
When a pedestrian is hit by an electric bicycle on the sidewalk, how to protect their rights?

author:Watermelon from Persia

Recently, various traffic accidents caused by improper driving of electric vehicles have attracted much attention, and professionals have been invited to explain in detail how pedestrians should effectively protect their rights and interests when encountering such situations, and formulate various measures to ensure public safety.

Today, an authoritative traffic expert once again stressed that when a pedestrian encounters an electric vehicle collision, the first priority is to firmly grasp the electric vehicle involved in the accident as soon as possible to ensure that it does not flee the scene. In particular, even if the driver of an electric vehicle is not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he or she should not be taken lightly if he or she causes injury to a pedestrian.

When a pedestrian is hit by an electric bicycle on the sidewalk, how to protect their rights?

Through scientific methods, the vast majority of unlicensed electric vehicles are found to have anomalies after testing, and many products do not even meet the specification standards at all. However, among many factors, the conversion of electric vehicles may have affected the occurrence of accidents, so the driver of the car should bear full responsibility. One might ask, how can we find those unlicensed vehicles? Even when the traffic police arrived, most of them had already left. However, we still want everyone to see the importance of these driving vehicles and the need to follow traffic regulations.

When a pedestrian is hit by an electric bicycle on the sidewalk, how to protect their rights?

Experts also point out that after an accident, people riding electric vehicles are often reluctant to take the initiative to pay compensation. At this time, the victim must not be weak and compromised, but should use legal weapons to protect his legitimate rights and interests. Not only that, if the electric vehicle is a logistics or food delivery business, the company can also be listed as a joint target of litigation to increase the chance of winning the lawsuit.

In the face of the traffic hazards caused by the surge in the number of electric vehicles, each of us should be fully prepared to improve our awareness of self-prevention and protect ourselves from accidental injuries. In addition, relevant government departments should also strengthen management, increase the rectification of electric vehicle violations, and effectively protect the safety and health of the public.

When a pedestrian is hit by an electric bicycle on the sidewalk, how to protect their rights?