
These six fruits are very sweet, but the sugar is very low, diabetics eat them as such, and their blood sugar is stable!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Ark Jianke Popular Science

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Many people have a question: can I still eat fruit after I have diabetes?

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, but because fruits are high in sugar and have a sweet taste, many people are afraid to eat fruits because they are worried about rising blood sugar.

In fact, diabetics also pay attention to some knowledge when eating fruits. What kind of fruit to eat so that it doesn't raise blood sugar? Let's take a look at it next.


With good blood sugar control, there is no need to avoid fruits

In fact, eating fruits in moderation is also beneficial to the health of diabetics.

Some fruits are rich in pectin and dietary fiber, which can delay the absorption of blood sugar. There are also related studies that have found that diabetic patients who consume fresh fruits 1~4 times and more than 5 times a week have better blood sugar control than diabetic patients who never eat fruits.

So, if your blood sugar is well controlled, you don't need to avoid fruits.

According to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in China, the fasting blood glucose control target for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is 4.4~7.0 mmol/L, the non-fasting blood glucose control target is <10.0 mmol/L, and the HbA1c control target is <7%.

As long as the above criteria are met, it means that the blood sugar control of diabetic patients is ideal, and they can choose some suitable fruits to eat.

These six fruits are very sweet, but the sugar is very low, diabetics eat them as such, and their blood sugar is stable!


What are the best fruits for diabetics?

Many people think that if the fruit is so sweet, the sugar content must be very high, right?

In fact, the effect of fruit on blood sugar does not depend on the sweetness of the taste, but on the glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of food.

GI is an index that measures the effect of carbohydrates in food on blood sugar. In simple terms, it tells us if our blood sugar will spike quickly after eating a certain food. The lower the GI of a food, the more friendly it is to blood sugar. If the GI value is below 55, it is considered a low GI food.

The GL value reflects the degree to which eating different amounts of a food affects blood sugar. For example, watermelon has a high GI value, and after eating, blood sugar will rise relatively quickly. However, it has a low GL value, so you can choose to eat a small amount at a time to reduce the effect on blood sugar. Generally speaking, GL<10 is a low-GL food and has little effect on blood sugar.

So, what are the fruits with low GI and GL values that are suitable for diabetics?

1. Plum (GI=24, GL=1.9)

Prunes contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components, such as anthocyanins, catechins, carotene, etc. Studies have found that eating prunes regularly can also have certain benefits for improving blood lipid levels and protecting cardiovascular health.

Moreover, the GI and GL values of plums are very low, and diabetics who eat 100 grams of plums (about 4) with a meal have little effect on blood sugar, so they don't have to worry about raising blood sugar.

These six fruits are very sweet, but the sugar is very low, diabetics eat them as such, and their blood sugar is stable!


Don't look at the cherry tastes sweet and sour, but its GI value is only 22, and cherries are rich in vitamin E, diabetics eat cherries in moderation, which is good for health.


Yuzu is a treasure all over the body, has a high nutritional value, and its flesh contains insulin-like ingredients, especially suitable for diabetics.


Peaches also belong to the category of fruits with a low glycemic index. However, peaches vary in sugar and nutrient content depending on the variety. Among them, nectarines have a relatively lower sugar content and are more suitable for diabetics. The sugar content of peaches will be higher.


Pears have a glycemic index of 38 and are also low GI fruits. Diabetics can eat it in moderation, and it is generally recommended to consume 100 grams, which is about half a pear.

These six fruits are very sweet, but the sugar is very low, diabetics eat them as such, and their blood sugar is stable!


In general, apples with higher moisture content have lower sugar content. Diabetics can control the portion size when eating, and if the apples are large, they can eat 1/2 each time to avoid excessive sugar intake.


Controlling blood sugar cannot ignore proper medication

If diabetics want to control their blood sugar, it is not enough to only pay attention to dietary adjustment, and drugs are also the key means to control blood sugar in diabetic patients. Through personalized medication regimens, blood sugar can be tightly controlled and islet function can be improved.

Clinically, commonly used drugs for diabetes include metformin, pioglitazone and dolagliatin independently developed by the mainland. Dolagliatin tablets (click on the blue word to jump to the drug search applet) is a glucokinase activator that can control blood sugar from the source and help stabilize blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Studies have shown that patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus with a short course of disease are more likely to achieve long-term remission after treatment with dolagliatin that achieves blood glucose targets and significantly improves β cell function.

Remember, diet, exercise, and medication are the troika of diabetes management. Let's take action together to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent complications through active lifestyle interventions and sensible medication!

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