
The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

author:Edamame baby


The son of a star, is it destined to be special?

Wearing famous brands, living in luxury houses, and having endless wealth and resources, this is the label of celebrity children in people's minds.

But are they destined to be "different"?

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Some children are born without the gift of health; Some people are not born to grow up like ordinary people...... Even if they have far more than ordinary people.

So, are the children of celebrities destined to be "special"?

Ni Ping: One person, one world, illuminating hope

Ni Ping, a famous host in China.

once fell in love with director Chen Kaige, and later married photographer Wang Wenlan.

Wang Wenlan has a deep love for Ni Ping.

The wedding of the two was held in Paris, Ni Ping put on a pure white wedding dress, and Wang Wenlan looked at his beloved bride intently.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

"From now on, you are all I have.

Wang Wenlan whispered in Ni Ping's ear.

Soon after marriage, Ni Ping gave birth to her son Wang Huzi.

The arrival of this little life made Wang Wenlan very happy.

He was full of anticipation and thought that he must let his son live a rich and happy life!

But just when Wang Wenlan was immersed in joy, the cruel reality made him fall into an ice cave - his son was born with severe cataracts, and he could basically be diagnosed with complete blindness in the future.

This pair of young parents was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Wang Wenlan was stunned, his face pale.

And Ni Ping covered her face and cried non-stop.

She couldn't believe that God could be so unfair - she had already achieved fame in her career, but the child she gave birth to suffered from such an incurable disease!

For a time, great grief overwhelmed this small family.

My son needs ongoing surgeries and treatments, which in turn require a lot of money.

For the sake of the child, Ni Ping was desperate, she gave up all her career, and Wang Wenlan took the child to travel between experts and hospitals around the world.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

The family's savings are depleted like flowing water, and the couple's life is becoming increasingly strained.

During this period, Xiao Wang Huzi has realized that his physical condition is different from ordinary people, and he often cries and asks his mother: "Why can't I see clearly? Every now and then, Ni Ping's heart is like a knife.

She kept reassuring her son, saying that he would definitely get better.

But in fact she herself was desperately praying that Heaven would favor the poor child.

Day after day, the huge pressure caused a discord between Ni Ping and Wang Wenlan.

The two quarreled over the child's illness, and there was no laughter in their tired lives.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Gradually, a rift appeared in their relationship.

For the sake of the child, they originally planned to stay together, but the burden of reality almost crushed this marriage.

Under the continuous blows, Ni Ping began to smoke under pressure.

She smoked all day and looked at the corridor outside the ward with a blank face.

Cigarette butts were piling up, but she couldn't figure out what she had done wrong to meet these calamities.

In the end, Wang Wenlan still filed for divorce.

After the divorce, he went abroad alone.

And Ni Ping continued to take Huzi to the hospital for treatment.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

She still doesn't want to give up, she just wants to do all her best to save the child's faint hope.

Just when the two were about to run out of savings and were about to lose their support, a savior appeared.

Ni Ping's friend Feng Xiaogang learned of her plight and generously gave her a lot of money.

With his help, Ni Ping finally survived the most difficult days, and her son's condition stabilized.

But the ordeal didn't end there.

The son's eyes were still dull and blurry.

Ni Ping had to quit her job and take him around the world to find a cure for him.

She's still holding on, day after day, year after year.

This journey with no end in sight, she doesn't know when it will end.

However, she did not dare to stop - because she would be there for her son as long as he needed her.

She was the only light in his dark world, the only one who could give him hope and reliance.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Therefore, on this road full of thorns, she will continue to walk, even if despair is always around.

Feng Xiaogang: Come to Japan and see the cold

Feng Xiaogang also had a similar encounter with Ni Ping.

His eldest daughter, Feng Siyu, was diagnosed with a severe congenital cleft lip and palate when she was born.

That year, Feng Xiao had just married his first love Zhang Di.

Both of them are ordinary employees and live a small and fortunate life.

When they were pregnant, they imagined a lot of pictures about the future of their children.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

But when the child is really born, all good expectations come to naught.

Feng Xiaogang's whole person fell into sadness and self-blame, this was his first test as a father, but he was at a loss and at a loss in the face of huge medical expenses.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaogang's old classmate Feng Gong generously donated when he learned of the incident and paid all the costs of the child's surgery.

Under the careful treatment of the doctor, my daughter's condition slowly improved and gradually recovered.

After experiencing this catastrophe, Feng Xiaogang's perception of life has changed a lot.

He began to forge ahead and work hard.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Finally, when his daughter grew up to be a teenager, Feng Xiaogang was already a well-known director.

What he has achieved is unprecedentedly brilliant.

However, when he stands at the peak of his life and looks back on those difficult years, there will still be ripples in his heart.

He couldn't forget how he felt when he was powerless in the face of his daughter's illness.

That helplessness and despair are still vivid in my mind today.

Therefore, when his friend Ni Ping told him that his son was born with cataracts and he was on the verge of collapse, Feng Xiaogang did not hesitate at all and immediately gave Ni Ping a lot of money.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Perhaps, this is his way of trying to make amends, but the scars of those painful years are difficult to completely erase in this life.

In an interview many years later, Feng Xiaogang talked about the past with a sad face.

He said: "Everything I have experienced has taught me a truth.

When you stand on a high place and look back, you will see traces of a fall on the other side of the hill.

I hope that those who have fallen will be able to get up as well. ”

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Xie Jin: Deep in thorns, looking for hope

Unlike Ni Ping and Feng Xiaogang, director Xie Jin's experience is more like an endless nightmare.

He and his wife, Xu Dawen, have four children together, and three of these four children suffer from different degrees of disability and illness.

At first, the eldest and third were diagnosed with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities.

This result caught Xie Jin and Xu Dawen off guard.

They thought that it was a family joy to be surrounded by their children, but they would have encountered such misfortune.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

What's even more desperate is that just before they can recover from this bad news, the youngest son was also diagnosed with severe intellectual disability, which is undoubtedly worse.

Three disabled children have brought great hardship and pain to the family.

They can't learn to Xi and play like normal children, and they can't integrate well into society.

In addition to taking care of their daily life and diet, Xie Jin and his wife also take them to various rehabilitation training classes every day.

The heavy work and mental stress left both of them with deep wrinkles on their faces.

"What does God want me to do! Why should God play with me so ruthlessly!" Xie Jin once murmured so painfully to his wife in the middle of the night.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

His eyes were red, and he smoked a cigarette as if he were about to burn himself out.

The three children are in different conditions, but all of them are not recovering.

At home, they often quarrel over trivial matters, and sometimes even act violently.

The neighbors' children were afraid of them, so none of their friends wanted to approach the gloomy house.

"They speak, laugh and cry like any other child.

It's not that I don't love them, I really love them, I do my best...... Xu Dawen also cried, she sincerely loved her three children, but they just couldn't become "normal".

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Of the three disabled children, the youngest son is the most in serious condition.

In addition to his intellectual disability, he also suffered from a rare form of epilepsy.

Not only is there no medicine to treat the disease, but it can also be transmitted to others.

So this unfortunate child has lived in isolation and helplessness all his life.

Feng Siyu, the only healthy daughter in the family, became the only comfort for Xie Jin and his wife.

But they didn't dare to count on their daughter, for fear that the only glimmer of hope would be disillusioned at any time.

So in order to protect her daughter, Xie Jin tried to reduce her contact with the three brothers as much as possible, for fear that she would also be harmed.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

After years of torture, in 2008, Xie Jin's youngest son died.

Two months later, Xie Jin, who lost his only flesh and blood, also died at the age of 65.

His wife, Xu Dawen, was left alone in the world, but she had no choice but to continue to take care of her disabled eldest son and third son.

Eight years later, she also passed away in tears.

In 2022, Xie Jin's eldest daughter Feng Siyu also passed away due to illness.

There is only one person left in the entire family.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Xie Jin had a hard life, and he suffered a huge blow in his later years.

Before his death, he wanted his children and grandchildren to be around his knees, but he didn't expect his children to die early one after another.

After this catastrophe, Xie Jin blamed himself bitterly, and also reflected on whether his Xi of alcoholism would be the root cause of his children's disabilities.

But at this time, the pain and remorse cannot be remedied, and he is destined to carry this heavy shackle to the end of life.

Zhao Benshan: Go against the current and fight for life

Compared with the tortuous and bumpy fate of his predecessors, comedian Zhao Benshan's encounter is equally tragic.

His youngest son, Zhao Yunfei, was born with severe congenital heart disease.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

If this disease cannot be treated by surgery in time, the consequences are unimaginable.

That year, Zhao Benshan's career was on the rise.

He runs around filming all day long, and he has to receive temporary notices at night.

Although he made a lot of money, most of it was used to cover his family's expenses.

He and his beloved wife Ge Shuzhen live in poverty, and they can't afford such an expensive major surgery.

"What should I do? If I don't earn any more money, I won't be able to save my child's life!" Zhao Benshan walked around the house anxiously.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Ge Shuzhen hugged her thin son, tears flashing in her eyes: "I can save money, you can work hard...... The child must be saved!"

Zhao Benshan gritted his teeth, endured the headache and exhaustion, and continued to carry the drama and announcement.

Finally, when his son was 8 years old, he scraped together enough money to pay for the operation.

The child finally underwent heart surgery, which was temporarily out of danger.

"Great! We're finally getting through it!" Zhao Benshan hugged his wife and cried bitterly, as if he had lifted the burden of a thousand catties on his shoulders.

After the successful operation, Zhao Yunfei's physical condition improved, and Zhao Benshan also prospered step by step in his career.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

He became a household name and a big-name comedian, earning an unprecedented amount of money.

His huge fame and wealth gave him the confidence to fight against fate.

He thought that his son would never have to worry about seeing a doctor again.

However, the good times did not last long, when Zhao Yunfei was 12 years old, his condition suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse, and he passed away after rescue efforts.

This bad news made Zhao Benshan's wife feel painful.

Zhao Benshan also seemed to have lost his soul, he was so discouraged that he couldn't laugh anymore.

The former super laugher is extremely depressed at this moment.

"I've given him everything I can, but why, can't I stop him from leaving?" Zhao Benshan asked the ceiling in the middle of the night.

He couldn't understand why he was suffering in this way - first trying his best to earn money to save his son, and then his son died in front of his eyes when it seemed that hope was coming.

The pain was so breathless that he could no longer laugh as well as he had done before.

The cruelty and ruthlessness of fate ruined the nature of this master of comedy.

His smile faded into people's memories later.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Teacher Zhao, who was able to make everyone laugh back then, now only has a vicissitudes of life and a wound that can never be healed.

Tengger: My heart is eternal, you are in the starry sky

Compared with what happened to other celebrities, the personal experience of the old Inner Mongolian artist Tengger and his wife is more like a sad legend.

Their daughter was destined to live in sickness in just four years of life, ending in early death.

In 1998, Tengger met a dancer on the show, who was 18 years younger than him.

After falling in love at first sight, the two soon entered into marriage.

Soon after their marriage, they had a daughter named Duninger.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

For Tengger, Duninger is the pearl of his palm, the most precious gift of his life.

For the sake of this daughter, he reduced his work and took care of her daily life with all his might.

He often sang in the yard with Duninger in his arms, and threw her high and caught her, and the two of them laughed happily.

It was Tengger's happiest day.

However, the good times were short-lived.

When Duninger was 4 years old, she suddenly had a physical problem and was soon diagnosed with acute polio.

If not treated properly, this disease can easily lead to lifelong paralysis.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

When the news came, Tengger's whole body collapsed, and he even wanted to die directly at one point.

In order to save his daughter, Tengger did not hesitate to bankrupt his family.

He traveled around the country with Duningale in search of the best treatment.

But after several twists and turns, the condition is still gone.

Eventually, Duninger died of illness at the age of 6.

"My daughter, the eternal song of my heart......" The death of his daughter was so devastating to Tengger that it was difficult to put into words.

He soaked in alcohol all day long, trying to numb himself.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Everyone advised him to cheer up, but no one understood his pain.

That night, Tengger took Duninger's favorite doll and sat alone in her room.

"Look, here's your favorite flower.

Daddy is here with you......" he muttered to himself, tears on his face.

Every furnishing in this room reminded him of the bits and pieces of his daughter's life.

"I will always remember you and love you forever.

Every year on your death day, I will sing a song to you...... Sent to the farthest reaches of the starry sky.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Tengger looked up at the starry sky outside the window, and he knew that his daughter must be shining somewhere there at the moment.

The wounds that Duninger gave him were too deep to heal for the rest of his life.

But he still has other flesh and blood in the world, so Tengger did not give up on himself.

Many years later, he lost his beloved wife again, and the hardships in his life continued to rise again and again.

However, the memory of the past has always supported him through the ups and downs of life and has never succumbed.

The son of a star, is it destined to be special?

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

Ordinary parents will also have unfortunate children.

Ordinary people will also encounter the sorrow of life.

In a high position, there is endless glory; But they are also human beings after all, and they cannot escape the encounters of the world.

In the face of birth, old age, sickness and death, celebrities are as fragile as we are.

In the face of natural and man-made disasters, they are also powerless like any ordinary person.

Money is not everything, it cannot solve the difficulties of life.

It does not give eternal salvation, only time is the only medicine.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them


The years passed, the story faded, and the memory faded.

We will eventually find that no matter what kind of identity, all joys and sorrows are just normal feelings.

On the road to growth, everyone has to go through ups and downs; One day, no one can decide the final destination.

That's why we have love and courage, aren't we, like those celebrity parents, for the love of our hearts, and move forward proudly.

The six celebrities who gave birth to disabled children are all sympathetic, and no matter how rich they are, they may not be able to cure them

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