
Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

author:Thoughtful CS

Malaysia is visa-free, Thailand is permanently visa-free from March, and Singapore is about to be visa-free.... For friends who want to travel abroad, all of them are good.

But you will find that many friends around you do not have the desire to travel abroad and do not like to travel abroad.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

Traveling abroad used to be a dream in the hearts and minds of many people. "The world is so big, I want to see it. ”

As a traveler, I have traveled to 6 continents and more than 40 countries. Recently, a friend has been asking me what my travel plans are for 2024, and I want to go to Oceania, maybe New Zealand or Australia.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

Before the pandemic, many of my friends traveled abroad 2-3 times a year. However, when I investigated, it seems that the desire to travel abroad in 2024 is not strong.

So why are more and more people not keen to travel abroad now? Why? I think there are three key reasons.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

First, the fading of the luxury shopping boom.

Many female friends around me used to go to Europe, Japan and South Korea, and they went shopping. One of the main purposes of their travel is to buy luxury goods.

But with the change of social values, there is a gradual loss of interest in luxury. Luxury brands do not bring real happiness and satisfaction, preferring to choose domestic brands that are more cost-effective.

Today's consumers have begun to pay more attention to inner peace and peace, and no longer chase vanity and face. And global shopping has also made cosmetics and other products from Japan and South Korea within reach.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?
Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

Secondly, the cost of traveling abroad is rising day by day.

Whether it's airfare, accommodation, food and entertainment, prices have increased significantly compared to four years ago. A lot of flights have been reduced, and there are no big promotions as before.

In the past, you could buy tickets for low-cost airlines at very low prices, such as 99 yuan to the Philippines and so on.

However, a few days ago, I chatted with my best friend, and she said that she flew back to China in Melbourne, Australia, and bought more than 5,000 air tickets several times, but now she can buy about 2,000. It shows that many flights are slowly recovering.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?
Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

In addition, the charm of domestic scenic spots is attracting more and more attention.

China has rich natural scenery, a long history and unique folk customs, and more and more people are beginning to find that the great rivers and mountains at home are no less than those abroad, or even more amazing. The variety of tourist destinations in the country is no less than in other countries.

Many people don't think it's necessary to spend huge sums of money to travel overseas, and that there are equally satisfying travel experiences to be found at home.

Why are more and more friends no longer keen to travel abroad?

Indeed, after three years, Chinese consumers have changed, and it may be difficult to rely on Chinese tourists to boost tourism and the economy.

What are your plans to travel abroad in 2024?