
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

author:Wei Sihong

- The above is the advertisement - source | Love Sihong WeChat public account

编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚      

Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Announcing the List of Demonstration Towns and Villages for Rural Revitalization in Jiangsu Province in 2023".

What are the advantages and characteristics of the five towns and villages that were selected into the list of provincial rural revitalization demonstration towns and demonstration villages?

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Linhuai Town, Sihong County - a fisherman's style town

Linhuai Town has a long history and culture, beautiful lake landscape, rich ecological resources, and unique fishing village style, which is a typical aquatic township and is known as "a thousand-year-old town, the hometown of Lusu, and the hometown of crabs". In 2023, it is estimated that the annual general public budget revenue will be 30 million yuan, the regional GDP will be 2.318 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%, and the per capita disposable income will reach 26,600 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.8%. The fishery industry chain is complete. Give full play to the advantages of leading enterprises such as Lvkang, Nanjing Aquatic Products, and Jinshui Group, accelerate the promotion and application of intensive and large-scale fishery technology, achieve a coverage rate of 90% of standardized breeding technology, and guide farmers to change from "big crab farming" to "big crab farming" and then to "ecological crab". Relying on the construction of the R&D building, the introduction of enterprises and product research and development has developed deep processing products such as crab roe buns, lotus leaf tea, lotus seed crisps, etc., with a processing capacity of 4,500 tons per year and an output value of 810 million yuan for the processing of characteristic agricultural products. The brand of all-for-one tourism is resounding. Relying on the agricultural, cultural and tourism resources such as Hongze Lake Wetland 5A Scenic Area, Dayuantang, Water Sports Center, Dawangzhuang, etc., we will accelerate the creation of a tourism brand of "Linhuai Fisherman's Town", and in 2018, it was successfully shortlisted for the second batch of tourism towns in Jiangsu Province. Launched the traditional version of "Linhuai Ten Flavors" and the business version of "Linhuai Fishing Banquet" special food, and created special prefabricated dishes and souvenirs such as spiny fish balls, crab roe sauce, water chestnut rice buns, lotus leaf tea, etc., to comprehensively publicize and promote the food culture of Linhuai fishermen. It has successfully hosted the Provincial Dragon Boat Elite Race, the Provincial Kayak Boat Race, the Dayuantang Fishing Invitational Race, the County National Dragon Boat Race, the 14th Provincial Rural Tourism Festival (Suqian Branch), the Farmers' Harvest Festival and other activities, and the popularity of the town has been continuously improved. The living environment in rural areas is excellent. Taking the improvement of the rural living environment as the starting point, we will accelerate the improvement of the appearance of towns and villages, continuously improve the happiness of the masses, and provide strong support for promoting rural revitalization. Up to now, the improvement of the rural living environment has been reported by the media at or above the provincial level more than 10 times, and has been awarded the titles of Provincial Beautiful and Livable Small Town Construction Pilot Township and Provincial Rural Domestic Waste Classification Pilot Excellent Town.

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!
Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Dianhu Village, Shangtang Town, Sihong County

Dianhu Village is the birthplace of rural areas in Jiangsu Province, located 9 kilometers north of Shangtang Town District, bordering Si County of Anhui Province to the west. Dianhu Village is the birthplace of the "big package" in rural areas of Jiangsu Province and is known as the "First Village of Rural Reform in Jiangsu". In recent years, Dianhu Village has continued to accelerate the pace of reform, actively improve the appearance of the village, vigorously adjust the industrial structure, introduce enterprises to settle down and the "three to one plus" project, and rely on the "Spring to Shangtang" memorial hall to vigorously develop the integration of agriculture and tourism. Last year, the per capita disposable income of Dianhu Village reached 27,000 yuan. The village has successively won the titles of "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village" and "National Civilized Village", and the Party Committee of Dianhu Village has been rated as "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization".

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Dawang Village, a semi-town town in Sihong County

Dawang Village is located on the west bank of Hongze Lake, which belongs to the tourist area around Hongze Lake, close to the Hongze Lake Wetland Scenic Area, a national 5A scenic spot, adjacent to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Cultural Belt, and is rich in tourism resources. It is less than 2 hours' drive from Nanjing City and Huai'an City. In recent years, Dawang Village has vigorously promoted the construction of beautiful villages, relying on the Dawangzhuang Cadre Education Center, vigorously developing all-for-one tourism, making full use of red culture, agricultural production, pastoral scenery, folk culture and high-quality ecological environment, driving more than 60 villagers to develop homestays, farmhouses, and the development and sales of red cultural and creative products, and more than 100 people participating in base interpretation, security, cleaning services and other related labor services, effectively broadening the channels for villagers to increase income. In 2022, the collective operating income of Dawang Village will reach 3.63 million yuan, and the per capita income of villagers will be 26,000 yuan.

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Shenzhuang Community, Jinsuo Town, Sihong County

Shenzhuang Community, Jinsuo Town, Sihong County (formerly Shenzhuang Village) is located on the bank of the beautiful Xuhong River. Here, Xu Honghe is her blood and her soul. Year after year, generation after generation, Shenzhuang, a small place, is like the water source of the Xuhong River, which has a long history, nourishing the story of "Hongyan Pilot" and "Thinking of Change if Poor". There are tourist attractions such as Hongze Lake Wetland Scenic Area, Huaibei Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Memorial Hall, Mudun Island Scenic Area, Hongze Lake Wetland Bird Watching Park, Rice Culture Center, Liushan Lake Scenic Area near Shenzhuang Community, Sihong Hairy Crab, Longji Lotus Seed, Sihong Rice, Sihong Jujube, Tiangang Lake Peach, Shuanggou Daqu and other special products, Shuanggou Temple Fair, Hongwu Flower Stick Dance, Tonghe Dragon Dance, Mudun Island Fishermen Worship King Ceremony, Linhuai Fisherman's Wedding Customs, Sihong Sizhou Opera and other folk cultures.

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Ledong Village, Longji Town, Sihong County

Ledong Village, Longji Town, Sihong County, is located at the intersection of Hongze Lake and Chengzi Lake, and is known as the "end of the world" in Sihong. In the past, because of its remote location, there was no decent industry, and the infrastructure was old, so it was a well-known "backward village" in the local area. Nowadays, cement roads extending in all directions have been built, street lamps have been lit up, villagers' wallets have swelled, and the once tightly knit brows of old secretaries and party members have been replaced by smiles. In 2022, Ledong Village was rated as one of the "Top Ten Economic Strong Villages in Suqian City" and a "Five-Star" Village for four consecutive years......

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

Jianbei Village, Weiying Town, Sihong County

Jianbei Community is a typical traditional village in northern Jiangsu, with an area of 7,580 acres and a total of 636 households and 2,810 people. Adhere to the party building to lead the development path of rural integrated revitalization, take "three alliances and three gatherings" as the main line of work, innovate the development model of "resource sharing, complementary advantages, and village association", and the community will be the observation point of the on-site observation and promotion meeting of the city's "party building leading and promoting revitalization, and the branch will carry the flag and take responsibility" in 2021, with a collective economic income of 2.01 million yuan in 2021, and will be rated as "Suqian City's Top Ten Economic Strong Villages" in March 2022.

Five villages in one town in Sihong were selected as provincial demonstrations!

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