
The lungs are delicate and must be carefully maintained, and in the cold winter, it is recommended to do 3 things that the lungs like

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

The lungs are an important line of defense for the human body, and it is related to the health of the entire respiratory tract. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are delicate organs that need to be carefully maintained.

So, how can you tell if your lungs are healthy? The following four conditions indicate that your lungs are not very good.

◎It's tiring to climb 4 floors in one go

If you are about 50 years old and feel tired from climbing stairs, it may be that your body is descending and your legs and feet are not very good, but if you are young and cannot climb from the first floor to the fourth floor in one breath, or after climbing up, you feel very tired and out of breath, which may be bad lungs. Because the lung function is reduced, the oxygen is not filtered, so people feel tired, the lower limbs are heavy, and it will be difficult to climb the stairs.

The lungs are delicate and must be carefully maintained, and in the cold winter, it is recommended to do 3 things that the lungs like

◎ Cough and chest tightness after one minute of skipping

After a minute of skipping rope, if the pulse returns to normal level quickly and the face does not become pale, it means that the lungs are healthy. However, after one minute of skipping rope, if the heartbeat does not recover for a long time, or even cough and chest tightness, this is a sign of bad lungs.

◎The color of the lips is on the dark side

If you stick out your fingers, if you find that the front of your fingers is round and bulging, the nails are tightly attached to your fingers, they look like mallets, and the color of your lips is not pale red, but darker, which is mostly caused by poor lungs and reduced oxygen.

◎ Frequent cough for no reason

As we all know, people who smoke often or have a cold are more likely to cause cough, but if they are not sick, people who usually do not smoke and often cough should be paid attention to, which may be lung fibrosis.

The lungs are delicate and must be carefully maintained, and in the cold winter, it is recommended to do 3 things that the lungs like

As the saying goes, spring grows, summer grows, autumn harvests, and winter is hidden. That is to say, in winter, the overall qi of nature goes down, and at this time, the order of heaven should be converged. So, when it comes to this season, the body also needs to converge.

Remind everyone: don't forget to nourish your lungs in winter, and it is recommended to do more of these 3 things that your lungs like!

First things first: keep warm

In winter, the temperature is very low, and the cold wind brings cold, and the cold enters the body and damages the health of the lungs, so it is important to pay attention to keeping warm in winter. In addition to adding or removing clothes according to the weather, you can also go outside and bask in the sun. By basking in the sun, people can promote metabolism, promote blood circulation, enhance the body's ability to withstand cold, and improve the ability of the lungs.

The lungs are delicate and must be carefully maintained, and in the cold winter, it is recommended to do 3 things that the lungs like

The second thing: diet therapy

For nourishing the lungs, dietary therapy is a very important method, and traditional Chinese medicine says that it is advisable to take tonic in winter, so you can choose some foods that your lungs like to eat in winter. For example, the familiar pomegranates, grapes, pears, grapefruits, persimmons, citrus, etc. are all suitable for winter lung nourishment.

It's just that in winter, fruits will be cooler when eaten raw, and eating too much is not good for the body, so if you can make cold fruits into soup and hot drinks, the effect will be better.

The lungs are delicate and must be carefully maintained, and in the cold winter, it is recommended to do 3 things that the lungs like

If you have time, it is recommended that you boil more autumn pear paste in winter. Autumn pears are crispy and delicious, with plenty of juice, and it also has the effect of clearing the heart, moistening the lungs, and relieving cough. There is a relevant record of "autumn pear honey paste" in the "Materia Medica", at that time, autumn pear paste was also the secret recipe of the imperial court, and it was not until the Qing Dynasty that it was transmitted to the people.

The third thing: exercise properly

Proper exercise is an effective way to strengthen the lungs, and people can improve their respiratory function to a certain extent, strengthen blood circulation, and thus enhance their lung and heart function.

The exercise method does not need to be too intense, and can be chosen according to personal physical fitness and personal preference - practicing qigong, tai chi, yoga, jogging, brisk walking, climbing, etc. are all good exercise methods.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet