
If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

author:A third master

In winter, when the temperature turns colder, food, clothing and daily life must be adjusted in time, especially in the diet, we should pay more attention to supplementing nutrition. The so-called "spring nourishment of all things, summer nourishment and development, autumn nourishment harvest, winter nourishment savings", if you do not pay attention to nourishment in winter, the fruits of spring, summer and autumn harvest will be in vain, so the winter health diet is particularly important.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Today's recommended "five kinds of winter", namely white radish beef soup, stir-fried pork with cabbage stalks, stir-fried shrimp with celery, stir-fried meat with leeks and potato balls, are all common side dishes in winter, not only delicious, but also have their own nutritional value, which can play a good tonic role and help us survive the cold winter!

1. White radish beef soup

White radish, a common root vegetable, is rich in nutrients. One of the most prominent is the content of vitamin C, which contains 30 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of white radish, which is 3-4 times that of citrus fruits. In addition, white radish is also rich in dietary fiber, minerals and other nutrients, which can enhance the body's resistance.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Beef is a high-quality source of protein, containing various essential amino acids, especially calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Beef is also rich in B vitamins, which can enhance physical strength and improve metabolism.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Cooking white radish and beef together can play a good role in nutritional complementation. The vitamin C in white radish helps the body better absorb the iron in beef, and the high-quality protein provided by beef can also compensate for possible vitamin deficiencies.

2. Stir-fried meat with cabbage stalks

The cabbage stalk refers to the stalk of cabbage, which is usually easy to overlook, but it is also very nutritious. The proportion of dietary fiber in cabbage stalks is very large, which will promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and excretion, and prevent constipation. In addition, cabbage stalks are also rich in vitamin C, selenium and other ingredients.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Pork belly is a common pork product at home, which is cheap and delicious, but it is high in fat and cholesterol, so it is best to combine it with other low-fat ingredients. The dietary fiber in cabbage stalks helps to bind excess cholesterol in pork belly, reduce its absorption, and achieve a mutual balance.

3. Stir-fried shrimp with celery

Celery, a leafy vegetable that resembles celery, is actually more nutritious. Each 100 grams of celery contains 7 mg of vitamin C, which is twice as much as lemons and 3 times that of oranges. In addition to this, celery is also rich in minerals, especially potassium, calcium, magnesium and other components. These nutrients are beneficial for the cardiovascular system and bone health.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Shrimp is a common seafood product that is rich in protein and low in fat. However, the amount of iron and vitamin C is relatively low. Eaten with celery, it can well make up for the nutritional shortcomings of shrimp, and the two collide to create a more three-dimensional nutritional match.

Fourth, fried meat with leeks

Leeks, a vegetable that looks like shallots, have the most important nutritional feature of high selenium content. Selenium is an important antioxidant in the human body, which can play a role in eye protection and can also regulate thyroid function.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Cooking and eating it with pork can make up for the lack of vitamins in pork and improve the nutritional compatibility of meat. Leeks and pork are from the classic combination of China, a simple fried meat with leeks, full of color, flavor and flavor, worth a try.

5. Dodou Maruko

In grains, the importance of potatoes is undeniable. Potatoes are the most protein-rich starchy food and are also rich in vitamins. In particular, the refined potato starch is an excellent choice for infants and young children to add complementary food.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Eating potatoes into delicious balls will undoubtedly maximize their nutritional benefits. The potato balls are chewy on the outside, and the filling inside is soft and delicious, making them suitable for all ages. It can be made into tomato soup balls according to personal taste, or stir-fried and eaten, which is a good choice.

If you don't make up for it in winter, you will be busy all year in vain, and in winter, remember to eat "five kinds of winter" to survive the winter smoothly

Through the nutritional analysis of the above 5 dishes, I hope to bring you a little inspiration and help. Whether it's white radish beef soup to nourish the body, or stir-fried meat with cabbage stalks to promote digestion, or stir-fried meat with leeks and shrimp with celery to enhance appetite, each dish has its own merits, and it is especially nutritious when eaten together. On a cold winter day, let's taste this delicious and nourishing "Winter Five" to make our bodies healthier and stronger, and welcome the change of seasons!