
Revealing the ranking of the founding generals: Chen Geng's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Huang Kecheng, why is he only fourth?

author:Ruiling's view of history

In 1955, the ranking of the ten generals at the all-army award ceremony sparked widespread discussion. Among them, why is Chen Geng, a veteran revolutionary and a military general with outstanding military achievements, only ranked fourth? Isn't his qualifications and military exploits inferior to Huang Kecheng? Let us uncover the mystery of this period of history. Chen Geng is an old revolutionary of our army, and he has experienced many ups and downs in his military career, so how many people feel sorry for and puzzled by his encounters and military exploits? As a first-term student of Huangpu, Chen Geng performed well in his early years, but after the Nanjing Uprising, he went to Shanghai for treatment due to his injuries. During this period, he participated in the work of the special branch and made great contributions to the security and development of the party. However, just when he was expected to make a mark on the battlefield, he was wounded again and taken to prison by the enemy. Although he was later rescued, he was over 30 years old. Despite this, he still commanded operations in the troops, made many meritorious achievements, became the main force of Erye, and won the victory of the Linfu Battle during the civil war, capturing the brigade commander Huang Zhengcheng alive. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he went to the battlefields of Vietnam and Korea, and then was ordered to form a military academy.

Revealing the ranking of the founding generals: Chen Geng's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Huang Kecheng, why is he only fourth?

Chen Geng's life is full of legends, and his exploits and contributions should not be underestimated. People's doubts about Chen Geng's ranking are not unreasonable. Judging from Chen Geng's qualifications and military exploits, he has established outstanding military exploits in his military career and made significant contributions to the country and the army. Therefore, why is he only ranked fourth, and whether Huang Kecheng is really more senior than him and has greater credit? This question has become the focus of many people's thinking. Looking back at history, we can't help but wonder what the criteria for evaluating military ranks are? Is it only based on seniority and military exploits? Or are there other factors that affect this ranking? Perhaps, we can understand the meaning behind the ranking of these ten generals and the reason behind it from more details and the stories behind it. After all, history is the best teacher, and the story behind each character is worth in-depth understanding and discussion. To sum up, Chen Geng, as a veteran revolutionary of our army and a military general with outstanding military achievements, the result of ranking fourth has aroused people's doubts and discussions, and his life experience and military achievements cannot be ignored.

Revealing the ranking of the founding generals: Chen Geng's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Huang Kecheng, why is he only fourth?

The criteria for assessing military ranks and the meaning behind rankings need to be thought about and understood from more perspectives. Huang Kecheng: An outspoken and outspoken general in the history of the Chinese revolution has many heroic figures who have made outstanding contributions in a specific historical period. In the course of the historical development of the Communist Party of China, there were many outstanding party members and generals, whose dedication and contributions laid a solid foundation for the victory of the Chinese revolution. Among these figures, Chen Geng is well known, and as a general in the Liberation War, he enjoys a high reputation and status. However, in the history of the Chinese revolution, there was another outstanding general, and he was Huang Kecheng. Huang Kecheng became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in 1925, and he actively participated in the Hunan Uprising and the Red Army Movement, serving as political commissar and other positions. However, during this time, many of his suggestions were not taken on board, and he was even criticized and demoted.

Revealing the ranking of the founding generals: Chen Geng's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Huang Kecheng, why is he only fourth?

However, he always adhered to the line of Chairman Mao and continued to struggle for this until the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when his proposal to restore the political commissar system was approved by the organization, and the atmosphere of the army was improved. During the War of Liberation, Huang Kecheng was engaged in logistics work, established a number of base areas, supported combat operations such as the Liaoshen Campaign, and made great contributions to the revolutionary cause. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he continued to engage in logistics work and made important contributions to the improvement of the logistics support system of the whole army. It can be seen that Huang Kecheng left a strong mark in the history of the Chinese revolution. Although compared with Chen Geng, he has less qualifications and military exploits, he has always adhered to the correct line, spoken out and dared to admonish, and made great contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution. In the selection of outstanding generals, the level of position is also an important consideration, Huang Kecheng in 1955, the position was also higher than Chen Geng, which is one of the reasons why he ranked third.

Revealing the ranking of the founding generals: Chen Geng's qualifications and achievements are not inferior to Huang Kecheng, why is he only fourth?

In today's China, we need to learn Xi from Huang Kecheng's spirit of speaking out and adhering to the correct line, and constantly promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We also need to cherish and carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese revolution and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.