.

Let us treat Tan Songyun with a tolerant heart, give her warmth and love, and help her get out of the pain of life as soon as possible. This incident also warns the whole society to value life and put an end to dangerous behaviors such as drunk driving.

Only when everyone plays a positive role in their own position and abides by ethics and the rule of law can our society become more civilized and stable.

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