
The Hong Kong Garrison completed the rotation of the 25th batch of officers

author:Clever little orange meow

Today, Hong Kong's San Tin Camp saw off more than 200 officers of the army, navy and air force, marking the successful departure of the 25 th batch of officers who have completed Hong Kong's defense tasks. This is also the 25th rotation of officers since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and it demonstrates the glorious tradition and fine history of the Hong Kong Garrison.

During their tenure in Hong Kong, the officers who left Hong Kong this time were well received by Hong Kong compatriots and all walks of life for their mighty and civilized image. Through joint patrols, open barracks, voluntary tree planting, joint exercises and training, they demonstrated the outstanding strength of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the brand-new image of the army. This is also a vivid demonstration to the people of Hong Kong, and has made a positive contribution to enhancing the emotional ties between the mainland and Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Garrison completed the rotation of the 25th batch of officers

At the farewell ceremony, the officers who were about to leave Hong Kong delivered sincere farewell speeches. Huang Fei said: "The Hong Kong Garrison is a glorious force with fine traditions, and the six-year experience in Hong Kong is the most valuable asset in my life. He wished his comrades-in-arms smooth development in their new posts, and also wished the Hong Kong Garrison a higher level and a brighter future for Hong Kong. This heartfelt farewell expresses their deep affection for Hong Kong.

Tang Minghui shared his journey in Hong Kong: "In the past few years in Hong Kong, I have dedicated my youth and sweat, and through my own efforts, I feel particularly valuable to let more Hong Kong citizens, including young students, understand our great motherland and understand the greatness of our people's army." "This fully reflects their sense of responsibility and mission in Hong Kong.

Chen Qi expressed his confidence in Hong Kong's future when he said goodbye, although he was reluctant to give up: "Hong Kong has entered a new stage of governance and prosperity, and I firmly believe that with the strong backing of the great motherland, Hong Kong's tomorrow will be better in the new era and new journey!" This confidence in Hong Kong's development conveys positive energy.

The Hong Kong Garrison completed the rotation of the 25th batch of officers

The officers who have been rotated out of Hong Kong this time have undergone special training and are equipped with the comprehensive qualities and capability required to carry out Hong Kong's defense duties. They will take over the defence duties of the replacement officers and contribute to the peace and stability of Hong Kong. This is also a vivid manifestation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's continuous injection of fresh forces and maintaining combat readiness.

Overall, this rotation is not only a military ceremony, but also a high recognition of the hard work of the Hong Kong Garrison and a sense of gratitude to the people of Hong Kong. Their departure is not only a farewell to the past years, but also an expectation for future work. No matter where they are, these officers will be the pride of the motherland, win glory for the country, and defend the country. Their stories will serve as a good story after Hong Kong's return to the motherland, inspiring a new generation of soldiers to make more contributions to the country and its people. May these officers continue to shine in their new posts and write their own chapter of the times.

The Hong Kong Garrison completed the rotation of the 25th batch of officers

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