
The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

author:A panda that can't walk
The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

Wu Haokang, who used to shine on the stage, has now become a worker on the turf. This is not a gossip news, but a true story about life choices and responsibilities. Wu Haokang's life reversal is not only his personal experience, but also his commitment and persistence in family responsibilities.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

Wu Haokang and Guo Silin's unmarried pregnancy made this originally free young man realize his responsibilities as a husband and father. When life is no longer the focus of lights on the stage, but the reality of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, Wu Haokang understands the weight of economic pressure. For the sake of his family's livelihood, he began to try different job opportunities, and even went to work on construction sites.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

In the eyes of many people, the construction site is synonymous with manual labor, which seems incompatible with Wu Haokang's star status. However, Wu Haokang doesn't mind that. He calmly faced the challenges given by life, and told people with practical actions: there is no distinction between high and low work. He has shared photos and videos of his work on the construction site on social media, without any celebrity baggage. Wearing a hard hat and overalls, he became one of the many laborers.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

In the days of working at the construction site, Wu Haokang did not give up his music dream. He admits that although there are not many job opportunities at the moment, he is still looking for and grasping every music-related opportunity. In addition to this, he also teaches adult singing part-time, using his musical talents to influence and inspire others.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

On the construction site, Wu Haokang is not only an ordinary worker, he also works hard to learn skills such as Xi and building sheds, hoping to master more skills to increase his income. He revealed that all the money he earned was handed over to his family and contributed his own strength to the family.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

However, life is always full of twists and turns. While giving for his family, Wu Haokang also realized that he needed to do more planning and preparation for his future. So, after 20 years of playing for Emperor Entertainment, he made a brave decision: to leave Emperor and seek independent development.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

Leaving the familiar comfort zone is not an easy task for anyone. But Wu Haokang had the courage to take this step, he set up his own production team, and began to take on more work and open up new business areas. In the process, he continued to promote himself, learning Xi and looking for more job opportunities.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

Some people may ask, why did the former star go to the construction site to work? Wu Haokang gave the best answer with his own actions: for the sake of the family, for the sake of responsibility. It is estimated that his income from working on the construction site is about 30,000 yuan a month, which may be quite good in the eyes of many people. But more importantly, he used his hard work and sweat to create better living conditions for his family.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

In this process, Wu Haokang's wife Guo Silin has always been by his side. She expressed her heartache for Wu Haokang to work as a worker on the site, but more of support and care. This understanding and support made Wu Haokang more determined in his choice and direction of efforts.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family

There is no distinction between high and low work, and everyone who works hard deserves to be respected and appreciated. Wu Haokang's life reversal is not only his personal struggle, but also the best interpretation of family responsibility and responsibility. He used his actions to tell us: no matter what kind of situation we are in, as long as we face it bravely and work hard, there will always be unexpected gains and beauty in life.

The 40-year-old Hong Kong singer revealed that he worked part-time at the construction site, with a salary of 30,000 yuan from eight to five nights, and he wore many hats to support his family
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