
From a homeless man to a physics live celebrity: Dr. Fudan's exotic adventures in New York

author:Mr. Bee is curious about cats

In this era of globalization, the flow of talents has become commonplace, some return to the land like rushing rivers, while others disappear into foreign lands like unrestrained desert winds. Recently, the story of a Fudan doctor in the United States in New York has caused a sensation, he not only solved three meals in a foreign country, but also successfully became one of the ranks of homeless people, which makes people think, is the country abolishing him or he abolishing the country?

From a homeless man to a physics live celebrity: Dr. Fudan's exotic adventures in New York

1. Is it a waste of national resources or a waste of talent?

The doctor, who once studied at public expense, was accused of "wasting national resources". But should we reflect on the complexities involved? His journey to study abroad was full of twists and turns, like traveling through a time tunnel, and in the end he chose to stay in the United States. The state's training program is to cultivate useful talents, but at the crossroads of life, should he be responsible for his own choices?

2. Feelings for the family and the country: The government's attitude is the opposite?

In this complex story, the town government of Jiangsu's hometown seems to be calm and calm. Is their response correct? In the doctor's upbringing, should the feelings of family and country be echoed on a larger level, rather than just in government documents?

From a homeless man to a physics live celebrity: Dr. Fudan's exotic adventures in New York

3. Returnees Left Behind: Who is responsible for whom?

This doctor has become an American citizen, so is there still an obligation to support him in China? And relatively speaking, there are more people in difficulty in China, does this mean that we should care about the "difficult groups" in China first? This also makes people wonder whether the status of a returnee is an honor or a burden?

4. Dr. Sun's choice: to talk about life in a live stream, or to teach the scriptures in a physics course?

At this tangled moment, should Dr. Sun take the initiative to give full play to his value? Open a live broadcast to talk about his life experience, or open a live physics course to spread his knowledge to more people. This may not only be beneficial to his personal development, but also a contribution to society.

From a homeless man to a physics live celebrity: Dr. Fudan's exotic adventures in New York

5. Public Sentiment and Public Opinion: Sympathy or Ignorance?

The story of this doctor has aroused widespread attention in society. People have expressed sympathy for him, but should we sympathize with his plight or look at his choices rationally? Behind this is our understanding and attitude towards international talent mobility.

6. Life is impermanent: Good wishes and cynicism are intertwined

In the end, both sympathy and criticism are woven in the weaving machine of life. It is also an invisible encouragement for Dr. Sun to open a live broadcast to share his life insights. After all, life is impermanent, and we all expect him to have a smooth ride in the second half of his life.

From a homeless man to a physics live celebrity: Dr. Fudan's exotic adventures in New York

The story is a rich and colorful picture, intertwined with the interests and emotions of the country, family, and individuals. We can't help but wonder if this wandering Dr. Fudan is just a case or a symbol of a deeper problem? Perhaps, this story can arouse more people's thinking, so that we can pay more attention to the emotional ties between the country and the family while pursuing our personal ideals.

#New York wandering Fudan Dr. Liumei's three meals have been solved##Fudan University##Tell the truth#