
Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

author:The heart of the car is spoken

When buying a car, if you don't know which model to choose, then in this article I will tell you in detail about the right way to do it. The Spring Festival is approaching soon, and it is the peak season for car sales, and friends who buy a car may have a hard time. Because the cars on the market now include fuel vehicles, pure electric vehicles, gasoline hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and range extenders. So how to choose these 5 models, which model is more in line with your own car requirements, will be introduced in detail in the next article.

Conventional fuel vehicles

A fuel vehicle is a vehicle that uses gasoline or diesel as fuel. Its advantages are that the technology is mature, the gas stations are widely distributed, the refueling is convenient, and there is no endurance anxiety. The disadvantage is that the price of oil is rising, the cost of using the car is high, and the emissions from the combustion of gasoline and diesel will pollute the environment, which does not meet the needs of green environmental protection.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Applicable people of fuel vehicles: With the rise of new energy vehicles, the price of fuel vehicles has also been greatly reduced, and some models even have a discount of 70,000 or 80,000 yuan. For example, Haval H6 used to cost more than 100,000 yuan on the road, but now it only needs 60,000 or 70,000 yuan for the low-level road. If you have a limited budget to buy a car, have high requirements for car performance, often drive in remote areas, or often run long distances, then it is recommended that you buy a fuel car.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Oil-mixed vehicles

The full name of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle is a gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle, which combines a traditional internal combustion engine, such as a diesel engine or a gasoline engine and an electric motor as its main power source. The working principle of the oil-mixed vehicle is that the diesel engine or gasoline engine can directly drive the car, and the gasoline engine or diesel engine can also generate electricity for the battery to store electric energy, and can also use the motor to drive the vehicle. If you drive in the city, you can use the pure electric mode, and if you run long distances, you can use the engine to drive the vehicle directly, which means that the vehicle can switch to different power sources under different driving conditions.

Advantages of oil-hybrid vehicles: It can be used in pure electric mode in urban areas, which is economical and energy-saving, will not produce emission pollutants, and is environmentally friendly. Using the pure electric mode has the advantages of fast acceleration, low noise, and comfortable ride. When the battery is about to run out, the engine directly intervenes to drive the vehicle, and it is more convenient to refuel without worrying about range anxiety.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Disadvantages of oil-mixed vehicles: Compared with traditional oil, oil-mixed vehicles have two sets of drive systems and batteries, the body design is more complex, the body weight of the car body, and the two sets of drive systems occupy more space, which may occupy space in the car. Due to the complex design of the body, there are many failures in the later stage, the cost of use and maintenance is high, and the value retention rate of this model is poor.

Who is a gasoline hybrid vehicle: If you have a high budget for buying a car, want to accept the driving experience of new technologies, pay attention to environmental protection, do not have high requirements for the range of the car, and often drive in urban areas, then buying a gasoline hybrid car may be a good choice. The premise is that you can accept the shortcomings of the oil mixed car, otherwise it is not recommended to buy.

Plug-in hybrid vehicles

A plug-in hybrid vehicle refers to a plug-in hybrid vehicle. It is to add a battery pack and an electric motor to the original gasoline or diesel drive layout, or only lay out the battery and the motor, and charge the battery by plugging in, so that the motor and gasoline engine can drive the vehicle or pure electric drive at the same time, and the gasoline engine or diesel engine can also be used to directly drive the vehicle.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

The engine of the hybrid vehicle can not only directly drive the vehicle, but also charge the battery by generating electricity, so that the vehicle has the ability to drive pure electric driving. However, the battery pack of a hybrid vehicle is usually not charged using an external power source, but relies on the vehicle's energy recovery during driving and braking.

In contrast, the battery pack of a plug-in hybrid vehicle requires an external power source to recharge. The petrol or diesel engine of a plug-in hybrid vehicle is only responsible for powering the vehicle, not providing the ability to charge it. Plug-in hybrid vehicles are typically equipped with larger capacity battery packs that can be charged via external charging facilities, providing a longer all-electric range.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Advantages of plug-in hybrid vehicles: Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles have better fuel economy, use pure electric mode to achieve zero emissions, and are environmentally friendly. Its battery pack is larger than that of a hybrid car, and it has a longer range in pure electric mode.

Disadvantages of plug-in hybrid vehicles: complex structure, high cost of car purchase, high cost of later maintenance and use. Pure electric battery life is limited, charging facilities have not yet been fully popularized, and it is inconvenient to charge in some remote places. The technology is relatively new, the market ownership of the model is small, the market recognition is low, and the model does not maintain its value.

Suitable for plug-in hybrid vehicles: People who often drive long distances, plug-in hybrid vehicles can use fuel engines for long-distance driving, avoiding range anxiety. Plug-in hybrid vehicles are suitable for environmentally conscious people and achieve zero emissions in electric mode. Plug-in hybrid vehicles are also suitable for those who often drive on congested roads in the city, because plug-in hybrid vehicles can use electric mode when driving at low speeds and when starting and stopping, reducing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. If you can apply to install a home charging pile and pay attention to the fuel consumption of the car, then you can consider buying a plug-in hybrid vehicle that requires frequent charging and good fuel economy.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Additional procedures

A range-extender vehicle is an electric vehicle that carries a generator on its own. This generator is the diesel engine or gasoline engine of the oil truck. The generator uses diesel or gasoline combustion to convert heat energy into electricity and store it in the battery for the vehicle to drive in electric mode.

In addition, the battery pack of the extended-range vehicle can be recharged, and when the battery is depleted in pure electric mode, the gasoline or diesel engine starts to generate electricity to provide the vehicle with the power it needs to drive.

Advantages of a range-extender vehicle: the battery is rechargeable, it achieves zero emissions in pure electric mode, and it is completely an electric vehicle. In pure electric mode, the driving acceleration is fast, the quietness is good, and the driving is comfortable. In pure electric mode, it has a certain range of range, so that the power support provided by the internal combustion engine power generation has a long range.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Disadvantages of extended-range vehicles: Extended-range vehicles are composed of internal combustion engines, battery packs and motors, as well as some high-tech accessories, with high manufacturing costs, high vehicle prices, and complex configurations that limit their penetration in the market. Due to the addition of the motor and battery pack, the weight of the body increases, and the power performance may be reduced when cornering acceleration, overtaking and climbing.

The model uses the internal combustion engine while making loud noise, exhaust gas and pollutant emissions, and converting oil into electricity, which has the disadvantage of low energy conversion efficiency. Due to the addition of a set of motors, and the increase in the number of failures in the process of battery pack use and maintenance in the later stage, the cost of using the car is high, and it can be said that the extended-range vehicle is the model with the lowest value retention rate among all new energy vehicles.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Applicable to the range extender model: the range extender vehicle is suitable for those who have installed a charging pile at home, charging, its range of work activities is limited, and the daily range of the extended range vehicle in the city is a good choice. It is also equipped with an internal combustion generator, which is also a good choice for those who need to travel long distances occasionally.

Pure electric steam

Pure electric vehicles refer to vehicles equipped with ternary batteries or lithium iron phosphate batteries, pure electric vehicles only have a battery and a motor, the battery is responsible for storing and outputting electricity, and the motor is responsible for providing energy to drive the vehicle.

The advantages of pure electric vehicles: fashionable appearance, in line with the aesthetic needs of young people, good quietness, fast acceleration, green environmental protection, zero pollution and zero emission are environmentally friendly, in line with the current requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, and there is no need to pay a vehicle purchase surcharge on the green plate.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

Disadvantages of pure electric vehicles: frequent charging, long-distance range anxiety, and high prices of some models. Due to the lack of widespread charging facilities, it is inconvenient to charge in some remote areas, and if you drive a tram for a long distance on holidays, you will have a long waiting time in the service area. The battery has poor low temperature resistance and a higher spontaneous combustion rate than that of oil vehicles. Due to the many disadvantages of electric vehicles, its used car value retention rate is much lower than that of gasoline cars.

Suitable for the population of pure electric vehicles: If you are in a city that restricts the number of fuel vehicles, usually you just go to work and travel in a small range, and the installation of charging piles at home does not often run long distances, then buying an electric car has the advantage of being more economical and energy-saving than oil vehicles. Because the comprehensive fuel consumption of ordinary oil vehicles is about 6 cents per kilometer, while trams only need more than a dime per kilometer if they use home charging piles.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable


Buying a car is an important decision that requires a combination of factors. For ordinary people, the first thing to do is to clarify their use needs and car purchase budget. The usage requirements include the daily driving distance, the need to carry people and goods, and whether you often travel long distances. The budget for buying a car involves a person's financial situation and the range of affordable prices for the car.

On the basis of clarifying the usage needs and the purchase budget, it is also necessary to consider the characteristics of each model. Gasoline vehicles are the traditional type of vehicle with a long range and an extensive network of petrol stations, but fuel consumption and emissions are issues to consider. Hybrid vehicles combine the advantages of a gasoline engine and an electric motor to improve fuel efficiency to a certain extent.

Plug-in hybrids can provide a longer electric range with external charging, and also have a gasoline engine as a backup power source. Extended-range electric vehicles are mainly driven by electric motors, and the gasoline engine is only used to generate electricity to extend the range. BEVs, on the other hand, are entirely battery-powered and offer the advantages of zero emissions and low noise, but range and availability of charging infrastructure are concerns.

Buy a car now: fuel vehicle, pure electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, fuel hybrid vehicle, and range extender which is more suitable

It is necessary to make multifaceted comparisons before making a decision. Factors such as range, fuel efficiency, convenience of charging facilities, maintenance costs, and environmental performance can be compared between different models. In addition, you can also refer to professional car reviews and user reputation to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different models.

The final decision should be made based on the individual's specific circumstances and preferences. If the daily driving distance is short and there are convenient charging facilities, a battery electric vehicle may be a good choice. If you often travel long distances or need more range, a gasoline car or plug-in hybrid may be more suitable. For those looking for efficient fuel use and environmental performance, a hybrid or extended-range electric vehicle may be a better choice.

In short, buying a car is a decision that needs to be carefully considered, and it needs to be comprehensively compared based on personal needs, car purchase budget and model characteristics, and finally choose a fuel vehicle, a gasoline hybrid vehicle, a plug-in hybrid vehicle, a range extender or a pure electric vehicle that suits you.