
Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?

author:Art Scene
Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?


In the modern world, the cost of parenting is increasing, which puts pressure on many families.

It is for this reason that many people think of saving money and try to avoid unnecessary expenses.

For example, in terms of dressing children, you can occasionally give him second-hand clothes to save some money for children's education.

This behavior is indeed more rational, after all, the standard of children's clothing is comfortable, and many second-hand clothes can also meet the standard.

But if you always dress your child in old clothes and never be willing to buy a new one, it may have an extremely serious impact on your child and plunge the whole family into the abyss.

Parents who often wear old clothes for their children cannot escape these three fates, and I hope this will be a wake-up call for us.

Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?

01: The child is sick, and the parents are miserable

It is okay to occasionally wear other people's second-hand clothes for your children, and many second-hand clothes are carefully purchased and carefully disinfected by other families, and their quality and comfort will be even better than the second-hand clothes bought by others.

But in real life, there are many parents who do not have specific standards when choosing second-hand clothes for their children, they just want to save money, once they Xi are used to wearing second-hand clothes, they will not be screened, and those who come will not be refused.

Some of these items are likely to have been worn by other people's children, unwashed, and carrying certain viruses.

After wearing it, your child will not only feel uncomfortable, but also may induce diseases, and you will have to spend more medical expenses to cure your child in the future, which will leave an extremely bad impression on the child and the family, and the gains outweigh the losses.

I hope we will be cautious when choosing second-hand clothes for our children, and don't neglect the quality of the details because of saving money.

Your child's health is more important than saving money.

Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?

02: If you owe favors, it will be a burden in the future

It is an eternal truth to take people short and eat people with soft mouths.

Even if it is a small piece of clothing, if it is given by someone else, it is still a favor, and it is likely to be returned in the future.

It may not hurt to wear someone else's old clothes once in a while, but if you always accept help from others, a kind person will inevitably have a troubled conscience.

For children, they know that their clothes are given by others, and they will inevitably feel inferior in front of others.

If parents do not guide them correctly, it will have a very bad influence on their young minds, and it will be even more difficult to correct them later.

Parents should still buy their children new clothes once in a while, and if they are really financially constrained, they can replace the old with the new.

At least reduce personal debts, avoid the burden of the whole family and children in the future, make each other's hearts more relaxed, and children can grow up healthily.

Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?

03: Let the child become inferior, and it will be difficult to move up in the future

Dressing children in other people's clothes is just a microcosm of life, and many families have more than just clothes, other items are second-hand.

They always tell their children all the time how poor their families are and how low they are born.

Even if a child occasionally wants an item of his own, he will be reprimanded by his parents for not being worthy.

It is conceivable how inferior a child will be when he wears other people's clothes and uses other people's used items since he was a child, and he can't get everything he wants.

Psychological research shows that everything a child experiences at an early age will imperceptibly affect his personality and three views, and affect his life direction in the future.

People who have low self-esteem since childhood will be difficult to make up for in the future, even if they have the ability to make money in the future, they are not willing to eat and drink, and they will always treat themselves badly.

If you don't want your children to go to this point, please don't cry poverty excessively, satisfy your children's desires occasionally, let them know that they deserve better, so that they have the motivation to make money and lead the whole family to prosper in the future.

Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?

As long as the old clothes are clean and tidy, they can be worn by children occasionally, which is both cost-effective and convenient.

But in order to ensure the dignity of the child and avoid indebting too much human debt, we should still buy the child new clothes once in a while.

Especially during the New Year's holidays, children will have a new atmosphere when they wear new clothes, and the whole family will have a new look, and wealth and good fortune will roll in.

The combination of the old and the new, saving money and warmth, this is the realm we should achieve.

Parents who often wear other people's old clothes for their children are mostly unable to escape 3 fates, are you at home?