
In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

author:History of the Bunsha

With the deepening of reform and opening up, China's economy has made great progress, and the people's living standards have improved significantly. However, rapid changes have also led to a certain degree of imbalance in the distribution of interests, and some people have controlled resources and power, making some social problems increasingly prominent.

For example, economic crimes occur from time to time, and underworld organizations are dormant in all corners of society, seriously endangering the safety of the people's lives and property. In the face of these grim situations, maintaining public order and cracking down on criminal activities have become the most important tasks.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

In this context, the television and film industry has produced a large number of works that reflect the public security organs' resolute opposition to crime and the maintenance of social fairness and justice. These works mainly focus on two aspects: first, they depict the story of the life-and-death struggle between the police and the murderous gangsters, reflecting the process of law enforcement by the public security organs through individual cases, and reflecting the determination of the people's police to maintain social order; The second is to expose the ugly acts of collusion between officials and the underworld through typical cases, and advocate justice and fairness.

This type of work is known as "anti-crime drama" because of its subject matter and social effect.

In the context of the deepening of reform and opening up and rapid economic development, anti-crime dramas have become a popular theme in movies and television dramas, and have received widespread attention. It became one of the mainstream and main themes of that era, and played an important role in guiding the social atmosphere.

In the past 20 years, a total of 10 anti-crime film and television dramas have stood out, and they have received a high score of more than 8 points on Douban, becoming the representative of the anti-crime drama with the best reputation in this period.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

Most of these 10 dramas are based on some real major criminal cases, telling the life-and-death contest between the police and gangsters, showing the fearless sacrifice and unremitting fighting spirit of police comrades, and also exposing some dark sides of society at that time.

The No. 1 "China Criminal Investigation No. 1 Case" restores every detail of the case in a documentary-style manner, making the audience empathize with it, and also making people admire the courage and wisdom of the grassroots police when solving the case.

"Conquest" reflects the reality of some young people in that era who were forced astray by the environment through the growth process of a villain. The popularity of "Hurricane" lies in the delicate portrayal of the characters and the reasonable and rigorous plot design.

The biggest highlight of "In the Name of the People" is that it covers a wide range of cases, reflecting the contradictions of Chinese society at that time. "Trident" depicts the working and living conditions of grassroots police from another perspective...... It can be said that these 10 dramas embody the typical characteristics of anti-crime dramas and are the best masterpieces of this period.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

Not only are they well-made and dramatic, but they also play a positive role in promoting social progress.

The reason why the anti-crime drama "Hurricane" can achieve such a huge response among the audience is due to the following key factors:

First of all, Zhang Songwen's excellent interpretation of the role of "villain boss" Gao Qiqiang. He vividly expressed the growth trajectory of a gangster step by step into an underworld boss, and the rich details enhanced the sense of realism and substitution of the characters, and the audience fell in love with it.

Secondly, the psychological description of the twist of the characters' fate in the play is also well done. Gao Qiqiang has jumped from a fish seller to the number one boss in the East China Sea, and his many reversals have made a legend, and Easy makes the audience love and hate him and never get tired of watching him.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

Thirdly, the reasonable and appropriate plot arrangement, the unexpected but unintentional plot reversal are also important factors. The plot always revolves around the core thread, while leaving room for the audience to guess and discuss, ensuring the ups and downs and highlights of the series.

Finally, the delicate handling of the relationship between the characters and the ups and downs of the characters' fates are also eye-catching. The psychological game between the police and bandits, the life-and-death decisive battle scenes, and the interweaving of light and darkness of human nature have a strong sense of substitution and substitution, making the audience unable to extricate themselves.

The continued popularity of anti-crime dramas in recent years reflects the public's strong demand for fighting crime and maintaining social fairness and justice. As a big country with a strong sense of responsibility, the Chinese Government has in recent years taken the issue of public order as a top priority, cracked down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities, and earnestly safeguarded the safety of the people's lives and property.

The prevalence of anti-crime dramas has driven and strengthened this trend to a certain extent, so it has an important social effect.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

First of all, the popularity of anti-crime dramas has strengthened the public's vigilance against illegal and criminal acts, and rallied forces from all walks of life to participate in and support the government's determination to crack down on crime.

Second, it serves as a warning to those who attempt to break the law, so that they understand the attitude of society to worship it. Again, the negative teaching materials in the anti-crime drama are also thought-provoking, and they are gnawing on themselves to correct the situation.

Finally, it promotes the establishment of social fairness and justice and a social environment in which the rule of law governs the country. Therefore, anti-crime dramas are not only literary and artistic works, but also play a certain guiding role in promoting social progress.

Under the leadership of "Hurricane", the domestic drama market has set off an anti-crime boom, indicating that China's film and television drama industry will usher in a new round of rapid development.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

First of all, thematic themes will usher in a wave of prosperity. "Hurricane" proves that this kind of drama that reflects social issues is not only of high production standard and high quality, but also popular with the public.

Driven by this trend, there will be more works that show the dark corners of society in the future.

Secondly, the expression method will continue to innovate and break through. Film and television practitioners will continue to seek new ideas and techniques, and strive to explore novel narrative perspectives and expressions.

These innovative attempts will further enrich the visual and cinematic experience.

Thirdly, the increasing variety of subject matter is also the general trend. After "Hurricane", the crime suspense genre has become a new favorite in the market. Other genres such as costumes, spy wars, and emotions will also flourish.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

The genre boom will give the audience more choices.

Eventually, more excellent works will emerge. The double improvement of market demand and production level will give birth to more high-quality masterpieces. The frequent appearance of these masterpieces is bound to push domestic film and television to a new peak.

Driven by the boom of anti-crime dramas, China's film and television industry has shown a vigorous and upward development trend, with bright prospects and the following significant characteristics:

First of all, the production level of film and television series has been significantly improved, whether it is script quality, image aesthetics or post-production, it has reached a new level. The expressive techniques are also becoming more and more mature, and some of the works are eye-catching in terms of innovative attempts at visual expression and narrative rhythm control.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

Secondly, the scope of the subject matter has been expanding, from the traditional bitter emotions and revolutionary history to social events, workplace business wars, etc., and the genre is also significantly rich, and new genres such as crime suspense and spy war costumes have emerged in an endless stream, meeting the diversified spiritual needs of the public.

Again, more and more excellent film and television works have emerged. Among them, there are many excellent works with strong ideology, excellent production and significant social effects. Not only do these masterpieces make significant box office revenues, but their social impact is also remarkable.

Finally, the growing talent team is also a major feature. Whether it is a writer, director or actor, the rapid accumulation of high-quality professionals provides a solid talent guarantee for the high-quality development of the film and television industry.

In the past 20 years, there have been 10 anti-crime dramas with the highest ratings in the mainland, and "Hurricane" ranked 3rd and 2nd with a score of 9.1

Therefore, China's film and television industry has broad prospects for development and is in a golden period of rapid improvement.