
The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

author:Avenue whispers
The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

The biggest recent sex scandal in the United States is Epstein's list.

Epstein is a famous "pimp" in the United States, in order to satisfy his desires, he specially built a "Loli Island", also known as "Sex Slave Island", from all over the collection of all kinds of underage girls, for the bigwigs to "enjoy".

After he was arrested in 2019, he died mysteriously in prison and died of "suicide" at the age of 66.

Still, despite Epstein's death and many things being unclear, his case continues to be in the spotlight.

On January 3, a U.S. court released more than 900 pages of sealed documents involving 184 people, and at least 170 names will be made public (including Epstein's associates and victims, some mentioned in passing during testimony).

Most of them are celebrities from all walks of life in the United States and Britain, such as former US Presidents Clinton and Obama, Prince Andrew of the United Kingdom, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and magician David Copperfield......

Among them, there is also the late scientist Stephen Hawking, who has muscle atrophy, and some victims said that he participated in underage group sex on the island.

The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States
The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

Billionaires, elites, presidents, politicians, sexual assault trade, rights asylum...... The reality is even more outrageous than American dramas.

01 Loli Island

Epstein was a mysterious figure.

There is almost no information on the Internet about how he became a top rich man from scratch. Some say he's laundering money, others say his company is a Ponzi scheme, and others say he's investing ......

New York magazine wrote a feature story calling him a "mysterious multinational financier."

But one thing is for sure, Epstein was a super-rich man.

He owns properties in cities around the world, owning a 4,600-square-meter townhouse in Manhattan, New York, a 40-square-kilometer ranch and hilltop villa in New Mexico, and countless luxury cars and private jets, and often chatting and laughing with the elite.

In the 90s of the last century, Epstein spent 7.95 million US dollars (about 57 million yuan) to buy Little St. James Island.

He transformed the island into an "adult paradise" to satisfy his exorbitant sexual needs and abnormal sexual fetishes, the island's "sex workers" are all underage girls from all over the world, the youngest being around 11 years old.

Most of them came from poor backgrounds, entered society when their three views were still immature, and met Epstein, some of them voluntarily sold their bodies for money, and some were forced to step by step.

Virginia, who has worked on the island, revealed to the media that the first time she went to the island, she was asked to demonstrate "massage techniques" by a naked Epstein, and she had sex with her.

And she can always see that the girls on the island are naked, picking up "distinguished guests".

Yes, these girls are not only serving Epstein, but also big people from all walks of life who come to "visit".

Guests had to fly on Epstein's private jet (Lolita Express), which not only had a few bedrooms, but the flight attendants were all underage and scantily clad in their clothes.

Private jets are also one of the venues for sexual services.

It is worth mentioning that Gillian, the daughter of British media tycoon Robert, became the "old bustard" of the island after her father's death, and personally trained the girl in bed kung fu.

Epstein's painstaking efforts to compile this network are naturally not simply generous.

He installed pinhole cameras in various sex trade venues to record the "guests" rolling the sheets, and the girls would tell Epstein what the "guests" said and did.

So, once Epstein was exposed, these people could not maintain their image, but because pedophiles were nailed to the pillar of shame.

The handle of countless celebrities fell into the hands of Epstein.

02 Suicide suspicions

In 2005, a woman reported to Texas police that her 14-year-old stepdaughter had been sexually assaulted.

During the investigation, the Texas police learned that the girl was tricked into going to Epstein's mansion by another older girl under the guise of massaging to make money.

Epstein liked girls who didn't grow up, and girls who were too mature and plump would be asked to "develop downline" and bring him more immature girls.

As the investigation progressed, the number of victims was overwhelming, and the case was handed over to the FBI.

However, Epstein was calm and calm, spending money to settle out of court if he could, and finding someone to settle if he couldn't.

"I'm not a sexual predator, I'm just 'offending' them." ”

As a result, the FBI was ordered to terminate the investigation at one point, and some police officers who refused to let go were followed and intimidated.

Even in 2007, the F.B.I. produced a 53-page indictment for sex crimes, but it failed to keep him in prison.

Under the patronage of Qian and Quan, the prosecutor sentenced him to only 18 months in prison, but in reality, he even had to serve only 13 months, most of the time outside of prison, leaving prison for 12 hours six days a week.

Fortunately, in 2017, the "Me too" movement broke out in the United States, and more and more women who were victims complained about Epstein, which attracted widespread attention from the society and allowed the case to be reopened in 2018.

The F.B.I. turned Epstein's home through the ground and found hundreds of photos of naked women, obscene video discs, and evidence of a large amount of sex trafficking......

On July 6, 2019, Epstein was arrested and faces 45 years in prison if convicted.

At this moment, Epstein panicked, and he knew the political game, and repeatedly told his fellow inmates: I could be killed at any time.

Epstein, as the financial owner of the Democratic Party, has close ties with the Democratic Party, and if the case is allowed to get bigger and bigger, the Republican Party will make a big fuss about this matter, thus dealing a fatal blow to the Democratic Party in public opinion.

Just like Hillary's "emailgate" in 2016, the FBI found a large number of explosive emails in the mobile phone of Hillary's assistant, such as pornographic photos of Clinton, Hillary and some young girls.

The FBI director Comey, fearing that his life would be endangered, immediately launched an investigation into Hillary, so that Hillary, who was leading in the US election, lost to the Republican Trump at the last minute.

In fact, Epstein's fears were not unreasonable, and only a month later, on August 10, he inexplicably "committed suicide".

There are many doubts about his suicide:

First, he was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, one of the safest prisons in the United States, and all the facilities in the cells were carefully designed so that inmates could not commit suicide in prison, but he still succeeded in "committing suicide".

Second, the day before Epstein's death, he was still trying to defend himself by making an appointment with his lawyer for his next meeting, and the court just released 2,000 pages of secret conditions stating that he provided "sexual services to acquaintances."

Third, as a strong man of 1.8 meters, he actually hanged himself in the low bunk bed in the prison, or on the lower bunk. Some media broke out that when he died, his eyes bulged, his capillaries ruptured, his hyoid bone was fractured, and it was more likely that he was strangled to death.

Fourth, on the day of his death, the surveillance of the cell happened to be broken, all the guards on patrol were asleep, and the inmates in the same room were transferred away in advance. After his death, staff quickly transported the body to the medical examiner's office and destroyed the evidence at the scene.

To this day, there is still speculation in the US media that there is something strange about Epstein's death.

After all, Epstein's materials involved in the case are 1 million pages thick, and the black material he knows may be the biggest reminder.

03 The list was exposed

In fact, long before the list was announced, there were already a number of people involved in the Epstein case.

For example, former US President Bill Clinton.

The two men were close before Epstein overturned, visiting the White House at least 17 times during Clinton's presidency.

In 2019, police even found Clinton's women's painting in Epstein's mansion:

The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

In this document, Clinton is defined as "John Doe 36" (meaning "Wu Min 36") and is mentioned more than 50 times.

Even though Clinton denied that he had been to "Loli Island," several witnesses pointed out that he was a frequent visitor to the island.

Before his death, Epstein said bluntly: "Clinton likes young (girls)." ”

showed his feet early, as well as Britain's Prince Andrew.

The aforementioned Virginia accused Prince Andrew of sexually assaulting her in 2010, and photos of the two have been circulated everywhere.

The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

This made Prince Andrew infamous, especially when it was revealed that he had knelt in front of Epstein and begged him not to expose him.

Under the huge pressure of public opinion, Prince Andrew was deprived of his honorary military rank and royal patron status, and domestic scolding was repeated.

The release of the document once again brought shame to the British royal family, and one victim described that Prince Andrew had publicly "hit her chest".

Of course, there are also people who appear on the list, which is a bit of a surprise.

For example, Hawking, a victim said he participated in a group of minors organized by Epstein on the island.

Hawking was diagnosed with muscular atrophy, paralyzed and unable to speak, with only one eye and three fingers moving.

However, Epstein said before his death that Hawking attended a Clinton dinner party, not a underage sex party.

It is worth mentioning that MJ Michael Jackson, who was once accused of pedophilia, refused a massage from an underage girl.

Although Trump was a good friend of Epstein, he took the Lolita Express seven times between Florida and New York.

But one of the victims made it clear that Mr. Trump had not acted inappropriately and had not met Mr. Trump on the island.

This makes Trump's fans think that although Trump is "lustful", he is simply a "clear stream" compared to those who prey on minors.

I have to say that when the environment is a big dye vat, the scandal-ridden Trump can actually pull out the tallest of the short.

The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States
The announcement of the list of Epstein's "Lori Island" cases has lifted the filthy fig leaf of the United States

As the curtain rises on the 2024 election in the United States, the case will continue to be hyped, which will trigger a huge chain reaction.

The big drama may be yet to come.

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