
How do engineers invite engineering bosses to dinner and make people impressed with you? These four points must be paid attention to!

author:Engineering lattice

Inviting the engineering boss to dinner is an opportunity to show himself and an opportunity to communicate with industry elites. However, how to impress and leave a positive impression on you is a question that needs to be carefully considered.

Inviting an engineering boss to dinner is an opportunity to show yourself, but it's important to be sincere and respectful. In the business situation, we should pay attention to professional ethics and appropriate code of conduct, these four points must be paid attention to, especially the fourth!

1. Choose the right venue:

Choose a cozy, quiet restaurant where you can easily communicate and listen. Consider the preferences and needs of the big guys, choose the dishes and the environment.

Choose an intimate, low-key place, preferably a private clubhouse near the big guy's house. Communicate well with the clubhouse management beforehand and give tips for special care. When you lead the big guy into the clubhouse, let the service staff give the big guy a warm welcome and let the big guy feel that this is your home field. Will such a high-end club be incapacitated?

How do engineers invite engineering bosses to dinner and make people impressed with you? These four points must be paid attention to!

2. Pay attention to details:

Make sure that the restaurant environment is clean, the service is considerate, and the quality and taste of the dishes are good. Try to avoid strong fragrances that may affect the dining experience.

Prepare some light and pleasant fragrances in the private room in advance, so that people feel comfortable as soon as they enter. When ordering, don't let the big guy order the food himself, just ask the manager to ask the big guy if there are any taboos. Finally, prepare a specially carefully prepared dish for the big guy, and let the foreman introduce how difficult the raw materials of the dish are to obtain, reflect the value of the dish, and let the big guy feel your intentions.

How do engineers invite engineering bosses to dinner and make people impressed with you? These four points must be paid attention to!

3. In-depth communication:

Respect the opinions and opinions of the big guys, listen more and talk less. Showcase your expertise and experience, but don't be boastful or exaggerated. Have meaningful conversations with bigwigs to build good interactions and trust.

Listen more and talk less, and try to follow the big guy's train of thought. Don't think that the boss is obligated to help you just because you have eaten a meal, and don't mention at the dinner table that you need the boss's help. When the meal is over, just mention it briefly. Clever bosses can understand your intentions. Finally, I would like to mention that I will visit again next time, which increases the chance of in-depth communication again. Remember, having dinner with a big guy for the first time will leave an impression and feeling. The more calm and mature you are, the more the big guy will appreciate you.

How do engineers invite engineering bosses to dinner and make people impressed with you? These four points must be paid attention to!

4. Other suitable opportunities for interaction:

Don't use eating as a means to please others, but build real cooperation and relationships. If you have the opportunity, you can suggest other suitable ways to interact, such as visiting the project site or participating in industry events together.

Most importantly, be sincere and honest. Build a real partnership with the bigwigs by showcasing your professionalism and values, rather than just chasing the superficial impression.

How do engineers invite engineering bosses to dinner and make people impressed with you? These four points must be paid attention to!

Dining with engineering bosses is not only an opportunity to show yourself, but also an opportunity to build a long-term relationship. It is only through genuine hard work and professionalism that we can achieve long-term success in our engineering careers.

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