
Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

author:Beijing News

The TV series "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-wai and starring Hu Ge is being broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV and other platforms, and Hu Ge plays the male protagonist A Bao in the play. A few days ago, Hu Ge said in an interview with the media that he has been in contact with director Wong Kar-wai's works since middle school, and never thought that he would have the opportunity to meet him, let alone appear in his works. "This filming of "Flowers" is like a dream. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

Hu Ge said that the filming of "Flowers" this time was like a dream.

In 2017, he contacted Wong Kar-wai and envisioned a person as a triangle

In 2017, Hu Ge met Wong Kar-wai for the first time. Recalling the scene at that time, Hu Ge said that he received a phone call at that time, saying that Director Wong Kar-wai wanted to see him. "When I arrived at the agreed place, I saw Director Wang wearing his signature sunglasses. To be honest, I was very nervous at the time, because I liked to watch Director Wang's works since middle school, and he was my idol. ”

That day, Wong Kar-wai and Hu Ge chatted a lot, talked about their views on the novel "Flowers", and also talked about Hu Ge's own growth experience. "Director Wang's first consideration was to let me play Bao, and later, at one time, he wanted me to play the triangle alone, and play Husheng, Xiaomao and Bao at the same time. Because someone watched my drama "Dream Like a Dream" at that time, they felt that they saw many of my faces on the stage, so Director Wang thought of this plan. ”

The idea of one person playing the triangle is only "short-lived". In the end, Wong Kar-wai cut down the complexity and simplified, and only chose Po as the core character. In order to play this role well, Hu Ge and the entire crew have made full preparations. "Before officially joining the group, we had a three-year preparation period, under the leadership of Director Wang, we collected a lot of information about that era, and invited experts in stocks, 'old mages' of foreign trade companies, etc., as 'brain power', to guide the crew at any time. Before the start of filming, the actors also entered the stage in advance, immersed in the atmosphere of the 90s of the last century. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

The actor is immersed in the atmosphere of the 90s of the last century.

The atmosphere of the times created by Wong Kar-wai also evoked Hu Ge's childhood memories. For example, the 1:1 restoration of the Yellow River Road in the play made Hu Ge quite emotional: "Although I have not eaten on the Yellow River Road, I passed by the Yellow River Road, and the Yellow River Road in my impression is just like the one presented in the play, neon is eye-catching, and thousands of flowers are like the sea." ”

Working with Wong Kar-wai is like falling in love, always providing emotional value

This is the first time Hu Ge has cooperated with Wong Kar-wai. In Hu Ge's view, this cooperation is more like falling in love. "At the beginning, I was nervous, nervous, and I was torn between being confident and not confident. Slowly, you will find that as long as he is there, you will be at ease, much like falling in love. ”

The drama "Flowers" was filmed for a total of three years, and the long cycle also affected the actors' emotions, while Wong Kar-wai provided stable emotional comfort. "After the shooting, everyone was on the verge of collapse, and there was a lot of pressure on all sides. But looking at Director Wang, who was energetic and meticulous at the scene, and watching him go back to meetings and write scripts after filming every day, all the tiredness was eliminated at once, and I felt that I could do it again. ”

In the play, Ah Bao and Lingzi (played by Ma Yili), Miss Wang (played by Tang Yan), and Li Li (played by Xin Zhilei) have a lot of rivalry. In Hu Ge's view, Lingzi and Ah Bao are the relationship between Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie. "Ah Bao is Zhu Bajie, and Lingzi is Sun Wukong, always cutting through obstacles for Zhu Bajie in front, so that Zhu Bajie can sit back and enjoy his success. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

In Hu Ge's view, Lingzi and Ah Bao are the relationship between Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

Po (left) and Ms. Wang (right).

Miss Wang and Po are the relationship between the second hand and the minute hand: "Do you see if the second hand and the minute hand meet once in 60 seconds? It's 61 seconds. Because when the second hand turns around, the minute hand has already moved forward one notch. But it's not actually 61 seconds, it's a little bit more than 61 seconds, because when the second hand goes one more second, the minute hand moves forward a little more. So this intersection between the two of them is always a little farther than everyone thinks. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

Hu Ge believes that Ah Bao and Li Li are like the sky and the sea, mirroring each other.

As for Ah Bao and Li Li, Hu Ge believes that they are like the sky and the sea, mirroring each other and full of mystery. "The sky and the sea are far apart, but when you look at the sunrise and sunset, you find that they are connected. ”

"Flowers" is a story of the fathers, and I have been interested in it since I was a child

For Hu Ge, "Flowers" is a pursuit of the memories of his father's generation, and it is also a supplement to the imagination of the past years. "'Flowers' is the story of my parents' generation. I've been interested in my parents' upbringing since I was a child, but every time I try to get to know them, I always feel that there are things they don't want to talk about, or even recall. So when I saw "Flowers", I was immediately fascinated and felt that I was learning about my father's past in another way. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

For Hu Ge, "Flowers" is a search for the memories of his father.

"Flowers" tells the story of the 90s of the last century, when Hu Ge was in elementary school. "Looking at the changing times from a child's perspective is very limited. But I later remembered that the adults at that time were so busy. Like my dad, he was also in business with a group of friends at the time, trying to change his life through his own efforts, and he had very little time at home. Sometimes I hear my parents talking about people around me who get rich overnight, just like the narrator in our drama said, some people get rich overnight, and some people go to zero in half a day. ”

Hu Ge: Wong Kar-wai hopes that I will find the feeling of Li Xiaoyao in "Flowers".

Hu Ge played the protagonist Li Xiaoyao in the TV series "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Wong Kar-wai once mentioned Hu Ge, and when performing Ah Bao, he should have the feeling of Li Xiaoyao at the beginning: "I believe that in that era, there were many young people like Ah Bao, who wanted to seize the opportunity in the tide of the times and change their fate and life through their own efforts." But after experiencing ups and downs, you will find that the most important thing is love and righteousness. ”

Edited by Wu Longzhen

Proofread by Lucy


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