
Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

author:Sports at a glance

Today we're going to talk about it, have you heard? Real Madrid's young man Güler, the 18-year-old, has finally come on after a long wait of six months. But don't worry, we'll have to start at the beginning. First, let's take a look at his transfer. I remember that Barcelona and Real Madrid almost broke their heads for Güler's signing, but in the end, Real Madrid won the competition with a bid of 20 million euros, and Barcelona was only willing to pay 17.5 million euros, which is really a little bit close. This bet, now it seems, Real Madrid won beautifully.

Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

But let's rewind that Güler's performance in his debut was really eye-catching. Against Alandina, the lad was like a ballet on the pitch, with a game-high 2 successful dribbles and the 2 key passes, also the highest in the game. Ah, and that shot that hit the woodwork, what a fraction of a second! In this game, despite Real Madrid's 3-1 win and Güller did not score, his performance has already made fans eager to see more of his performances.

Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

Next, let's talk about Güler's potential. Many are saying that he could be the next world-class midfielder. Carlo Ancelotti also smiled in his post-match interview, as if to say, "Did you see, this is just his first game." Indeed, this lad showed not only his skills, but also his understanding and control of the game, which reminds one of Real Madrid's heritage and history. The fans' expectations for him can be said to have rushed to the sky.

Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

But it's not just about Güler. Looking back at the rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona, the rivalry between the two teams in the South American market has been fierce since Neymar. The addition of Güller once again proves Real Madrid's transfer strategy and vision. They have become more cautious since Eden Hazard and have been so steady with every step. And Barcelona, due to the previous financial profligacy, seems to be paying the price for it until now.

Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

Speaking of which, we have to mention Güler's popularity in Turkey. Did you know that his debut was the second most watched in Turkey, behind only Spain vs. Turkey? This young man is not only good on the pitch, but also seems to be a golden rooster in the market! Real Madrid has really earned it, and Güller is not only the hope of the team, but also a new star in the market.

Barcelona tears sprinkled greenery: 2.5 million small mistakes, Real Madrid picks up treasures to achieve the future king!

Finally, I would like to say that this rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona is not only about the competition of players, but also about the strategy and future of the two clubs. Güler's debut, it may have been just the beginning, but it has already shown us a new piece of history in the world of football. That's the story for today, but what do you think? Real Madrid won this time, or did Barcelona miss the opportunity? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section, and don't forget to pay attention to the follow-up updates!