
Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

author:Delightful panda Jingjing

In the current education system, postgraduate education has become the choice of many students. But "I really can't afford it" has gradually become the cry of parents. How much does it cost to pay for a graduate student? For the average family, the cost of three years is tantamount to a mountain.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

In recent years, the problem of graduate accommodation in well-known universities has become increasingly prominent. Due to the lack of guaranteed accommodation, parents and students have to pay extra for rent. This has directly increased the financial pressure on students, making already tight family budgets even tighter.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

There is a significant difference between the cost of a professional master's degree and an academic master's degree. This phenomenon has worried many families of students who plan to go to graduate school. Faced with high tuition fees, students from ordinary families have to consider whether to avoid these expensive majors.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

In particular, the expansion of professional and master's enrollment has brought about a sharp increase in tuition fees. Taking Sun Yat-sen University's MBA as an example, the tuition fee is as high as 300,000 yuan, which is undoubtedly an astronomical amount for most families.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

Not only that, but the current job market is also full of uncertainty. This makes many graduate students more inclined to accumulate work experience first, or to obtain stable positions such as civil servants, so as to avoid facing employment problems when they return from their studies.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

The rising cost of graduate education is putting pressure on ordinary families who were looking to improve their lives through higher education. The return on investment in education is becoming less and less apparent, and the financial burden on families is increasing.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

With the intensification of the phenomenon of academic involution, the value of graduate students has not risen because of the improvement of academic qualifications. Conversely, their premium effect in the job market has weakened due to the increase in the number of graduate students.

Families are distressed, and the return on investment in education is far away

Another issue that cannot be ignored is the scarcity of accommodation resources. As a result, many graduate students are forced to settle the housing problem on their own, which undoubtedly increases the cost of graduate school.

Faced with this complex set of issues, families and students have had to re-examine the value of investing in graduate education. In the pursuit of higher education, we need more thinking and planning to ensure that the quality of education and the affordability of families can match.