
The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

author:Xiaomeng said something


There is a need for mutual trust in society. In fact, when a dispute arises between an employer and an employee, we should not just judge from a single perspective, but should adopt a constructive attitude and reach a settlement through communication. This paper analyzes a case of domestic service dispute, analyzes the crux of the problem from multiple perspectives, and actively puts forward practical and effective countermeasures and suggestions to eliminate misunderstandings, restore trust, protect the rights and interests of all parties, and achieve social harmony.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

1. How the case occurred

In December 2022, Ni, a woman from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, hired a woman, Li Juan (pseudonym), to clean up at home on an online platform. The two did not intersect before, and they were contacted through the platform. Li Juan worked diligently on the surface and achieved the expected results. But after the work, Ni found that Li Juan not only stole her brand-name skin care products worth 3,080 yuan, but also used her other cosmetics without authorization. Ni then called the police and demanded that Li Juan compensate for the loss. Under the coordination of the platform, Li Juan finally compensated Ni 13,800 yuan.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

2. Behavioral motivation analysis

Why did Li Juan behave like this? The author may have the following psychological motives in his analysis:

First of all, Li Juan's life may be relatively poor, and she cannot enjoy high-end cosmetics on weekdays, which has a wrong compensation psychology. When she saw high-end brand-name skin care products, her desire was difficult to control for a while, and she had an irrational impulse to possess.

Second, she may lack the right sense of professional ethics and legal knowledge. Failure to understand that taking other people's property without permission is contrary to professional ethics and violates the law.

Again, she may lack sufficient understanding and respect for her employer's lifestyle and consumption level. The illusion that the person being served is rich and will not mind his small actions.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

To sum up, it can be seen that Li Juan's behavior may have originated from an erroneous judgment under subjective conditions, rather than subjective malice or premeditation.

3. Analysis of the consequences of behavior

Li Juan's actions have had an adverse impact on all parties:

For her personally, after her behavior was exposed, her reputation was damaged and her financial losses were also significant. They are more likely to face the serious consequences of fewer job opportunities and a reduced quality of life.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

For the employer, Ni, not only the property loss is obvious, but also the pain of having his rights violated, which may have a psychological shadow of domestic service.

There is also a negative impact on the domestic service industry as a whole. It may lead to a decline in both service quality and social trust.

To sum up, it can be seen that Li Juan's actions not only harm others and herself, but also harm society, and should be taken as a warning.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Fourth, improvement and prevention

In response to such incidents, there are the following suggestions for improvement and prevention:

For domestic workers, it is necessary to strengthen the systematic training of vocational skills and moral education, and strengthen the self-discipline and normative awareness of the service process, so as to avoid the occurrence of anomie behavior;

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

For employers, when choosing a housekeeping platform and personnel, they should carefully consider the service items and precautions in advance, and keep their valuables properly;

For housekeeping service platforms, it is necessary to improve the background investigation mechanism for employees, establish and improve the mechanism for handling customer complaints and personal and property safety guarantees, and provide high-quality intermediary and regulatory services.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Only when domestic service practitioners, employers and service platforms work together to establish a scientific and harmonious user relationship, can the livelihood project of domestic service be healthy and sustainable, effectively protect the interests of all parties concerned, and promote social harmony.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Netizen comments

Some netizens said: Li Juan may really be forced by life, and we should not condemn it unconditionally. But she should be guided on the right path.

Some netizens also said: Li Juan's behavior does not make sense no matter what, and she should be punished by law to set an example.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Some netizens said: The suggestions put forward are very pertinent, and the ideas for solving the problem are worth appreciating. However, the realization requires the promotion of large platforms such as Beidou housekeeping to form a scale.

Some netizens also said: Employers should also be cautious when choosing service personnel to avoid becoming victims. When a problem occurs, instead of retaliating, it is better to change the way of thinking and give people a chance to mend their ways.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Another netizen said: This case shows that no matter which side you are, unnecessary losses may be caused by a lack of communication and understanding. Each of us should put ourselves in the shoes of others, and society will be more harmonious.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Finally, some netizens said: In the face of such problems in housekeeping services, in addition to handling individual cases, relevant enterprises and government departments should also take active actions, such as strengthening the career guidance of housekeeping employees, improving the housekeeping justice system, and making it standardized and transparent. This is also an important part of solving problems and promoting social development.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

5. Summary and Suggestions

Through case reflection, it can be seen that domestic disputes involve a wide range of issues and have a far-reaching impact. We must jump out of the corner of the view, give full play to the role of attributes, and jointly promote the healthy development of domestic service, a livelihood cause:

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

Housekeeping practitioners should establish a sense of service, strengthen their self-cultivation, and fulfill their duties;

Employers should trust employees and resolve hidden dangers through effective communication;

Intermediary institutions should seek truth from facts, improve service networks, and maintain social fairness and justice;

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

The general public also needs to look at it rationally, judge based on facts, and give support and help;

Government departments need to incorporate housekeeping into the scope of social construction and governance, and form a joint force so that problems can be solved and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

The woman works as a cleaner in someone else's house, but secretly has other plans

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