
Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

author:Hanabi Jun who loves life

Why were Mr. Lu Xun's works gradually removed from textbooks? There are three main reasons why some "experts" criticize him for not being a literary scholar.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

First of all, Mr. Lu Xun's works are too radical and not suitable for primary and secondary school students. His works reveal the dark side of society and criticize the bad Xi and oppression of feudal society. This radical way of thinking and depicting can have a negative impact on young students.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

Secondly, Mr. Lu Xun's works are widely used in Chinese textbooks. His work is heavily quoted and interpreted, but this has also led to a phenomenon of overexposure. Some education experts believe that other writers and literary works should be given more opportunities.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

Third, Mr. Lu Xun is the most distinctive one in the literary world. His work is obscure and controversial. For elementary and middle school students, it can be difficult to understand and appreciate his work. Therefore, some experts believe that works that are easier to understand and accept should be selected to develop students' literary literacy.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

In recent years, there have been more and more voices about removing Lu Xun's works from the textbook. However, there are still many people who think that Mr. Lu Xun's works are worth recommending. He used the pen as a weapon to fight against the "well-dressed beasts", and his works are the precious wealth of the history of the Chinese nation.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

Mr. Lu Xun is known as the pioneer and main general of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. His thoughts and spirit have influenced generations after generations. In recent years, after the Awakening Era was broadcast, many characters in the play have been respected and loved by people. Although his works may not conform to the requirements of modern education and the spirit of the times today, we must not forget his great contribution to the progress of Chinese culture and society.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!

In short, Mr. Lu Xun's works were gradually removed from textbooks probably because they were radical, obscure, and unsuitable for primary and secondary school students. However, we should still cherish his works and regard them as an important cultural heritage in the history of the Chinese nation.

Lu Xun's works were removed from the textbook: three reasons revealed!