
Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

author:Motivated Xiao Yin

In the cross-border cooperation between digital games and traditional culture, we have witnessed surprises again and again. Recently, the high-profile action mobile game "Honkai Blacksmith" has launched a creative collaboration with the well-known gold and silver jewelry brand Long Fengxiang. The Golden Ticket they launched is inspired by the character Drinking Moon in the Honkai World and its gorgeous ultimate, especially the pattern depicting the Drinking Moon card drawing posture, which is expected to become the new favorite of Krypton players.

Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

Drinking Moon not only has a unique oriental aesthetic shape, but also has become a C-rank powerhouse in the game with its strong output ability. The reproduction of such a character will undoubtedly set off a rush of purchases in the New Year's version 2.0. At the same time, the gold ticket has the game's logo printed on the back, but information about its gold quality has not been released to the public, which also adds a veil of mystery.

Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

The estimated value of the gold ticket is $1,000, and the price will fluctuate in line with the volatility of the gold market. For 0Kr players who are unwilling or unable to invest a lot of money in in-game or in-game merchandise, this expensive crossover product may be frustrating.

Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

Not only that, although the design of the Golden Ticket is quite ingenious, it may not match the aesthetics of young players and the convenience of daily carrying. This may become a test point for the success of the linkage.

Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

In addition, the officially announced Stop Cloud SP version of the character is also about to meet players. Although the specific character characteristics have yet to be officially announced, players' expectations for this new member have skyrocketed.

Game meets tradition: Honkai Blacksmith joins hands with Long Fengxiang to launch the "Golden Ticket" to spark a collection fever

Linked items often have a certain collectible value because of their rarity, and the gold ticket undoubtedly has such potential. On the whole, the linkage between Honkai Blacksmith and Long Fengxiang has undoubtedly brought new vitality to the game market, and at the same time, it has also put forward new thinking on the integration of traditional and modern culture. We look forward to more creative collaborations like this in the gaming world.

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