
Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

author:Consumer food encyclopedia

Whenever the cold wind is cold and winter is approaching, greasy delicacies such as hot pot, stewed elbow, and mutton shabu always crowd our tables. "Eat in winter, fat in spring" has naturally become a common concern among people. The solution for many people is to drink tea, believing that it can act as a "scraping oil". Is this view tenable, and how to deal with the problems caused by greasy diet scientifically? This article will discuss and analyze it in depth.

In the long history of tea drinking culture in the mainland, drinking tea is regarded as a healthy way of life, and people believe that drinking tea at the right time can help digestion and defattest greasyness.

You might say that you are a first-hand experiencer, and every time you drink tea after a meal, you will feel a sense of relief and refreshment. In fact, there is science at work in this, but it is not what we usually understand.

Is it true to drink tea to scrape oil?

First of all, we need to understand the concept of "scraping oil" or "removing fat".

He refers to the intake of specific foods or beverages to break down body fat or delay its absorption, so as to achieve the purpose of oil removal and weight loss. Many people believe that drinking tea can achieve such an effect. So, what exactly is the magic ingredient in tea?

Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

Tea, especially green tea, mainly contains tea polyphenols, caffeine, and small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Among them, tea polyphenols have health effects such as antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer;

Caffeine can refresh the mind and keep people excited. However, there is no evidence that these substances can affect the digestion, absorption and utilization of fats in the body.

Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

So, why do we have a feeling of "scraping oil" after drinking tea?

The reason is mainly due to the role of caffeine. When caffeine reaches a certain concentration, it will make the central nervous system of the person more excited, and the secretion of gastric acid will also be more, so that the work speed of the gastrointestinal tract will be accelerated, and the food will be digested faster, resulting in a "fasting" feeling, especially in the case of drinking tea on an empty stomach.

But this doesn't mean that the fat is removed from the body, in fact, your body is still absorbing and storing fat, and drinking tea only makes the process faster.

Even so, drinking tea is not unhelpful. When it comes to health and weight control, tea is significantly lower in sugar and calories than sugary and alcoholic beverages, making it a better choice. As long as you don't drink tea immediately after a meal, in general, the benefits of drinking tea far outweigh the possible side effects.

Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

So, is there a way to really achieve the effect of "scraping oil"? The answer, of course, is. Although drinking tea after meals cannot directly help us dissolve body fat, we can achieve a balance between energy intake and consumption in the body by reasonably adjusting the dietary structure and increasing the appropriate amount of exercise, so as to control our weight.

Ways to reduce fat accumulation

The process of digestion and absorption of fat by the human body mainly involves three stages: absorption, digestion and utilization. If you want to reduce the accumulation of body fat, you need to start with these three aspects.

First, reduce the intake of high-oil, high-sugar foods and increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in dietary fiber, which can reduce the absorption of fat in the intestines.

Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

Secondly, adopt a more balanced and comprehensive diet, coarse grains are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin B, and replacing coarse grains, which are the main foods of rice and white flour, can effectively reduce fat intake.

In addition, choosing light, relatively low-processing foods can reduce calorie intake and provide rich nutrients.

Finally, the importance of exercise should not only stop at controlling the diet, but should also be regular and comprehensive physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise has a significant effect on fat burning.

Can drinking tea after meals scrape oil and relieve greasy? Science reveals the secret, teach you 4 points to reduce fat accumulation!

In fact, the so-called "oil scraping" is not a one-time act, but a long-term, scientific way of life, which requires us to make changes in dietary choices, lifestyle Xi and other aspects.

Although controlling appetite sometimes inevitably requires some external help, such as drinking tea, this kind of psychological comfort, rather than actual action, cannot be expected to achieve the effect of fat loss through simple operations.

Instead of struggling with whether a cup of tea can "scrape the oil" after a meal, it is better to turn the focus to the bigger problem: how to achieve a healthy diet and control weight scientifically and consistently. Only by grasping this basic principle can we truly achieve "less in and more out" and prevent excessive accumulation of fat. And in the case of tea, enjoying it properly and feeling its aroma and deliciousness is perhaps the best choice.