
川检新榜样 | 李晋蓉:探路追光 书写芳华

author:Chenghua Procuratorate

川检新榜样 | 李晋蓉:探路追光 书写芳华

On January 3, 2024, the 8th edition of the "Procuratorate Daily" "Zhenghe Weekly Yinghua" published "Li Jinrong: Exploring the Road and Chasing the Light, Writing Fanghua". The details are as follows:

川检新榜样 | 李晋蓉:探路追光 书写芳华

Born in Jin and returned to Rong. The name of Li Jinrong, director of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Chongzhou City Procuratorate in Sichuan Province, alludes to her life footprints. Li Jinrong was born in Linfen, Shanxi Province, and after graduating from university, she chose Chengdu, Sichuan Province as the place where she started her career, and took root and grew up here. In her body, there is both the uprightness of a northern girl and the flexibility of a southern woman. And such a character trait has gradually made her a dazzling light on the road of administrative prosecution in which she is engaged.

In the first National Procuratorial Procuratorial Business Competition held in 2023, Li Jinrong won the title of National Administrative Procuratorial Business Model. "From simply handling traditional administrative litigation supervision cases, to the pioneer of diversified administrative dispute resolution mechanisms, from a procuratorial recruit to a national business model...... Li Jinrong's personal growth is highly consistent with the vigorous development of administrative procuratorates over the years. Tu Zheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Chongzhou Municipal Procuratorate, said.

Dare to be a pathfinder and not afraid of high mountains and long roads

"Jin Rong can handle cases from 1 to N, or from N to 1. Colleague Gao Yong explained to reporters that "1 to N" means that Li Jinrong can always achieve the "1+N" case-handling effect.

In handling the case of supervising the adjudication results of administrative compulsory disputes between Wang and the Water Affairs Bureau, Li Jinrong based on professional review and investigation and verification, not only supervised the adjudication results, but also supervised the trial activities, and also supervised the administrative violations, and finally contributed to the substantive resolution of the administrative dispute In the handling of the supervision case of Ou's administrative punishment of administrative violations, on the basis of supervising the implementation of the administrative punishment decision in the case, she promoted a special investigation, so that more than 30 administrative punishment decisions were implemented in a timely manner. "In the cases she handled, problems such as 'not daring' and 'not being effective' of administrative procuratorial supervision seem to have automatically become invisible. Wang Chun, deputy procurator general of the Chongzhou City Procuratorate, commented on Li Jinrong.

"N to 1" means that Li Jinrong is very efficient in handling cases. When handling complex cases, she can finish thousands of pages of files overnight and make judgments and handle them in a timely manner; when handling a series of cases, she can go around and visit many scenes in a day on a cold winter day; in order to solve the applicants' urgent problems and hopes, she can make dozens of phone calls in the morning and connect with multiple departments to mediate conflicts and disputes and help solve problems.

Everyone saw Li Jinrong's achievements and the efforts behind the achievements. "After 90, she already has 'hairline problems'. Wang Yong, a colleague in the department, said.

"The administrative procuratorial business is a 'three-dimensional dynamic'. With the development of the times, administrative procuratorial work has been pushed to the forefront of strengthening legal supervision and promoting social governance, the scale of cases continues to expand, the number of disputes continues to increase, the complexity of business continues to increase, and the legal relationship is complex. Li Jinrong said. For example, in a case involving the resolution of disputes over administrative penalties for electricity charges, the prosecutor needs to understand a series of issues such as how to charge charging piles, how to define the subject of power transfer, the time-of-use electricity price system, the government's pricing policy standards, and how to determine the illegality of price investigation.

In Li Jinrong's view, handling every administrative procuratorial case with high quality and efficiency is a way to explore. "It's hard to find a way, but the administrative procuratorate needs a pathfinder. Li Jinrong said frankly. "Strive to sail the wind and stand bravely at the head of the tide and chase the waves. I want to be such a pathfinder. Li Jinrong had a light in her eyes when she said this.

Be a good guardian and keep the original intention with ingenuity

"Legal reasoning is the three magic weapons of procuratorial case-handling, and all of them are indispensable. However, it's easy to say, but hard to do. In 2018, Li Jinrong first entered the threshold of administrative procuratorate, and when she heard the old leader sigh like this, she couldn't understand the deep meaning of the words. Nowadays, these words often come to her mind, reminding her to be strict with herself at all times.

Li Jinrong deeply felt that without a solid professional foundation, it would be difficult to grasp the focus of the dispute and the substantive legal relationship of the case; without in-depth theoretical research, it would be difficult to study and judge the handling plan and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling; and if there was no emotional investment with intentions, it would be difficult to obtain the approval of the parties and promote the substantive resolution of administrative disputes. From a student to a prosecutor, Li Jinrong's original intention is very pure, measuring her steps with the ruler of justice and warming people's hearts with the light of law.

After returning to her post after participating in the national administrative procuratorial business competition, Li Jinrong was transferred to the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center.

"Why is it not a work-related injury if you are injured during work or at work?" One day, an old man with gray hair pushed his paralyzed son Liu, and asked emotionally as soon as he saw Li Jinrong.

It turned out that Liu suddenly fell ill and fell to the ground while working in a company, and was paralyzed in bed after waking up, unable to take care of himself, and Liu was later identified as a second-degree disability. Based on the appraisal opinions, investigation records and other evidence, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held that Liu was disabled due to illness and did not recognize the work-related injury. Liu filed an administrative lawsuit, but his claim was not supported. Unable to accept the determination of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the court's judgment, Liu's father, who was in his late teens, pushed his paralyzed son to the procuratorate for help.

Li Jinrong calmed Liu's father's excited emotions while fully understanding the situation. Liu's family is not wealthy, and their part-time income is the family's main source of income. After the onset and fall, he went to several hospitals for treatment, which not only spent all the family's savings, but also owed more than 40 yuan in medical expenses paid by a company. Later, due to its own capital turnover difficulties, a company filed a civil lawsuit to demand that Liu return the advance expenses, which was undoubtedly worse for Liu's family, who still needed to pay a large amount of medical expenses every month.

After running around for help, Liu's father regarded procuratorial supervision as the last "life-saving straw" to save the family.

Although he is very sympathetic to the plight of Liu's family, the determination and judgment of the administrative and judicial organs are not improper. Li Jinrong explained the law to Liu's father and explained in detail the criteria for determining work-related injuries, but she also knew that Liu's father's questioning was not due to disapproval of the law, but was forced by the actual situation of the family.

"How to better resolve disputes under the established legal framework?" After receiving Liu's father, Li Jinrong successively visited the medical insurance department, the Disabled Persons' Federation, a company, etc., to gain an in-depth understanding of the current policies, and strive to help Liu's family solve practical difficulties to the greatest extent. Through Li Jinrong's docking and coordination, Liu applied for part of the medical insurance reimbursement, and he could receive subsidies and other expenses for the disabled every month. After Li Jinrong's efforts, in the end, Liu reached a settlement with a company and withdrew the application for supervision, and the family finally returned to a peaceful life.

川检新榜样 | 李晋蓉:探路追光 书写芳华

In August 2023, Li Jinrong presided over a public hearing to promote the substantive resolution of administrative disputes.

Li Jinrong has won the respect and trust of many parties with her intentions, affection and professional ability. In a letter of thanks to Li Jinrong, Liu's father earnestly wrote, "The prosecutor is really doing practical things for the people, and I hope to continue to help us carry out mediation."

"The biggest problem is that I often don't have enough time. Li Jinrong said with emotion that the interests of the masses are no trivial matter, and the substantive resolution of administrative disputes should be persuaded by law, guided by reason, mediated with heart, and influenced by affection. Li Jinrong hopes to have more time to do her work more fully and perfectly.

I am willing to do my best to shine for the light chasers

"If I don't take the initiative to see, take the initiative to find, take the initiative to learn, and take the initiative to do, my 'light' will only be in the office. "There are all kinds of administrative disputes in practice, and we must not only sit down and listen, but also go out to investigate. Li Jinrong has the vigor of a young prosecutor and is full of enthusiasm, hoping to see further and do more. When she took the initiative to analyze the administrative defeat case, she discovered the problem of fraudulent marriage registration.

In 2021, the Chongzhou Civil Affairs Department received a number of applications for the revocation of the registration of fake marriages, but due to the lack of legal provisions, it was difficult for the civil affairs department to revoke it on its own.

In the 90s of the 20th century, Zhang and many others registered their marriages with others under the names of "brother" and "sister" before reaching the legal age for marriage. But when they needed real marriage registration information, they found that the fake marriage could not be divorced, and the registration could not be revoked.

When dealing with such a "dead end" case, Li Jinrong showed the responsibility of the prosecutor to promote the substantive resolution of the problem, grasped the legal background and legal relationship reflected behind the case, thought about the connection between the judiciary and society, and took into account the practical difficulties and reasonable demands of Zhang and others, and actively negotiated with the civil affairs department. At the right time, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued opinions to guide the proper handling of such cases, and after repeatedly verifying the situation with the community and relatives, the procuratorial organs recommended that the civil affairs department revoke the registration of the fake marriage in accordance with the law by formulating and issuing procuratorial recommendations. Zhang and others re-registered with the people they actually lived with, and the "misplaced" marriage that had lasted for more than 30 years was corrected.

The registration was revoked, but Li Jinrong's case-handling work was not over. She also went into the community to take Zhang's case as an example to explain the law and reason and publicize the rule of law to the surrounding residents.

"The law is sometimes cold and has its objective lag, but justice should be warm and forward-looking. In 2023, there will be young people from the Second Procuratorate Department of the Chongzhou Municipal Procuratorate, and Li Jinrong will take the initiative to share her experience and thoughts with them, and she wants to let her "light" and "heat" spread farther and wider.

Every time after writing a legal document, Li Jinrong always asks herself, "What else can I do", which is her insistence for many years. The proper meaning of procuratorial supervision should not only stay in the files, systems, and words, but should also be in the overall situation, in society, and in governance; the steps and figures of procurators should not be limited to the office, on the smooth road, and under the bright sun, but should also be in the mountains and rivers, in the crowd, and when climbing the peak.

Those who do not seek easy things will succeed, and those who do not take refuge will enter. In the past six years, Li Jinrong has handled more than 400 supervision cases, of which 23 cases have been rated as typical cases at all levels. In the bookcase of her office, there is a thick stack of various honorary certificates. "These are the witnesses to my previous journey of exploring and chasing the light. Next, I want to be a light myself, illuminating and warming more people. Li Jinrong said.

Source丨Procuratorate Daily