
Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

author:Xiaoya's head nurse

The relationship between obesity and longevity has long been the focus of attention, and there is controversy about whether there is a direct correlation between weight and longevity.

Historically, it was believed that being overweight could lead to a variety of health problems and increase the risk of illness and death, so people who were underweight were more likely to enjoy longevity.

However, research in recent years has shown that this notion may not be entirely accurate.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

1. The controversy over whether fat people live longer

There is disagreement and controversy in the academic community about whether fat people live longer. Some studies have found that people who are mildly obese (with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 to 35) may have a longer life expectancy than normal weight. This finding is called the "longevity paradox of obesity".

The longevity paradox of obesity studies suggest that moderate obesity may have some protective effect on some health problems. For example, people who weigh more than the normal range may be relatively less likely to develop heart disease, and this protective effect may be related to certain metabolites in obese humans. In addition, some studies have also found that obese people are relatively more tolerant of certain diseases and are better able to resist the invasion of diseases.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

However, there are other studies that show that the relationship between obesity and longevity is not so rosy. People who are overweight (BMI greater than 35) are more likely to develop chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, etc., which tend to shorten life expectancy. In addition, obesity also increases the risk of serious diseases such as cancer and stroke, which has a serious impact on life and health.

Although there are conflicting research results, it is certain that fat people are at higher health risk. Obesity is significantly associated with a range of chronic diseases that accelerate the body's aging process and thus shorten life expectancy.

It is important to point out that there are differences between individuals, and each person's physical characteristics and genes are different, so whether fat people live longer may also be influenced by other factors. In summary, the relationship between obesity and longevity is complex and diverse, and further research and confirmation are needed. Until the individual's condition is fully understood, it is inaccurate to determine whether the length of life can be judged by weight.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

2. The risk of obesity people susceptible to diseases

Fat people have a higher risk of developing the disease compared to being underweight. Obesity is strongly associated with a variety of diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, diabetes, arthritis, and certain cancers, among others. These diseases can have serious health effects and tend to shorten lifespans.

Obesity increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Excessive fat accumulation can lead to narrowing of blood vessels, increasing the burden on the heart, and eventually leading to heart disease. In addition, obesity can also cause blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels to rise, which can increase blood pressure, which can increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Obesity is also closely related to diabetes. Excess fat can interfere with the normal function of insulin, leading to an increase in blood sugar and eventually diabetes. Diabetes can cause damage to various organs throughout the body, especially the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems and kidneys, seriously affecting health and longevity.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

Obesity also increases the risk of cancer. Many studies have found that obesity is closely related to many cancers such as breast, colon, endometrial, adrenal cancer, etc. In obesity, adipose tissue secretes hormones, such as estrogen, which increases the risk of cancer cells growing and spreading.

Obesity also increases the burden on the joints and increases the incidence of arthritis. Being overweight can put too much stress on your joints, causing your cartilage to wear down and cause arthritis. Arthritis can cause pain, difficulty moving, and affect quality of life and longevity.

Due to the particularity of their physical condition, fat people are susceptible to a series of chronic diseases and have higher health risks. These diseases seriously affect the function of various organs of the human body, accelerate the aging process of the body, and thus shorten the life expectancy.

So, despite the controversy over longer life expectancy for fat people, we can't ignore the risk that fat people are susceptible to disease. In order to maintain health and reduce the harm caused by obesity, we should take proactive measures, including reasonable weight control, regular exercise and balanced diet, etc., to reduce the risk of disease and prolong life.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

3. Possible reasons for the longevity of fat people

Although obesity is strongly associated with the risk of developing a range of chronic diseases, there are some studies that suggest that obese people may have some longevity advantages. This has led to the exploration of the reasons for the longevity of obese people. At present, some possible explanations have been proposed to explore the relationship between obesity and longevity.

Obese people may have some metabolic adaptations. Studies have found that the metabolic system of obese individuals may adjust its own functions to the demands of high weight loads. This may be related to the energy reserves accumulated by obese individuals.

Overweight people are rich in body fat, which means they have more energy reserves to support the body's proper functioning in times of physiological crisis, disease attacks, or starvation, increasing their chances of survival. In other words, obese people may be better able to adapt to a crisis and have a higher ability to survive.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

Obese people may be positively affected by social support. Obese people may be more likely to receive support and care from others than thin people. This social support is important for the promotion of mental health and spiritual well-being and is also thought to be linked to longevity. One study found that obese individuals with lower stigma were more likely to maintain positive social relationships, which may help them build better social networks and reduce psychological stress, leading to improved overall health.

The body of obese individuals will distribute more cells and tissues, which can play a certain protective role. Obese people usually have more subcutaneous fat, which acts as a natural cushion and protective layer to reduce damage to joints, bones, and internal organs during strenuous physical exercise. In addition, some studies have found that obese people have better survival rates in clinical treatment than those who are too light, which may be related to their weight reserve and the body's response to drugs.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?

Some studies have also found that obese individuals may have higher anti-inflammatory capacity. In obesity, fat cells secrete cytokines that modulate the inflammatory response. In cases where inflammation is activated, obese individuals may be more likely to cope with the inflammatory process, thereby maintaining lower levels of inflammation and reducing the adverse effects of chronic inflammation on physical health.

Although there may be reasons for the longevity of obese people, these findings are observational studies and do not establish a causal relationship. Due to individual differences and the interference of multiple factors, there are still many unsolved mysteries about the relationship between obesity and longevity. Therefore, more research is still needed to explore and verify the reasons for the longevity of obese people.

Fat people live longer? Obesity is closely related to disease? Should you lose weight or not?


There is controversy and differing opinions on whether fat people live longer.

On the one hand, there are some studies that suggest that moderate obesity may be associated with longer lifespans, possibly due to hypothetical explanations such as obesity individuals having certain metabolic adaptability, social support, and physiological reserve.

On the other hand, obese individuals are susceptible to a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., which seriously affect life expectancy. Therefore, the longevity of fat people needs to be confirmed by further research.

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