
5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

author:Effort is an attitude

5 kinds of delicacies in the Northeast that are cooler and more delicious, and the cold will not lose that taste!

The cold winters of Tohoku can always be daunting, but it is this climate that has given birth to many unique cuisines. Today, I would like to introduce you to 5 kinds of winter delicacies in the Northeast that are as cool as possible. Don't be afraid of freezing, these delicacies can only show their flavor in the cold winter, and the cold will not lose that taste. Come with me to experience the charm of Northeast winter food!

### 1. Cold surface

5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

Cold noodles are the winter favorite of Northeast people! That bowl of slippery cold noodles is intoxicating with every bite. It is made by a unique process in which the noodles are cooled in cold water after cooking, which maintains the elasticity and delicate texture of the noodles. Paired with sauces and vegetables, it's a delicious work of art. Eating cold noodles in winter is refreshing and appetizing, and will definitely make you forget about the cold weather.

### 2. Frozen tofu

5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

In the winter of Tohoku, frozen tofu is a very popular delicacy. It is relatively simple to make, with tofu frozen in the refrigerator for a while and then sliced or diced. Frozen tofu tastes smooth, rich in the nutrients of tofu, and also helps the body resist the cold. Whether it's a cold salad or a stewed soup, it can add a special flavor to winter.

### 3. Sauerkraut stewed pork ribs

5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

In the Northeast in winter, sauerkraut stewed pork ribs are a classic home-cooked dish. Sauerkraut and pork ribs are simmered together, and the meat is sweet and sour in the mouth, and the meat is tender and juicy. Sauerkraut is rich in vitamin C, which improves the body's resistance, and pork ribs are rich in protein and calcium. This dish not only warms the stomach but also replenishes the nutrients needed by the body, making it one of the must-eat delicacies in winter.

### 4. Cold dumplings

5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

Cold dumplings are also a traditional winter delicacy of Northeast people. The dumplings are cooked and cooled, and then dipped in various spices to eat, the texture is smooth and delicious. In winter, when the temperature in the Northeast is low, cold dumplings can not only relieve the heat, but also stimulate your appetite, so that you can still enjoy the fun of food in the cold weather.

### 5. Cool skin

5 kinds of foods that are cooler and more delicious should be eaten in winter, without freezing and not smelling like that

Liangpi is one of the very favorite snacks of Northeast people. This refers to cold dough, which is tossed with a variety of toppings and seasonings to create a rich and delicious dish. Enjoying cold skin in winter is not only delicious, but also allows you to feel the unique taste brought by the alternation of hot and cold, which warms up and refreshes the body.

The cooler the better, the true flavor of these delicacies can only be tasted in the cold winter of Tohoku. So, don't be afraid of the cold, brave the cold, and enjoy the unique charm of these delicacies together!


The above is the Northeast winter food that I recommend for everyone, whether it is a refreshing cold noodle or a rich cold skin, each dish has a unique charm. It is the cold winter that gives birth to these delicacies, and you can only truly appreciate them if you taste them for yourself. Hopefully, these delicacies will add a touch of warmth and goodness to your winter!

If you have any other recommendations about Northeast cuisine, please share them in the comment area!


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