
Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

author:TCM Physician Zhang talks about health

"Have you ever heard of the common nighttime Xi that drinking a warm glass of milk before bed can bring about a sweet dream? This Xi habit seems to have become the golden rule for many people to pursue a good night's sleep. But before you pick up that glass of milk, it's worth digging in: is this night's milk really your magic key to a peaceful night?

You might be surprised to learn that the effects of drinking milk before bed are not black and white. In fact, behind this simple Xi lies a complex and subtle array of influences that may make you reevaluate this seemingly innocuous evening ritual.

Milk: A Treasure Trove of Nutrition or a Health Concern?

Milk has long been hailed as "nature's perfect food", but is it really for everyone? Let's dive into the nutrients in milk and how they affect our health.

Calcium: the cornerstone of strong bones

Milk is one of the main sources of calcium, and adequate calcium intake is essential for maintaining bone health for middle-aged and elderly people. Drinking milk in moderation daily can help prevent osteoporosis. However, it is important to note that calcium absorption is not solely dependent on intake, but also requires the assistance of vitamin D.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

Protein: Maintain muscle health

The high-quality protein in milk is essential for maintaining muscle strength and function. As we age, muscle mass gradually decreases, and a moderate intake of protein from milk can help slow down this process.

Vitamin D: Nutrition in the sun

Although milk is naturally not high in vitamin D, many milk products are fortified. Vitamin D plays an important role in promoting calcium absorption and maintaining immune system function.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

Lactose: the key to digestion and absorption

The lactose in milk can cause digestive discomfort in people who are lactose intolerant. Therefore, for this segment of the population, choosing lactose-degraded milk or lactose substitutes is a solution.

Saturated fats: a double-edged sword

The saturated fat in milk may have an impact on cardiovascular health. Therefore, choosing low-fat or skim milk is a healthier choice for middle-aged and elderly people, who can enjoy the nutrition of milk and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A glass of milk before bed, a sweet dream or a dream bubble?

When exploring the potential benefits of drinking milk before bed, we first need to understand the basic makeup of milk. Milk is rich in tryptophan, an important amino acid that is essential for several physiological processes in the body, especially in promoting sleep. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in regulating sleep cycles. Serotonin is further converted into melatonin, which is widely considered the "sleep hormone" and plays a key role in regulating a person's biological clock and improving sleep quality.

1. Tryptophan and sleep quality

Studies have shown that a moderate intake of tryptophan can help improve sleep quality. For middle-aged and older adults who often experience sleep disorders, drinking milk in moderation before bed may help improve their sleep. This improvement does not occur immediately, but requires a period of regular intake to show results.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

2. Calcium and nerve stability

The high calcium content in milk is also good for sleep. Not only is calcium essential for bone health, but it also plays a role in nerve signaling, contributing to the smooth functioning of the nervous system. A stable nervous system is better able to cope with stress, potentially helping to improve relaxation before bedtime.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

3. The psychological effects of hot milk

In addition to the physiological effects, hot milk may also promote sleep on a psychological level. Many people see drinking hot milk as a bedtime ritual, and the ritual itself has a relaxing effect, helping people fall asleep faster. However, this effect may vary from individual to individual.


In summary, drinking milk in moderation before going to bed may have a certain positive effect on improving sleep. However, this does not mean that everyone should adopt this Xi. Tryptophan and calcium in milk have potential benefits for promoting sleep, but the extent of this benefit varies from person to person and is closely related to an individual's overall health and dietary Xi. For people who are lactose intolerant or have a special sensitivity to cow's milk, drinking milk before bed may not be the best option. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a medical professional before taking any dietary modifications to ensure that this change is appropriate for the individual's health condition.

The hidden dangers of milk before bed: it's not just lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance: a common but often overlooked problem

Lactose intolerance is a common digestive problem, especially among middle-aged and older adults. This condition is because the body is unable to break down the lactose in milk efficiently, which can lead to bloating, diarrhea, and other digestive discomforts. For people with this condition, drinking milk before bed not only does not help them get a better night's sleep, but may cause discomfort at night and interfere with sleep.

Hidden risk of overconsumption

While milk is a nutritious beverage, excessive intake can also have negative consequences. For middle-aged and older adults with special needs for weight management, the extra calories consumed before bed may lead to a quiet weight gain. In addition, excessive calcium intake may not be a wise choice for people with certain health problems, such as those with increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

Cardiovascular health considerations

Some studies suggest that high-fat diets are associated with cardiovascular health problems. Although the fat content of milk is not high, for those who need to strictly control their fat intake, especially those with cardiovascular disease, the extra milk intake in the evening may require more consideration. Choosing low-fat or skim milk can be a safer option.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!


Overall, drinking milk before bed isn't for everyone. It is very important to understand your physical condition and make a choice under professional medical guidance. For people who are lactose intolerant, need to keep their weight under tight control, or are at risk of cardiovascular disease, it may be wiser to choose alternatives or adjust the timing of drinking.

In this section, we not only answer the potential risks of drinking milk before bedtime, but also provide practical advice based on individual health conditions to help readers make more informed health choices.

Evening milk: is it suitable for everyone?

Drinking milk before going to bed has different effects for different people. Our physical condition, lifestyle, and health conditions all affect the effectiveness of milk. The experts made specific recommendations based on these differences.

Individual differences: Know your own situation

Everyone's physical condition is unique. Some people may be unable to digest the lactose in milk due to lactose intolerance, resulting in indigestion or stomach upset. Others may benefit from the calcium and tryptophan in milk, which help relax nerves and promote sleep.

Expert advice: Personalize your choice

Lactose intolerant: For this segment of the population, experts recommend opting for lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk products, or trying plant-based dairy products such as almond milk or soy milk.

Drinking milk before going to bed, is it medicine or poison? These effects are unexpected to you, experts recommend a quick look!

People with sleep disorders: For people with poor sleep quality, tryptophan in milk may help improve sleep. But if there is a severe sleep disorder, it is better to consult a doctor than to rely on milk alone.

Weight management: If you're on weight management, choosing low-fat or fat-free milk may be more appropriate to reduce extra calorie intake.

People at risk of cardiovascular disease: For people at risk of cardiovascular disease, especially those with high cholesterol or high blood pressure, it is wise to limit the intake of high-fat dairy products.

Conclusion: Final advice from experts

Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to consume milk before bed should be based on the individual's health status and needs. A glass of milk may be a soothing ritual for some and uncomfortable for others. It is important to consider your particular situation and possible implications before making a decision.