
Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

author:Lucky full score Yu Hongmo

In this era of live broadcasting, Dong Yuhui is undoubtedly one of the most shining stars. He has attracted a large number of fans with his knowledge and wisdom, and his influence has extended from social media platforms to offline activities, not only enriching the material life of the people, but also providing spiritual food for the general public. However, does the overly concentrated praise herald a new era of combining education and modern life? The answer to this question is probably also the question in the hearts of many fans who love him. Running forward in the spirit of chasing dreams, this young anchor presented us with a brilliant picture scroll, which is thought-provoking.

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

A heavy snowfall at the end of 2022 made people rejoice and welcome the new year. However, after the heavy snowfall, the sky cleared, and the sun was like an umbrella, illuminating the face of the young man behind the screen - Dong Yuhui. When he shared his love for reading and understanding of life in the world-renowned Oriental Selection live broadcast room, everyone was impressed. Those who had questioned him and ridiculed him have withdrawn their critical gaze and instead admired this young man who is unwilling to pursue his dreams and is willing to serve the public.

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

Is this just the kind of "fan circle culture" that we often talk about? To some extent, it seems to be. But this kind of "fan circle culture" is not a negative meaning as we understand it, but a positive and positive attitude towards chasing dreams. Dong Yuhui used his unique way to interpret the "feelings of family and country". His passion, his wisdom, and his sense of responsibility make up what sets him apart. His influence has transcended geographical, cultural and age boundaries, and has received widespread attention.

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

He sowed the wisdom and love in books into everyone's hearts, bringing new hope and inspiration to many people. Those who once lost faith in life have rekindled their attachment to their dreams, and those who have lost their minds to the future have found a way forward. Dong Yuhui is not only an Internet celebrity, but also an inspiring force. His success was not confined to the business world, but more importantly, he profoundly influenced many people, inspiring them to have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

Today, Dong Yuhui has become a banner, representing the pursuit and dream of young people in this era. In addition to his busy work, he never forgets his original intention and always sticks to the road of public welfare. Whether it is to help poor areas grow agricultural products, improve farmers' living standards, or promote the improvement of national education quality, Dong Yuhui's figure always flashes everywhere he is needed, selfless dedication, and mutual help.

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!

The power of example is endless, and the key is how it is used. Dong Yuhui is such a role model, he leads more young people to chase their dreams with his words and deeds and contribute more to society. The bell of 2024 is about to ring, let us work hand in hand, look forward to Dong Yuhui's more wonderful performances, and look forward to the early arrival of a new era of live streaming led by him!

Dong Yuhui's rice circle is here, very high-profile! This is a high-end rice circle that the former CEO doesn't dare to hack!