
Director He's tongue diagnosis: This fan seems to have two spleen and kidney deficiency!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I am Dr. He, and I will continue to teach you tongue diagnosis today.

Director He's tongue diagnosis: This fan seems to have two spleen and kidney deficiency!

Start by looking at both sides of the tongue

It belongs to the reflex area of the liver and gallbladder, the tongue on both sides is red, and there is a bulging situation, indicating that the liver qi has been stagnant for a long time, and the depression turns into fire. It can make all the qi in the body circulate normally, so if the qi is stagnant, it will turn into heat and fire. When it is reflected on the tongue, it will appear to be swollen. The sides are red. Then the liver is hot, and there will be symptoms of irritability, hot body, easy anger, dry mouth and bitter mouth.

Director He's tongue diagnosis: This fan seems to have two spleen and kidney deficiency!

Second, let's look at the middle of the tongue. and the base of the tongue.

The middle of the tongue belongs to the middle burnt spleen and stomach. The base of the tongue corresponds to the lower coke of the kidneys.

From the middle of the tongue to the surface of the tongue, it is covered with a thick yellow and greasy tongue coating, indicating that the spleen and kidney are deficient, and the dampness is hot. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, and the spleen is the acquired foundation, if the spleen yang and kidney yang are insufficient, the temperature can not get rid of the dampness, and the dampness accumulates in the body for a long time, reaching a critical value that the body can not bear, it will be depressed and turn into heat, and progress into damp heat. People are more likely to get angry, have acne on their faces, and have a bad smell in their mouths, as if they came back from the stomach. Men may experience symptoms such as scrotal dampness, decreased libido, and inadequacy.

Women will have itching at the base of the thighs, yellowing of the vaginal discharge, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the spleen is drained, the spleen and yang are deficient, and the subtlety of the water valley cannot be transported, there will be undigested food in the stool, accompanied by burning,

But in general, spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency are mostly caused by liver stagnation.

The liver stores blood, the kidney stores essence, the spleen transforms qi and blood, the liver and kidney are homologous, and the essence and blood are mutual.

That is to say, there is a production line between the liver, spleen and kidney, and if any one side drops the chain, the other side will have problems.

Therefore, the problem of kidney deficiency after liver stagnation is unavoidable.

Director He's tongue diagnosis: This fan seems to have two spleen and kidney deficiency!

So in response to this situation,

First of all, it is necessary to soothe the liver and regulate qi, clear dampness and heat, first solve the problem of the liver, and open up the stasis in the body, and then use the method of nourishing the spleen and kidney, the effect will be better.

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