
From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body


She is China's shortest Olympic champion, but after retiring, she chose to go to Peking University to pursue a higher level of knowledge. Her name is Deng Yaping, a familiar and unfamiliar name. Familiar because she won honor for China at the Olympics, strange because she chose a completely different path from sports after retiring, armed with knowledge and wisdom.

From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body

Deng Yaping's height is only 1.5 meters, which is short among ordinary people, let alone competitive sports. However, with her perseverance, she overcame her physical disadvantage and became the leader of the Chinese women's table tennis team, winning two Olympic gold medals and three World Table Tennis Championships.

From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body

After retiring, Deng Yaping did not choose a comfortable life, but chose to enter Peking University for further study. Here, she not only Xi studied international politics, economics and other professional courses, but also actively participated in social activities and served as the president of the Peking University Student Union. Her figure is active in every corner of Peking University, and her story has inspired countless Peking University students.

From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body

However, what is even more surprising is that Deng Yaping experienced the second development of her body during her time at Peking University. This is not a medical miracle, but she has made her body stronger and healthier through her own efforts. She insists on exercising every day, which not only maintains the physical fitness of the athletes, but also makes her body more proportional and more toned. Her story tells us that physical development is not only in adolescence, as long as there is perseverance and determination, everyone can make their body stronger.

From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body

Deng Yaping, from Olympic champion to the goddess of Peking University, her story is full of tenacity and perseverance. With her own actions, she tells us that no matter what height or environment, as long as there is determination and perseverance, we will be able to achieve our dreams. She is a role model for us to learn from Xi, and her story will inspire us to keep moving forward.

From Olympic champion to goddess of Peking University: the tenacity and perseverance behind the secondary development of the body