
This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day


Between 1592 and 1598, the world's largest military conflict in the 16th century broke out - the "First East Asian War", that is, the "Imjin War", Toyotomi Hideyoshi was determined to conquer the Ming Dynasty and even East Asian countries, the first to invade Korea, the Wanli Emperor ordered troops to help, since then the relationship between China, Japan and Korea left a deep imprint on the war, even today, the people's daily life still leaves the shadow of this war.

American historian Kenneth M. Swope in the book "The Head of the Dragon: Ming Dynasty China and the First East Asian War 1592-1598", the American historian Kenneth M. Swope restored this war that lasted for six years, vividly reproduced a series of important battles such as the Battle of Chungju, the Battle of Bihokwan, and the Battle of Jisan, and analyzed in detail the historical background of the Ming Dynasty's invasion of Korea, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's motives for initiating the war, the reasons for the peace negotiations between the two sides, and the aftermath of the war, etc., and sorted out the ins and outs of this war for us in a three-dimensional and clear way.

Shi Kang focuses on the perspective of the Ming Dynasty to make the memory of China in this war clearer. In the book, Shi Kang presents a three-dimensional and complex image of the Wanli Emperor, describing his various flaws, but also highlighting his important role in the war, rather than simply degrading it as a scourge of the country that is "greedy, lazy, stingy, willful, indulging in the beauty of the harem, and ignoring political affairs".

Shi Kang believes that this war not only changed the historical trend of the three countries at that time, but also deeply affected the geopolitics of East Asia today. History is always connected with the present and affects the future, and looking back at history is also a rethinking of current life from another perspective.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

The Storm Is Coming: A Prelude to War

During the Wanli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the "Imjin War" that swept through East Asia broke out, and the beginning of this war was inseparable from one person, who was the actual ruler of Japan at that time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Of course, the personality of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the initiator of this war, is also worth paying attention to. Toyotomi Hideyoshi is arguably the most bizarre and pivotal political figure of the 16th century, and his importance in Japanese history is second to none. It is well known that Hideyoshi came from a humble background as a Tashako, who at first worked as a handyman in the home of Imagawa Yoshimoto's retainers, helping his master carry slippers, and eventually became a retainer of Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582). His origins are a microcosm of Japanese society in the 16th century, when the "lower class overthrew the upper class" and the retainers overthrew the lords. After the death of Oda Nobunaga, Hideyoshi became the overlord of Japan, unifying Japan for the first time in more than a century. Despite the failure of the Korean conquest, Hideyoshi remains one of the most revered figures in Japanese history. In the Japanese countryside, temples, shrines, and stone monuments commemorating Hideyoshi and his exploits are everywhere.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day


Heroes are not afraid of low origins, and later, Hideyoshi made up all kinds of legends to deify his own origin and origin. According to some historical sources, as early as 1577, Hideyoshi had a great ambition to conquer the Ming Dynasty and the countries of East Asia. At that time, an even more bizarre rumor circulated that some people believed that Hideyoshi was Chinese, from Zhejiang, fled to Japan after breaking the law, married a Japanese wife, and adopted his wife's surname, and he was determined to conquer the Ming Kingdom in order to take revenge. Novels circulating in China at the end of the Ming Dynasty even portrayed Hideyoshi as the reincarnation of an evil dragon. Obviously, Hideyoshi boasted that he was blessed by destiny and was destined to be moralized.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was the second of the so-called Three Masters who unified Japan in the 16th century. He rose to power under Oda Nobunaga and replaced Nobunaga in 1582, when another retainer, Akechi Mitsuhide (1526-1582), staged a mutiny that forced Nobunaga to commit suicide. Akechi Mitsuhide held out for only two weeks after the mutiny, and Hideyoshi quickly gathered enough troops to eliminate Mitsuhide in the Battle of Yamazaki. After this battle, Hideyoshi defeated or united with the remaining opponents one by one, establishing a new coalition government in Japan, which was recognized by the imperial family. The emperor bestowed high official positions on Hideyoshi, including Kanhaku (regent) in 1585 and Taiko (retired regent) in 1591. Due to his humble origins, Hideyoshi was unable to obtain the title of shogun. However, in 1590, Hideyoshi had already taken the whole of Japan into his hands, intending to make another great achievement.

As the country gradually unified, Hideyoshi began to plan his blueprint for conquest. In September 1585, Hideyoshi first declared that he wanted to invade the Ming Kingdom, and in 1586 he mentioned the idea again to his retainer Mori Terumoto (1553-1625). Later that year, Hideyoshi told the Jesuit missionary Luís Fróis that he intended to conquer Korea and the Ming Kingdom, an unprecedented undertaking in Japan. He also explicitly asked whether it would be possible to buy warships from the European powers through the good offices of the Jesuits.


In 1587, when Hideyoshi was negotiating with Joseon at the beginning of his negotiations with Joseon, he wrote a letter to his wife, Ninyeong, in which it can be seen that Hideyoshi longed for recognition and glory from the nations: "In order to urge the Joseon dynasty to make a pilgrimage, he should send an envoy to Tsushima. In this life, I will include Tang Tu (China) in my territory. ”

Long before Toyotomi Hideyoshi officially replaced Oda Nobunaga, he had already sent an envoy to North Korea for diplomatic testing. The abbot of Hakata Shofukuji Temple, Keizuk Gensu, who later became a leading Japanese diplomat during the war, visited Korea at least three times in the 80s of the 16th century. Some historical sources show that Nobunaga also planned to conquer China after the unification of Japan, and it is understandable that Jingzhe Xuansu made several missions. In 1586, Hideyoshi ordered the father and son of the daimyo of Tsushima, Munyoshi and Munyotoshi (1568-1615), to send an envoy to Joseon to inform the Koreans of his plans and to serve as guides to assist the Japanese army in the Ming Dynasty. Not surprisingly, the clan opposed Hideyoshi's plan and tried to persuade him to change his mind, arguing that it would be unwise to break off 200 years of peaceful relations. Hideyoshi was not convinced, and he insisted that the king of Joseon personally come to Japan for the Hajj. During these early negotiations, Korea insisted that Japan secure the sea routes and repatriated several wanted Japanese pirates before considering any form of formal diplomatic relations with the Toyotomi regime.

The first Japanese envoy to be ordered to send an envoy was Yasuhiro Yuzuya (Yasuhiro Tachibana). It is said that during the mission, Yuzuya Yasuhiro first mocked the North Korean soldiers' spears for being too short, and then criticized the North Korean officials for indulging in sensuality, which the North Koreans considered insulted. Later, Yuzuya Yasuhiro attended the palace banquet and made a series of arrogant and rude acts, and also warned the Korean generals: "Your country is doomed." "According to Japanese historical sources, in addition to persuading Korea to submit to Hideyoshi, Yuzuya Yasuhiro was also ordered to learn as much as possible about the geography and defense of the Korean Peninsula. Although some ministers in Korea were worried about the Japanese attack, some told Seonjo that the Japanese were just bluffing. In the end, North Korea refused to accede to Hideyoshi's request.

 Dragon's Head: Japanese onslaught

In the first seven months of the Imjin War, the Japanese army was overwhelmed and continued to capture the capital, and the Joseon king was forced to flee from Wangjing, and the government and the opposition were panicked and urgently appealed to the Ming Dynasty for help.

The Japanese troops divided their troops and rushed into the valley from all sides, the sound of guns and artillery shook the sky, and several outposts on the periphery of the Korean army quickly surrendered to the Japanese army. Shen Jian found that he was about to be encircled, so he led his men to rush into the enemy position. However, the Korean cavalry struggled in the mud of the rice paddies below the valley. Despite this, Shen Jian and his lieutenant general fought bloodily and constantly shot arrows at the Japanese troops in front. According to Japanese historical records, after nightfall, Konishi Yukinaga cast a "fire ox array" (burning straw tied to the tail of an ox to drive away the cattle and cause damage) to break the Korean army's front. Shen Qi tried to assemble the rout, but failed to break through, and committed suicide by throwing himself into the river on horseback. Earlier, Shen Yan ordered Jin Ruyu to escape, and Jin Ruyu replied: "Do I pity the dead?" The corpses of the dead soldiers beside him piled up. In addition to Shin-hsi, 3,000 Korean soldiers were killed, cut down by the Japanese army, or drowned. Li Yi managed to escape again. The Japanese also captured 100 Koreans and captured Chungju on June 7. According to the Taeko Chronicle, it was the ninjas attached to Konishi's army that captured Chungju. It is said that the ninjas infiltrated the city in the middle of the night and set it on fire, causing panic, and the Japanese army took the opportunity to break into the city walls. The Battle of Chungju was a crucial battle, and if the North Korean army won this battle, it was likely to stop the first wave of the Japanese offensive.

Two days later, some of the survivors brought the bad news of the defeat back to Wangjing. The two generals, Li Yi and Shen Li, were defeated one after another, which made the government and the opposition panic. It is said that some Japanese generals advanced dozens of miles without seeing a single Korean soldier resisting. The Japanese army was overwhelmed, which worried Hideyoshi and his staff. Hideyoshi did not want Konishi Yukinaga to rush too hard, especially since there was a threat of the Ming army entering the war. The Japanese generals met in Chungju to discuss the next step of the operation, and finally decided to strike while the iron was hot and continue to attack Wangjing. However, the two sides are at loggerheads over how to proceed and who will be the vanguard. Konishi insisted that he had fought the most tough battles and advanced the deepest. Kiyomasa Kato dismisses this, ridiculing Yukicho Konishi for relying solely on his family's support, and mocking him for being a businessman. Other generals persuaded and explained: "His Royal Highness (Hideyoshi) made the two secretaries a pioneer, and their thoughts were far-reaching. Now the two tigers are fighting, the enemy is hurting me, and the one who dies and has more sins?" the two were quite ashamed when they heard this, stopped arguing, and toasted and reconciled in the big tent that night.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

"Punishment Record"

When the generals of the Japanese army held a military meeting, Seonjo and the courtiers also held a military meeting. There was a lot of discussion, but there was no consensus: some advocated fleeing from the royal capital, while others pointed out that such a move would definitely cause the imperial court to lose popular support. In addition, abandon the temple and face the ancestors without face. An army of 30,000 men was planned to be recruited to guard Wang Jing, but now only 7,000 remain, and many of them fled quietly without waiting for the imperial court's order. Seonjo also counted on the moat to stop the Japanese attack, but in fact, if it was used properly, it would have been promising. However, Li Yi believes that Wang Jing will never be able to hold on. Since he had personally fought against the Japanese army, his opinion was quite weighty.

Both Seonjo and the courtiers hoped to flee to Pyongyang and hold out there until the Ming army came to help. After announcing this decision, the Korean monarchs and ministers wept silently, and they were not ashamed to face others. Not long ago, Seonjo crowned Gwanghaejun as his prince and sent him to the southern provinces, and he sent the other two princes, Linhaejun and Shunhejun, to the northeastern provinces. Seonjo and the courtiers hoped that the prince would inspire the kings of Gokyong. Linhae-kun was ordered to go to Hamgyong-do in the northeast, and Shunhwa-jun went to Gangwon Province in the east of Wangdong, and later joined up with Linhae-kun in the northeast.

Wang Jing was almost empty for days. Xuanzu cried: "In the two hundred years of recuperation, there are no loyal ministers and righteous people who have come here. It is said that the people of Wangjing hurled insults at the fleeing Seonjo and his party, throwing filth and shouting: "The country has abandoned me, and my generation will not be born!" The rioters ransacked shops and burned official deeds, especially the files of slaves and prisoners. An official was ordered to protect Seonjo's evacuation, trying to hold on to Wangjing and stall for time. A small number of the troops who came to King Qin, and some followed suit to rob and then flee. Palaces and treasury buildings, along with the residences of civil and military officials, were looted.

When Xuanzu and his entourage left Wang Jing, it was already four drums in the night. Li Hengfu (1553-1618) braved the pouring rain and led the way with torches, and Xuanjo's gorgeous dragon robe was also wet. Behind them, perhaps a hundred officials fled, watching the sky over Wang Jing be dyed red by the sea of fire. The procession staggered for two hours before arriving at the Dongpo Station, and Xuanzu lamented, "The people have abandoned me!" By the time they arrived at the station, most of the local officials had fled. In the end, Seonjo and his party finally encountered hundreds of infantry and fifty or sixty cavalrymen, and they were hungry.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

"Punishment Record"

Snake's Tail: North Korea rescued

In 1593 and 1594, the Ming Dynasty sent troops to support Korea against the Japanese army. Among them, the Battle of Koshu Yamaseong, which took place in March 1593, was hailed as one of the three major victories of the Imjin War, and after this battle, the Japanese army was in a rather unfavorable situation and had to abandon the plan of attack and retreat to Wangjing.

Emperor Wanli promised Xuanzu that, in addition to the Ming army, he would also ask Luzon and Ryukyu to send troops, and he also promised to restore all the old frontier for Xuanzu. The Ministry of War reaffirmed the reward for the heads of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the "evil monk" Keizu Gensu, Konishi Yukinaga, Soyoshitomo, and other Japanese generals.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

Daming Dynasty 1566


Shortly before the Battle of Bihokan, the Ming Dynasty also sent envoys to contact Kato Kiyomasa. At that time, Kato Kiyomasa said that the minimum condition for the release of the Joseon prince was to cede four of the eight provinces of Korea to Japan. The Ming envoys refused on the spot. The envoy called Toyotomi Hideyoshi "the subordinate of the little king of Akitsu in Japan" and told Kato that for hundreds of generations, the small states had benefited from the grace of the Celestial Empire. Now, the Celestial Empire had no choice but to mobilize a large army to punish Japan's arrogance, and another 400,000 troops had been assembled in Liaodong. Kato replied that the Japanese could defeat 400,000 troops in just 40 days, and said that even Tamayama would not be enough to stop the Japanese army. He vowed to march into Beijing, burn down the palace, capture Emperor Wanli like a prince of Joseon, and in doing so, receive the Ming Kingdom of 400 states.

Although Kato Kiyomasa was not ashamed to say that although the Japanese army won a small victory at the Bihokan, the situation was still very difficult. The corps suffered significant losses in manpower. Konishi's Legion was reduced by 60%-65%, and Kobayakawa Takakei's Legion was reduced by 44%. By the spring of 1593, the first batch of more than 160,000 Japanese soldiers who landed in Korea probably had less than 100,000 still in combat. The Korean winter was long and difficult for the Japanese occupation forces, with many soldiers dying of frostbite, starvation, and disease. The Japanese army, which was trying to hold on to Wangjing, suffered from a severe shortage of food and grass, which will continue to worsen thereafter. The attacks launched by the Korean volunteers also caused great distress to the Japanese army. On the way to retreat south from the northeastern roads into Wangjing, some Japanese soldiers even died in the mouth of a hungry tiger.

Encouraged by these news, the Chinese and North Korean forces began to consider attacking Wangjing. Zha Dashou led a small team of men and horses to Wangjing, burned 100,000 quintals (6,666 tons) of grain reserves, killed 3 Japanese soldiers and captured 1 person, and also learned that the Japanese army was indeed in a precarious situation. There were about 30,000 to 40,000 Japanese troops in the city at that time, and they planned to abandon the city, but they had to wait for Hideyoshi's orders. Although 200,000 reinforcements were expected to cross the sea, the defenders did not know exactly when they would arrive. Song Yingchang judged that the muddy ground would dry within 10 days, so that the Ming army could transport artillery to the outside of Wangjing City and bombard the enemy army as it did under the city of Pyongyang.

At this time, the Chinese and North Korean coalition forces hoped to establish closer contact with the Korean volunteers south of Wangjing, mainly because of the urgent need for food and grass. However, many of the volunteers were skeptical that the Korean court would be able to restore and stabilize order for a long time, and their attitude was not positive. Guo Zaiyou and other volunteer leaders were very dissatisfied with the constraints of the imperial court. Others were bent on presenting the heads of the Japanese people to the imperial court to receive the reward. Others were counting on compensation from the imperial court, although they did not fight enthusiastically. In addition, the victories of the Ming army and the Korean army in the north often exacerbated the Japanese army's wanton retaliation in the south, and many Koreans were also uneasy about this.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

The Battle of Mingliang

Before abandoning Wangjing, the Japanese army tried to occupy the nearby mountain city of Xingzhou. Kiyomasa Kato and Naoshige Nabeshima joined up with friendly forces at Wangjing, and the Japanese generals intended to quickly capture the city and deal a blow to the morale of the Koreans. Located on a hill on the banks of the Han River, just 14 kilometers southwest of Wangjing, the fortress was guarded by Kwon Li, who commanded about 10,000 men, including 1,000 monks. Kwon also acquired a batch of elaborate "trains", including a two-wheeled wooden cart with a multi-barreled part on top that could fire 100 rockets or 200 small arrows. Although heavy, these weapons can deal devastating blows against dense formations. The city of Koshu is located on a steep mountain cliff, making it an ideal location for the deployment of this weapon.

The Japanese attacked on 14 March. Since the attackers have a clear advantage in troops, they can take turns attacking the city in batches. Kwon ordered the Korean archers to rain arrows at the Japanese troops, and the soldiers and civilians who assisted in the defense threw stones. The women of the city also carried the arrows to the head of the city in their skirts. The combat effect of the "train" is excellent. The Japanese army piled up under the castle, and it is said that it also hindered the further actions of the attackers. At the critical moment when the Korean defenders were exhausted, reinforcements were received at the right time. The Japanese launched nine successive assaults, all of which were repulsed, and the defenders were exhausted by fires in the mountain castle. The monks who defended the northwest corner of the mountain castle fought particularly bravely. After repelling the Japanese army, the Korean defenders captured a total of 110 heads and 727 weapons. Ukita Hideie, the general stationed in Wangjing, was also wounded in the battle. When the Japanese learned that the Ming army was approaching and saw that a Korean reinforcement had also arrived on the banks of the Han River, they abandoned the attack and withdrew to Wangjing.

This war, which took place in the Ming Dynasty, still affects the whole of East Asia to this day

Read the original article, "Dragon Head and Snake Tail"

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