
A well-known male star exposed that his daughter was bullied on campus, and in these situations, your child may be being bullied

A well-known male star exposed that his daughter was bullied on campus, and in these situations, your child may be being bullied

January 3rd


The topic rushed to the hot search.

Hao Shaowen released a video saying,

"It didn't happen in a day or two."

The incident has attracted widespread attention.

A well-known male star exposed that his daughter was bullied on campus, and in these situations, your child may be being bullied
A well-known male star exposed that his daughter was bullied on campus, and in these situations, your child may be being bullied

In recent years, the phenomenon of school bullying has been very prominent all over the world, and it is also common in social news reports on the mainland.

Wenwen (not her real name), a 14-year-old girl from Fuzhou, has been very worried about her parents in the past few months.

From pistachio to taciturn

Wenwen, who used to be an optimistic and cheerful girl, had excellent grades and had her own interests and hobbies, and was a "pistachio" in the eyes of teachers and parents.

After entering junior high school, she became emotionally unstable, often staying alone in her room, losing her concentration in Xi, and even resisting school.

Wenwen's parents tried various methods, but with little success, and even lost their temper because of it.

At the suggestion of others, they took Wenwen to the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology of the Children's Specialized Campus of Fuzhou First General Hospital (Fuzhou Children's Hospital in Fujian Province) for treatment.

Psychotherapist Huang Ting learned about Wenwen's real distress through psychological interviews and psychological grids.

It turned out that Wenwen dissuaded him when his classmates quarreled, but he was misunderstood by everyone as meddling. Afterwards, the classmates squeezed out Wenwen together.

Wenwen has lived with her grandparents since she was a child, and her parents have only returned to her hometown in the past two years, Wenwen and her parents have a lack of communication, and they don't know how to ask for help after the incident, so they began to close themselves off and have no intention of learning Xi.

After the psychological counseling, Huang Ting provided Wenwen with social strategies and discussed emotional catharsis plans, and at the same time, she also instructed Wenwen's parents on how to better communicate with their children.

With Wenwen's self-change and the active cooperation of her family, she made new friends and became cheerful.

What is school bullying?

School bullying is referred to as student bullying in the Law on the Protection of Minors, which stipulates that student bullying is "an act that occurs between students, where one party deliberately or maliciously uses physical, verbal, and online means to bully or insult, causing personal injury, property damage, or mental damage to the other party."

Surveys show that about 20%-25% of teens become perpetrators, victims, or both in school bullying. Large-scale studies in Western countries show that 4%-9% of adolescents regularly engage in bullying behavior, and 9%-25% of school-age children are bullied.

For these students who have been bullied at school, how to get out of the shadow of this incident will be a lifelong topic for them and their parents.

A well-known male star exposed that his daughter was bullied on campus, and in these situations, your child may be being bullied

(Network diagram)

What are the signs that a child is being bullied at school?

Suddenly not wanting to go to school: the child finds various reasons to prevaricate to go to school, or has low motivation to study Xi school;

Unprovoked changes in mood: the child suddenly appears depressed, capricious, sensitive and irritable, or has a tantrum and poor emotional control;

Complaining that some classmates target him: the child often complains about the school and dissatisfaction with his classmates, and complains about relationship problems with his classmates;

Scars on the body: The child came home from school and was dirty, and there were scars on his body, which were caused by a fight, but the child insisted that he was accidentally injured and must not be ignored;

Abnormal behavior: the child acts to secretly harm himself;

Sleep problems: Children often report that they can't sleep at night, or parents find that their children fall asleep late.

Why doesn't the child ask for help?

Threatened by bullies: "If you dare to tell your parents, you will die";

Children themselves are more sensitive and introverted, do not have a good coping strategy when encountering problems, and are afraid of finding someone to deal with and being criticized for making a big fuss;

I once asked my parents for help, but I didn't get the attention of my parents: "The child is a little conflicted";

The school did not detect and deal with it in a timely manner.

In the face of school bullying, parents should take the following steps:

1. Educate children about self-esteem, self-love and self-protection

Avoid making your child blindly obedient and teach them to seek help from their parents or teachers when they are struggling. Parents should communicate with teachers in a timely manner to solve problems together.

2. Maintain emotional stability and support your child unconditionally

Parents should stay calm and give their children full care and support after they find out that their children are being bullied. Tell your child that parents will do everything they can to help them through this difficult time.

3. Accept your child and avoid criticism and accusations

Parents should understand and accept their children's reactions and avoid stressful behaviors, such as blaming their children. Pay attention to the psychological needs of children and help them come out of the shadows.

4. Encourage your child to be brave

Thank the children for having the courage to tell their parents about their experiences and let them know that only by facing them bravely can the problem be solved. At the same time, parents should actively communicate with the school to seek effective solutions.

5. Guide children to establish correct values

Tell your child to resist bullying at school and not to be a victim or a perpetrator. Cultivate children's empathy, learn to respect others, and live in harmony with others.

Source: Fujian Health News

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