
"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach

author:Fresh citrus DL

With the arrival of the cold autumn and winter, our body needs more warmth and nourishment, and taking care of the spleen and stomach has become the key. As a Chinese medicine proverb that has been passed down for thousands of years says: "It is better to nourish the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter than to wear a mask." "At this time of year, choosing some recipes that warm up your body and are good for your spleen and stomach health is one way to take care of yourself. Here are five nutritious recipes to keep your body healthy and energized during the cold season.

1. Yam egg custard: Yam egg custard is a nourishing food. Yam is rich in mucin, which helps to strengthen immunity, and contains a variety of minerals and vitamins, which are beneficial to the spleen and stomach. Combined with eggs, the intake of protein and high-quality fats provides long-lasting energy, making it an ideal warm-up for autumn and winter.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach

Ingredients: Yam: 200g, peeled and sliced, eggs: 3 pieces, water: to taste, salt: to taste, cooking oil: to taste


1. Prepare the ingredients: Peel the yam and cut it into thin slices. Crack the eggs into a bowl and set aside.

2. Stew yam soup: Put the yam slices into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes until the yam is soft and rotten.

3. Beat the eggs: Beat the eggs in another container and stir well with chopsticks.

4. Mix yam soup: Add an appropriate amount of salt to the stewed yam, then stir well, then pour in the beaten egg mixture slowly, stirring while pouring to make the yam and egg mixture evenly mixed.

5. Steamed egg custard: Pour the mixed yam egg mixture into the steaming tray and steam over low heat for 10-15 minutes until the egg custard solidifies.

6. Remove from the pot: Remove the steamed yam egg custard and add a small amount of cooking oil to enhance the taste.

7. Cut into cubes: Once the egg custard has cooled slightly, cut into small pieces.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


(1) Yam selection: Choose fresh yams, which have a better texture and taste.

(2) Steaming egg custard: Control the steaming time of the egg custard to avoid overcooked egg mixture and rough taste.

(3) Stir well: Stir well when adding the egg mixture, so that the yam and the egg are fully integrated.

2. Steamed sea bass: Steamed sea bass is a healthy recipe that people love. The meat of sea bass is tender, rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which helps to strengthen physical strength, while the steaming method can retain the original flavor of the ingredients, which is good for the spleen and stomach to digest.

Ingredients: Sea bass: 1 tail (about 500g), ginger: appropriate amount, sliced, green garlic or chives: appropriate amount, cut into sections, cooking wine: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount, cooking oil: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


1. Prepare the sea bass: Remove the scales, gills, and internal organs of the sea bass, wash it, and make a few cuts on each side of the fish with a knife to help absorb the flavor.

2. Marine: Spread some salt evenly on both sides of the fish, then put the ginger slices into the belly of the fish, sprinkle with some cooking wine, and marinate for 10-15 minutes.

3. Steaming: Put the marinated sea bass into the steamer and add an appropriate amount of water. Steam on high heat for 10-15 minutes, or extend the steaming time according to the size of the fish until the meat is white and cooked through.

4. Remove from the pot: Remove the steamed sea bass and discard the soup from the steamed fish.

5. Seasoning: Sprinkle with chopped green garlic or chives and drizzle with light soy sauce and hot oil to make it even more delicious.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


(1) Choose sea bass: Choose fresh sea bass with clear eyes, bright scales, and bright red gills.

(2) Steaming Temperature: Control the steaming time to keep the fish fresh and tender, and not over-steaming.

(3) Seasoning: When seasoning, you can add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce according to your personal taste, and add chives and ginger slices to enhance the taste.

3. Braised white radish: Braised white radish is a delicious and delicious home-cooked dish. White radish is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve indigestion. The braised cooking method adds to the deliciousness, making the white radish an ideal ingredient for nourishing the spleen and stomach during the cold season.

Ingredients: 1 white radish (about 500g), ginger: appropriate amount, sliced, green onion: appropriate amount, cut into sections, garlic: appropriate amount, minced garlic, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, brown sugar: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


1. Prepare the radish: Peel the radish, cut it into hob pieces or slices, and make them evenly sized.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan, add ginger, green onion and minced garlic after heating, and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Stir-fried white radish: Add the chopped white radish cubes and stir-fry evenly so that the white radish can absorb the fragrance evenly.

4. Add seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and cooking wine, stir-fry well, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of brown sugar, and stir-fry until the white radish pieces are colored.

5. Add water and simmer: Add enough water, cover the pot, turn to low heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes until the radish is soft and glutinous.

6. Juice receiving: Add salt to the juice and keep stirring to make the seasoning even.

7. Plating: Place the braised white radish on a plate and sprinkle with chopped green onions for garnish.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


(1) Choose white radish: Choose fresh white radish with a firm texture and smooth skin for better taste.

(2) Stewing time: The simmering time can be adjusted according to the size of the white radish and personal taste to ensure that the white radish is cooked until soft and glutinous.

(3) Sweetening skills: Adding brown sugar can enhance the color of the roasted vegetables and also give the white radish a certain sweetness, but the dosage should not be too much, and it should be adjusted according to personal taste.

4. Lion's Mane Mushroom Stir-fried Meat: Lion's Mane Mushroom Stir-fried Meat is a delicious and nutritious dish. Lion's mane mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which help boost immunity. With meat, the protein intake is more comprehensive, and the crispy texture can also awaken the appetite, making it a nutritionally balanced choice in the cold season.

Ingredients: Lion's Mane mushroom: appropriate amount, cleaned and cut into sections, lean pork: appropriate amount, sliced, green garlic: appropriate amount, cut into sections, ginger: appropriate amount, sliced, garlic: appropriate amount, minced, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


1. Handle the lion's mane mushrooms: Wash the lion's mane mushrooms and cut them into even pieces.

2. Prepare the meat: Slice the lean pork, slice the ginger, and cut the green onion into sections.

3. Stir-fry lion's mane mushrooms: Heat the pan with cold oil, put the lion's mane mushrooms in the pan and stir-fry so that the water comes out and the water evaporates at least.

4. Stir-fry the pork slices: Add the sliced pork and stir-fry until browned.

5. Add seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and cooking wine, and stir-fry well.

6. To taste: Add salt, some sugar and pepper to taste, stir well.

7. Juice removal: After the lion's mane mushrooms and meat slices are cooked, add the green onions, ginger slices, and minced garlic, and continue to stir-fry until the flavor is well absorbed.

8. Plating: Finally, sprinkle the chopped green garlic and stir-fry the meat with lion's mane mushrooms.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


(1) Choose Lion's Mane mushroom: Choose a lion's mane mushroom with a complete appearance, white skin, and no insect moth.

(2) Master the heat: The stir-fried meat of lion's mane mushroom should not be overheated to maintain the tender taste of lion's mane mushroom.

(3) Seasoning skills: When seasoning, you can add an appropriate amount of salt according to your personal taste, pay attention to the amount of light soy sauce, and avoid being too salty.

5. Brown Sugar Egg Water: Brown Sugar Egg Water is a traditional nourishing drink. Brown sugar has a warming effect on the body, while eggs are a good source of high-quality protein. This drink warms the stomach and provides plenty of energy, making it a warm choice for replenishing energy in autumn and winter.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, brown sugar: to taste, warm water: to taste

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


1. Prepare the eggs: Crack the eggs into a bowl.

2. Egg beating: Beat the eggs well with chopsticks or whisks.

3. Add brown sugar: Add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to the egg mixture, which can be moderately increased or decreased according to personal taste.

4. Stir well: Stir the brown sugar and eggs well until the brown sugar is completely melted.

5. Warm water: Slowly add an appropriate amount of warm water and stir while adding water so that the egg mixture and water are well mixed.

6. Filtration: You can use a strainer to strain it to make the egg liquid more delicate.

7. Heating: Put the mixed egg mixture into a pot and heat it slowly over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from falling into egg drops.

8. Cooked: Wait for the egg mixture to thicken, then turn off the heat, being careful not to over-boil to avoid affecting the taste.

9. Filling: Pour the boiled brown sugar egg water into the cup and serve.

"Nourishing the spleen and stomach in autumn and winter is better than wearing a mask", recommend 5 recipes to nourish the spleen and stomach


(1) Brown sugar selection: You can choose brown sugar with good quality and pure color to enhance the taste and aroma of the drink.

(2) Stir well: Make sure to stir well at each step to make the drink smoother.

(3) Be careful when adding water: Add water gradually to avoid stratification of the egg liquid.

In this time of autumn and winter, it is particularly important to enrich the spleen and stomach and maintain good health. Egg custard with yam, steamed sea bass, braised white radish, stir-fried pork with lion's mane mushrooms, and egg water with brown sugar are all delicious choices in terms of taste and nutrition. Through careful selection of ingredients and scientific combinations, we can not only enjoy the food, but also strengthen the immunity in the cold season and inject a steady stream of energy into the body. In this warm season, let us feel the warmth of winter from the food, and may your spleen and stomach be cared for and your body will become stronger and stronger.

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