
Wandering the world

author:Quiet reading to solve doubts
Wandering the world

"Lin Chenghou, the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance, can't finish talking for a few days and nights!" a storyteller recounted with great interest.

"When he was more than ten years old, he was in charge of the Sword Gate, and before he was twenty years old, he defeated Yang Xu, the 'jade-faced swordman' of the Taishan faction, and won the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. He has dominated the rivers and lakes for more than 20 years and has become a generation of legends, and there are only a handful of people who have been compared with it for more than 100 years. ”

"Jianmen, the head of the four major schools in the world, and the Nine Dragons of Stunt are the first of the 'Four Great Masters of the Central Plains'. Lin Chenghou cultivated Xi Nine Dragons Technique, and even practiced the eighth and ninth layers that had not appeared in the world for more than a hundred years. ”

"A lifetime of dominance, invincible opponents all over the world. But the most glorious record was dozens of fifteen years ago, outside Kyoto, the head of the Tianshan faction, Duanmu Hongcheng. ”

"Twenty years ago, the Taoist Heavenly Master Ziyang Zhenren suddenly disappeared, and Louguan's Three Treasures Sword, Purple Gold Red Gourd and Green Jade Ring were all gone. Ye Fashan and Luo Gongyuan fought fiercely for the position of Heavenly Master, Wang Ji defeated Duanmu Hongcheng with small means and innate restraint, Louguan has since returned to Ye Fashan, and Luo Gongyuan went south to re-establish the sect in Qingcheng, Sichuan and Shu. ”

Duanmu Hongcheng coveted the innate qi of this unique science, coupled with his resentment against Louguan, he followed Wang Ji to leave Louguan, destroyed Huashan Manmen, and burned the century-old foundation to ashes. The people of the rivers and lakes angrily besieged the palace, and finally forced the imperial court to hand over Duanmu Hongcheng. ”

"This is not the end of the disaster, but the beginning of it. The martial arts people who participated in this battle said that Duanmu Hongcheng could walk the ghost path, drive thunder and lightning, and his martial arts were superb. The battle was fought from the city of Chang'an to the outside of the city of Chang'an, with rivers of blood, corpses all over the field, and mountains of bones. ”

"This 'Jiaxu Blood Tribulation', one of the two major calamities in martial arts, lasted for three days and three nights. Lin Chenghou led the Jianmen group to hurry to calm the chaos. ”

The storyteller was about to continue, but was interrupted by a little beggar in ragged clothes and unkempt hair: "This is all Chen sesame seeds and rotten grains in the year of the monkey......

The crowd was dissatisfied, but the little beggar caused laughter with his amusing words and actions.

"Are you looking for death?" a disgruntled passer-by questioned the little beggar. The little beggar didn't care, and stood on the wall to pee, causing everyone to laugh.

Suddenly, a man stood up and laughed at Lin Chenghou: "He relied on himself to be from the Sword Gate, Lin Fengyi's son." If I had the support of the Sword Gate and the Nine Dragons Technique, I would definitely be better than him! Duanmu Hongcheng had been fighting for three days and three nights before he went, and it was obvious that a blind cat had met a dead mouse. ”

The little beggar couldn't hear it, so he suddenly struck out and beat the man to the ground. Everyone was dumbfounded, and the little beggar sneered: "I've bypassed you today." In the future, if you don't open the door with your mouth, you will be beaten once you see it, and even if you can't see it, you will be disabled when you chase it to the house. ”

With that, the little beggar turned and left, leaving behind a stunned passer-by and a frightened man. This little beggar, although young, showed an extraordinary talent for martial arts.

The little beggar roamed the north and south, living a hard life, and he looked back on his journey and sighed at the splendor of the south and the desolation of the north. In front of the Drunken Immortal Tower, he found a place to rest and look at the scenery in the distance. He recalled drinking water outside the Lichun Courtyard, which was not where he lived, but it became a sight to behold during his long journey.

In the early morning, he got up in Xi and lived a precarious life. I have tasted the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but I always feel that the taste is different from what I expected. He was Xi using the earth as a bed, the sky as a quilt, and enjoying free sleep.

The little beggar is proud of not paying taxes, and he laughs at himself for not daring to rob or steal. He was never afraid of life and death, but he was afraid that he would hesitate.

One day, he sang a song of counting treasures in Dogtail Alley, which attracted a lot of attention. The onlookers touched left and right, attracted by the little beggar's performance. He has a sweet mouth and a good heart, which is completely different from the fierce appearance when he beat people before. The little beggar squinted his eyes and grinned: "This brother is handsome and chic, and that sister is as beautiful as a flower." ”

He began to talk auspicious words endlessly, the allegro in his hand kept tapping, and his exaggerated expression made everyone laugh. Within a stick of incense, the little beggar pocketed his money and returned to his abandoned old house in Dogtail Alley.

A group of little beggars saw him come back and rushed over. The little beggar generously poured the money from his clothes on the ground, which immediately caused a scramble. It all happened so naturally, as if the family was sharing the fruits of their hard work.

Someone suddenly asked about the rumors that the little beggar was leaving, which attracted everyone's attention. The little beggar acknowledges this fact and explains that he can't be here all the time. This news immediately made the corners of everyone's mouths reluctant.

"The old grandfather said, he said that the meal he had yesterday at the Zuixian Mansion was because you were leaving. A little beggar confirmed to the little beggar.

"Oh yes, that's what I wanted to tell you today. The little beggar responded.

"Why are you leaving? Everyone was puzzled, and for a moment stopped what they were doing, and surrounded the little beggar to ask.

The little beggar happily responded: "A good man has ambitions in all directions, and I can't always stay here." Although his heart was full of joy, he couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw everyone's crying faces, "Actually, to be honest, I don't worry about you either, after all, you are all so young." However, don't be afraid, after careful observation and continuous pondering during this period of time, I have figured out a set of 'begging skills', and I will teach you all of them today. ”

"Huh?" a group of little ones cried out in surprise, "this begging is still magical." ”

"Of course. The little beggar replied, "What is the world going on, there is no magic skill, there is no cheat, you have to listen well, as long as you study my cheats thoroughly, in the future, make sure that you have a good time, and the beggar has a smooth journey!"

"Definitely, definitely. A group of little ones immediately pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word.

The little beggar cleared his throat and began to teach in detail the external and internal exercises of the "Begging Skill". He stressed that he had to beg for food in a different way, and he couldn't simply reach out and ask for it. He talked about the techniques he practiced, such as Allegro, counting Treasures, somersaults, as well as auspicious words and jokes. Everyone looked at each other for a while, as if they understood or not.

"This begging, you have to practice your muscles and bones on the outside, and you have to practice your muscles and bones on the inside!" The little beggar said passionately, "The so-called external training of muscles and bones is to say, that is, you have to change your tricks to beg! You can't just see people stretching out their hands! After all, 'clothes come to stretch out your hands, and rice comes to open your mouth' This is talking about those sons and brothers, not us who ask for food. ”

"For example, Allegro, counting treasures, turning over, saying auspicious words, telling jokes...... Wait, wait!" he took the trouble to demonstrate and explain to them.

"These, I have taught you a lot during this time, how have you learned?" he looked at everyone expectantly.

Most shook their heads and muttered that it was too hard. But there are also excited, "I have learned, I have learned!" "Don't say it, it's really useful!" Last time, I came to count the treasures, and I asked for a lot!" "Me too, said an auspicious word, they were happy!"

The little beggar nodded, satisfied. "Look, you have to learn more from the dogs in the future, and you have to teach everyone more!"

Then, the little beggar told them, "In addition to practicing the muscles and bones on the outside, you also have to practice on the inside! ”

"First, you have to be pitiful, of course, you look very pitiful, you don't have to pretend to be ......"

"Second, you have to be able to see the 'pearls', you have to be able to read words and looks. ”

"This is asking for food, but it's not something you can ask for if you want it, and it's not something someone will give you if you ask for it. ”

"How so...... I don't know if you can make a fortune, but it's not good, it's a small matter to endure cold and starvation, if you meet a master who is not easy to mess with, you will be punched and kicked, maybe your little life will have to be put in. ”

"So, it's all a skill, or even an art. ”

"For example, if you meet those who have nothing to do on the road, who are angry, and who are in a hurry, you must not stretch out your hand, not only do not stretch out your hand, but also, you must hide as far away as possible. Remember?" the crowd immediately nodded, "yes." But when should I do that?"

"It depends on the situation, like if you meet those kind young couples with a half-grown child, or a young man with a girl who is not very close, or those dumb scholars, heroes with righteous words......

"When you meet these people, you rush over to make sure you want a quasi-child, and ah, the number is not too small. ”

"Of course, there are also those recognized gentlemen in ten miles and eight towns, whether he is a true gentleman or a hypocrite, as long as you will ask for it, he will give it, when you meet these people, you have to ask for it before people, you can't ask for it later, and ah, the more people there are, the more he will give. ”

The little beggar became more and more excited, jumped up the steps and continued:

"Also, weddings and funerals have to be married, red and white ceremonies have to be wanted, and when you see someone in that family who has been promoted to high school, you have to go quickly, and you have to count the days when you hear that the ground has started there. ”

"Moreover, you have to laugh at happy events, you have to cry for bad things, and you have to respond to the sound when you meet blowing, playing and singing, but if the main family is busy, you must not do too much, go there and wait, there will definitely be someone to give. ”

"Of course, the best thing to ask for is for a rich man to give his parents a birthday, as long as you are happy and loud, say a few nice words, as long as you don't say the wrong thing, the reward is at least double. Do you understand?"

"Huh!" Some people shook their heads, some nodded, but they all looked confused, as if they were listening to a dream.

The little beggar looked proud, and said, "Do you understand? Isn't there a feeling of enlightenment, sudden enlightenment, and sudden enlightenment, and the feeling of opening up the second pulse of Ren Du at once?"

Not surprisingly, everyone shook their heads in unison, each expressionless and with dull eyes...

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