
Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

author:Jin Zhisheng


Huang Liang dreamed, and woke up with nothing.

Isn't a conformist life the biggest dilemma in life? However, when everything seems to be going smoothly, it is undoubtedly a big surprise in the process.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Once upon a time, he used to be gorgeous and colorful on the TV screen, but now he is like a bleak starry sky, why is this?

Teenagers study and start the road to stardom

Qiu Menghuang, an ordinary name, is pregnant with an extraordinary soul.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Born to a military father and a strict mother, Qiu Menghuang grew up under strict discipline, and compared to other children, his childhood was occupied by a lot of schoolwork and tutoring.

His parents strictly controlled his life, and he could not enjoy his childhood as carefree as other children.

The harsh environment made him develop a diligent and studious character, but also made him lack the skills to get along with people.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

However, it was this rigorous education that cultivated his studious character and laid a solid cultural foundation.

He is stable and introverted, and he is not good at mingling with people, and he spends all day with books.

When he was in college, literature became Qiu Menghuang's greatest hobby.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

In his heavy workload, reading is the only thing he enjoys.

From Tolstoy's war and peace to Zweig's essentials for life, he read countless classics.

He not only read a large number of classics, but also learned to appreciate the beauty of words and cultivate his own unique literary feelings.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The Xi of the major in ideological and political education has also made him handy in communication and speech.

However, he is still confused about the future.

He wasn't sure what he wanted, and he didn't know what he was suitable for.

After graduation, Qiu Menghuang did not choose the cultural media industry, but went to a printing and dyeing factory and began a simple working life.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

This decision surprised everyone, but he was resolute.

During that time, he lived a very hard life.

The work of getting up early and working late consumed most of his energy, and his ideal literary dream had nowhere to be realized.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

But he doesn't regret it.

In the printing and dyeing factory, he still went his own way, and he was incompatible with ordinary workers.

However, the factory leaders appreciated this maverick young man and regarded him as a pillar of talent.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Perhaps it is precisely because of Qiu Menghuang's unique temperament and attitude towards doing things that the leaders have a green eye and appreciation for him.

Xingtu started and frequently appeared on stage, and Hunan Taiwan has made remarkable achievements

Under the persuasion of friends and family, Qiu Menghuang returned to campus and chose to major in acting.

He realized that he loved literature and communication, and this was his pursuit.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Regaining his literary dreams, he plunged headlong into interpretation and speech, and soon made it to the auditions.

After entering Guangxi Taiwan, he relied on his excellent professional skills and solid cultural accomplishment, and gradually showed his edge.

Although his appearance is not outstanding, his unique style and inner temperament have made him stand out in the hosting industry and won the reputation of "Aqiu".

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

In front of the camera, he is always confident and calm, and his language organization skills are excellent, which is recognized by the whole stage.

Hunan Taiwan was an important starting point for his career.

Here, he hosted the famous variety show "North and South Laughing Stars" and became famous in one fell swoop.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The show was unprecedentedly popular, and Aqiu successfully ignited the screen with his witty humor and communication skills.

He is diligent and studious, strict with himself, and his hosting ability is increasing day by day.

Aqiu knew that the opportunity was rare, and began to study the programs and roles he hosted for a long time.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

He always puts his heart and soul into making sure every detail is perfect.

Soon, he became a pillar and was widely acclaimed.

The leaders were full of praise for him, and his colleagues also looked at him differently.

Aqiu also harvested the first pot of gold in his life and began to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of a successful career.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

appeared on the CCTV stage and soared into the sky

When CCTV threw an olive branch to Aqiu, he happily went.

This is his dream for many years, the ultimate affirmation of his strength and reputation.

At first, he presided over "Social Record", but Aqiu still continued his style, went deep into the society, and told the bits and pieces.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

His deep introverted and humorous coexistence allow the audience to see him diversely.

Aqiu quickly found the positioning of the program and adjusted his language style and attitude according to different topics.

He can be serious and humorous at the same time.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

This changeable charm is loved by the public.

Soon, he hosted programs with different styles such as "People New Weekly" and "Daily Story Collection".

With his outstanding performance, the program ratings broke records.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Advertisers and commercial sponsors have come and gone, and Aqiu has become one of the highest-paid hosts.

At this time, he was immersed in the joy of career success and thought that fame and fortune were what he deserved.

At this moment, Aqiu has become a well-known star host.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Walking down the street, there are always people who greet him and ask for a group photo.

He has also become a role model and goal for future generations to learn Xi.

At this time, he met his girlfriend Xu Huanyu, who was a professional in acting.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The two have similar interests and have nothing to talk about together.

Soon after, the two naturally entered into marriage.

Marriage derailment leads to a storm

However, the good times did not last long, and in 2009, Aqiu's negative news spread all over the Internet.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

It turned out that he had a strange relationship with a female college student, and the relationship between the two was ambiguous.

This caused an uproar at the time, and countless netizens condemned what he did.

For a time, the sound of criticism was endless.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

CCTV also expressed deep sorrow for Aqiu's actions, believing that he had failed the host's responsibilities and disappointed the audience.

Aqiu could only acquiesce to the facts afterwards and apologize to the public.

However, the questioning of his character has swept away like a flood.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

As a public figure, his private life should not have been in the spotlight.

But this incident has undoubtedly refreshed the public's perception.

Soon, Xu Huanyu also publicly announced that the two were divorced.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The breakdown of this marriage has also become a topic of conversation after dinner.

More importantly, Aqiu lost the company of his wife for many years, and at the same time lost the recognition of the public.

As a punishment and punishment, CCTV stopped all of Aqiu's work, and he had to go behind the scenes.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

There is no more Aqiu in the hosting world.

For a long time, he lived in isolation.

The former followers and applause are far away from him.

However, this turmoil also made him deeply reflect on what he has done over the years.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Perhaps the original mistake of laissez-faire and slackness was the beginning of a turning point in fate.

During the new crown epidemic, he was expelled for losing his word, and his tragic life ended

In 2020, the new crown epidemic swept the world, and China achieved remarkable results in fighting the epidemic.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The whole country is united in helping each other, and the international community has mixed reviews.

At this time, Aqiu made erroneous remarks on the Internet, demanding that the Chinese people apologize to the world.

This undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, which immediately attracted a boycott, and countless netizens were outraged.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Public opinion was in an uproar, and voices of condemnation were everywhere.

He not only betrayed public expectations, but also failed to live up to the great righteousness of the Chinese nation.

He has become a negative focus again, and he can no longer shirk it.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

The disappointment of his last shred of trust finally led CCTV to expel him.

So far, he has transformed from a news host to a street rat, and everyone shouts and beats him.

The connections and prestige accumulated over the years are all lost.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

Frustrated, he no longer appears in the public eye.

Throughout his life, he never understood why it was difficult to recover.


Life only exists once, but there is more than one struggle.

Expelled by CCTV and demanding that the Chinese apologize to the world, 55-year-old Aqiu is now poor

We are all inevitably confused, and we all have to face the wind and waves.

Only by watching people's hearts can we be safe.

The lesson that comes from the mouth is meaningful, and we need to be vigilant at all times to have peace.