
How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

As soon as autumn and winter arrive, many friends will be troubled by knee pain and leg pain, so they often say that they are "old cold legs". As soon as the weather is cold, your parents will tell you to put on autumn pants, I am afraid that you will have "old cold legs" when you are old. Although it is true to wear autumn pants, but the "old cold legs" are frozen, this statement is a "rumor", because it is not the cold that causes the old cold legs, but after becoming the old cold legs, the knees are more afraid of cold, so you still have to listen to your parents, and you still have to wear autumn pants in the cold.

How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

How are old cold legs formed?

Old cold legs, also known as knee osteoarthritis, is a common chronic joint disease. Although it is called "old cold legs", its onset is not caused by cold, but is related to a variety of factors such as age, knee trauma, overwork, and abnormal joint alignment.

Specifically, as we age, articular cartilage wears out, thins, becomes brittle, and even shatters or exfoliates extensively. When the cartilage wears out, the friction between the bones becomes more direct, which in turn leads to aseptic inflammation, leading to arthritis, which is commonly manifested as joint pain, redness, swelling, stiffness, etc. In addition, factors such as knee joint trauma, long-term strain, and abnormal joint alignment will also accelerate the wear and tear of joint cartilage, leading to the occurrence of old cold legs.

How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

The symptoms of old cold legs can be divided into three grades: mild, moderate, and severe.


Knee discomfort or pain when sitting or standing up for long periods of time.

There may be a slight grinding or popping sound when the joint moves.

Joints may feel stiff, especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods of time.


Knee pain worsens, affecting daily life, such as walking, walking up stairs, etc.

Swollen joints, sometimes with fluid build-up.

Limitation of joint motion, making it difficult to fully straighten or bend.


Persistent knee pain that seriously affects daily life and work.

Joint deformities, such as knee varus, knee valgus, etc.

Stiff joints and difficulty moving.

Joint contractures may be present, affecting leg function.

How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

What are some ways to relieve cold legs in winter?

As the temperature gradually decreases, many friends begin to feel the discomfort of old cold legs. Although the old cold leg is a problem that freezes out, keeping warm is indeed the key to relieving the old cold leg. So, in winter, how can we relieve the cold legs?

1. Strengthen warmth

In winter, when the temperature is low, you should pay attention to strengthening the warmth of your legs, wear thick autumn pants, warm pants, etc., and if necessary, you can wear knee pads and wool socks to keep warm. Avoiding cold irritation in the knee joint can effectively reduce the symptoms of cold legs.

2. Moderate exercise

Maintaining moderate exercise can promote blood circulation in the joints, enhance muscle strength, and relieve the symptoms of old cold legs. You can choose low-intensity exercises such as walking and tai chi to prevent increasing the burden on your joints. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good warm-up activity before exercising to avoid injury.

3. Control your weight

Obesity increases the burden on the knee joint, leading to increased wear and tear on the joints. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce pressure on your knees and relieve symptoms of old cold legs. It is recommended to control the diet, eat more low-calorie, high-fiber foods, increase physical activity, and maintain an appropriate weight.

How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

4. Hot compress or physiotherapy

Warm compresses can improve local blood circulation in the knee, help relax nerves and reduce inflammation. You can soak a towel in hot water and apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes, 1-2 times a day. In addition, infrared physiotherapy, massage, massage, acupuncture, etc. can also relieve the symptoms of cold legs. These treatments can help relax muscles and relieve inflammation and pain.

5. Rational food

Diet also has an impact on knee health. In daily life, you can consume more calcium, protein and vitamin-rich foods, such as milk, tofu, green leafy vegetables and nuts, and maintain good health, which can alleviate the symptoms of old cold legs.

6. Adjust your Xi habits

Avoid staying in the same position for long periods of time, such as sitting and standing for long periods of time. Proper rest and activity can reduce joint fatigue. In addition, avoid excessive use of joints and try to avoid movements such as squatting and kneeling. Squatting and kneeling can increase stress on the knee joint and increase wear and tear. In daily life, try to avoid squatting and kneeling movements, and reduce the time spent squatting and kneeling during housework and floor cleaning. When standing up and sitting, try bending your knee a few times first to reduce pressure on your joint.

How do old cold legs form when the weather is cold? Pharmacist: Learn these 6 tricks to relieve it easily

In short, the way to relieve cold legs needs to start from many aspects, such as strengthening warmth, moderate exercise, weight control, hot compresses or physiotherapy, reasonable diet and use of medications. At the same time, it is also important to adjust your Xi habits, avoid overusing your joints and maintain an appropriate amount of exercise. If symptoms continue to worsen or interfere with daily life, it is recommended to seek medical attention and seek professional treatment.