
Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

author:Dried Q fish

Chapter 1: The Novelty and Risks of Work

The Monkey King, a famous mythical figure in history, has now become a role in the work of a scenic spot. The recruitment of Taihang Wuzhishan Scenic Area to play the role of Sun Wukong has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. The work seems simple, you only need to be "pressed" at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, waiting for tourists to feed all kinds of food, and the salary starts at 6,000 yuan. However, there are some potential problems and risks hidden behind it. This work may be a novel and interesting experience for some, but it also has some potential risks and problems.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

In public places such as Taihang Wuzhishan Scenic Area, it is difficult to manage the quality and behavior of tourists in a unified manner. Staff may face incivility words or behavior. Imagine that when a person puts on the Monkey King costume and sits at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, some tourists may inappropriately ridicule them, tease them, and there may even be safety risks. Some tourists who do not understand etiquette and public order may get too close, causing the staff who play the Monkey King to be unable to perform their duties normally. Therefore, staff need to have enough patience and the ability to respond to unexpected situations.

Chapter 2: The Importance of Training and Protective Measures

The scenic spot should provide necessary training and protection measures for the staff who play the Monkey King. Although the main part of this work is waiting for visitors to feed them, the staff still need to have a certain level of performance skills and service awareness. Training can help staff better communicate and interact with visitors, while also giving them an understanding of how to respond to emergencies. It is very important for the staff to play the Monkey King, to understand the story and image of the Monkey King, and it can also help them play the role better.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

In addition, the scenic spot should also strengthen the personal safety of staff. This includes providing proper protective gear to ensure that they do not suffer any injuries during their work. The scenic spot should set up monitoring measures to ensure the safety of the staff who play the role of the Monkey King and prevent the occurrence of uncivilized behavior. At the same time, the scenic spot should also provide reasonable rest and food conditions for the staff to ensure that they can have enough physical strength and energy to perform their work.

Chapter 3: Strengthening the Education and Guidance of Tourists

Tourists are an important resource of the scenic spot, but their behavior also directly affects the image and environment of the scenic spot. In the Taihang Wuzhi Mountain Scenic Area, some tourists have uncivilized behaviors towards the staff who play the Monkey King, such as feeding them unhygienic food or inappropriate verbal attacks. Scenic spots should strengthen the education and guidance of tourists, let them understand the importance of civilized tourism, and remind them to respect the rights and dignity of staff.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

Scenic spots can be educated and guided in a variety of ways, such as setting up signs, playing promotional videos, distributing brochures, etc. The staff can properly guide visitors on how to respect the image and character of the Monkey King, and observe public order and civilized etiquette. Scenic spots can also provide feedback mechanisms to allow tourists to have channels to put forward opinions and suggestions, and promote good interaction between tourists and staff.

Chapter IV: Responsibilities and Skills of Staff

In addition to waiting for tourists to feed them, the staff who play the Monkey King also need to have some acting skills and service awareness. They should be able to display the image and personality traits of the Monkey King, interact and communicate with visitors. For example, they can play the Monkey King's pose, high-five streamer skills, or use abilities such as the Monkey King's clairvoyance and tailwind ears.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

Staff should also be service-minded and proactive in asking about and helping visitors. They can explain the story and legend of the Monkey King to tourists, providing tourists with a better visiting experience. At the same time, they should also be able to deal with the problems and complaints raised by tourists and provide satisfactory solutions for tourists.

Chapter 5: Reasonable Expectations of Tourists

As tourists, we should also respect the staff who play their roles and observe public order and civilized etiquette. During the tour, we should pay attention to our words and deeds to avoid causing unnecessary distress and harm to the staff. When feeding food, we should pay attention to the safety and hygiene of food to avoid unnecessary trouble to the staff.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

At the same time, we should also strengthen the education of children and family members to understand how to respect the fruits of work and the rights and interests of workers. We can tell them that the staff who played the Monkey King put a lot of effort and sweat into making our travel experience more interesting. We should respect their duties and efforts and interact with them with gratitude.

Chapter 6: Management and Supervision of Scenic Spots

As a public place, the scenic spot should strengthen the management and guidance of tourists. In addition to strengthening the education and guidance of tourists, scenic spots should also strengthen the management and supervision of public order. Scenic spots can increase the number of staff to ensure that they are evenly distributed within the scenic area and can respond to the needs of tourists in a timely manner. At the same time, the scenic spot can also set up a patrol team to carry out site inspections and safety inspections to ensure the order and safety of the scenic spot.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

Scenic spots can also set up complaint and feedback channels, so that tourists have channels to put forward opinions and suggestions, and strengthen the supervision and assessment of staff. The scenic spot can conduct regular satisfaction surveys to understand the evaluation and suggestions of tourists on the staff who play the role of Monkey King and the entire scenic spot. Through continuous improvement, the scenic spot can enhance the tourist experience and create a good tourism environment.

Chapter 7: The Importance of Harmonious Co-creation

The job of playing as the Monkey King is both an interesting career and a career for tourists. The staff has put a lot of effort into creating a pleasant and fun atmosphere, and we, as tourists, should respect the fruits of their labor and their rights. Only with joint efforts can we jointly create a harmonious, civilized and safe tourism environment.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

We can build a good tourism ecosystem by strengthening education and guidance, improving the quality of tourists, strengthening staff training and protection measures, and strengthening the management and supervision of scenic spots. In this ecosystem, visitors and staff respect and understand each other to create a wonderful travel experience together. Let us work together to become a civilized tourist and create a harmonious social environment together.

The novelty and risk of playing the work of the Monkey King. Staff may be exposed to uncivilized behavior and safety risks from tourists. In order to solve these problems, scenic spots should provide necessary training and protection measures, strengthen the education and guidance of tourists, improve the responsibilities and skills of staff, and strengthen the management and supervision of scenic spots. At the same time, as tourists, we should respect the fruits of labor and the rights and interests of our staff, and observe public order and civilized etiquette. Only by working together can we create a harmonious, civilized and safe tourism environment together.

Tourists fed chili peppers and caused "Monkey King" to cry, causing controversy and sympathy

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